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3.4.11 Academic program coordination

For each major in a degree program, the institution assigns responsibility for program coordination, as well as for curriculum development and review, to persons academically qualified in the field. In those degree programs for which the institution does not identify a major, this requirement applies to a curricular area or concentration.

Judgment of Compliance

Sam Houston State University (SHSU) assigns responsibility for program coordination, as well as curriculum development and review, to persons academically qualified in the respective fields.  For each major and/or program for which SHSU offers a degree, the respective dean assigns responsibility for coordination to the department chair, who is appointed by and serves at the discretion of the academic dean [1]. Responsibility may be further delegated to a program coordinator, graduate advisor, or a doctoral program director who assists the chair and/or dean in directing the respective program. In all cases, an academically qualified faculty member is assigned this responsibility. In exceptional cases, a faculty member from outside an academic discipline may be asked to serve as a temporary chair. However, in these rare cases, departmental faculty with adequate qualifications retain responsibility for the development and supervision of the curriculum.

SHSU considers individuals academically qualified if they possess: (a) the terminal degree in the field or a closely related field or (b) a combination of academic and professional experience sufficient to establish expertise within the field.  The document entitled “Minimum Terminal Degrees Recognized by SHSU” lists the minimum degree recognized as terminal for each degree program [2]. For the vast majority of degree programs offered at SHSU, the earned doctorate is recognized as the terminal degree. However, the MFA in Dance, Theater, Studio Art, Photography, and Interior Design; the MM in Music; and the MLS in Library Science are also considered to be terminal degrees in those listed areas. The list is periodically reviewed and updated based on recommendations from the department chairs and academic deans, with final approval resting with the Provost.

As demonstrated in the following tables, each undergraduate and graduate program at SHSU has an academically qualified individual responsible for program coordination. At both the undergraduate and graduate level, the department chair assumes these responsibilities, but in complex departments with many specialized programs, program coordinators may be designated to assist the chair.  Examples of job responsibilities listed in recent department chair job postings have been provided [3], [4], [5].  In addition, each doctoral program may designate a program director, who reports to the department chair.

Responsibility for program coordination is assigned to qualified individuals who assume responsibility for programs across all modalities (e.g., face-to-face and online).  To support the department chair or program coordinators in ensuring that faculty teaching online courses have the appropriate training, the university created the Distance Education and Learning Technologies for Academics (DELTA) Center.  The DELTA Center provides training and technical support to faculty to facilitate their ability to deliver curricular content.  As part of its mission, the DELTA Center offers high quality course development services for faculty, year-round technical support, and professional development opportunities. 

The individuals listed in the tables below are assigned responsibility for program coordination, as well as for curriculum development and review, in their respective departments (see Tables 1 – 7). Vitae can be accessed by clicking on the respective names in the tables.

Table 1. Degree Program Coordinators in the College of Business Administration

Department and Major

Department Chair

Program Coordinator or Lead Faculty Member (If Different Than Chair)

Degrees, Majors, and Additional Qualifications Rationale

Business Administration, MBA


Dr. Juliana Lilly

BS Hotel/Restaurant Management
University of Houston (1984)
MBA Management
Stephen F. Austin State University (1986)
PHD Business Administration
The University of Texas At Arlington (2001)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Department of General Business and Finance

Dr. Kurt Jesswein


BBA Accounting
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (1979)
MIB International Business
University of South Carolina (1982)
PHD Business Administration
University of South Carolina (1992)

Qualification Rationale: PHD Emphasis in International Business, Finance, and Banking

General Business, BBA

See Dept. Chair Above



Entrepreneurship, BBA


Dr. Robert Matthews

BA Mathematics/Economics
Rice University (1970)
MACC Accounting
Rice University (1975)
JD Law
University of Houston (1986)

Qualification Rationale: Academic and professional experience, see vita

Finance, BBA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Banking and Financial Institutions, BBA    


Dr. Jim Bexley

Blackstone School of Law, Chicago (1955)
BBA Management
The University of Texas At El Paso (1964)
MBA Management
University of Houston (1968)
PHD Bank Marketing
University of Stirling, Scotland (2006)

Qualification Rationale: Significant professional experience, see vita

Business Administration-Banking and Financial Institutions, MBA


Dr. Jim Bexley

Blackstone School of Law, Chicago (1955)
BBA Management
The University of Texas At El Paso (1964)
MBA Management
University of Houston (1968)
PHD Bank Marketing
University of Stirling, Scotland (2006)

Qualification Rationale: Significant professional experience, see vita

Department of Accounting

Dr. Philip Morris


BBA Management
Sam Houston State University (1985)
MBA General Business
Sam Houston State University (1987)
MS Accounting
University of Houston-Clear Lake (1991)
PHD Accounting
Texas Tech University (2000)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Accounting, BBA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Accounting, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Economics and International Business

Dr. Doug Berg


BSB Accounting
University of Minnesota (1981)
PHD Economics
Texas A&M University (1996)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Economics, BBA    

See Dept. Chair Above



International Business, BBA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Management and Marketing

Dr. Gerald Kohers


BS Electrical Engineering
Mississippi State University (1987)
MBA Business Management
Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1989)
PHD Business
Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1993)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Management, BBA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Human Resource Management, BBA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Management Information Systems, BBA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Marketing, BBA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Project Management, MS


Dr. Pamela Zelbst

BBA General Business
Sam Houston State University (1997)
MBA Business Administration
Sam Houston State University (1998)
PHD Business Administration
The University of Texas At Arlington (2006)

Qualification Rationale: PHD specialization in Information Systems and Production Operations Management


Table 2. Degree Program Coordinators in the College of Criminal Justice

Department and Major

Department Chair

Program Coordinator or Lead Faculty Member (If Different Than Chair)

Degrees & Majors

Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology

Dr. Gaylene Armstrong


BA Psychology
University of Manitoba, Canada (1995)
MA Criminology and Criminal Justice
University of Maryland, College Park (1998)
PHD Criminology and Criminal Justice
University of Maryland, College Park (2000)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Criminal Justice, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Victim Studies, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Criminal Justice Leadership and Management, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Criminal Justice and Criminology, MA


Dr. Danielle Boisvert

BS Biology
University of Western Ontario, Canada (2001)
MFS (Forensic Science)
The George Washington University, Washington, DC (2002)
PHD Criminal Justice
University of Cincinnati (2009)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Criminal Justice, MS, PHD


Dr. Danielle Boisvert

BS Biology
University of Western Ontario, Canada (2001)
MFS (Forensic Science)
The George Washington University, Washington, DC (2002)
PHD Criminal Justice
University of Cincinnati (2009)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Victim Services Management, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Forensic Science

Dr. Sarah Kerrigan


BSC Chemistry
The University of Hull, England (1992)
PHD Chemistry
The University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) (1998)

Qualification Rationale: Significant professional experience, see vita

Forensic Science, MS, PHD

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Security Studies

Dr. Jurg Gerber


BA Government
Eastern Washington University (1982)
MA Sociology
Washington State University (1984)
PHD Sociology
Washington State University (1988)

Qualification Rationale: Criminal Justice and Security Studies is commonly a subset of the Sociology discipline.  Dr. Gerber has an extensive research agenda with publications in Criminal Justice journals, see vita

Homeland Security Studies, MS

See Dept. Chair Above




Table 3. Degree Program Coordinators in the College of Education

Department and Major

Department Chair

Program Coordinator or Lead Faculty Member (If Different Than Chair)

Degrees, Majors, and Additional Qualifications Rationale

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Daphne Johnson


BSED Elementary Education
University of Houston (1984)
MS ED Related Science: Reading
University of Houston-Clear Lake (1988)
PHD Educational Psychology
University of Houston (1998)

Qualification Rationale: Combination of academic degrees and research and certification, see vita

Interdisciplinary Studies, BA, BS


Dr. Sylvia Taube

BSED Mathematics
Mindanao State University (Marawi City, Philippines) (1971)
MAT Secondary Mathematics
University of The Philippines, Quezon City (1976)
PHD Curriculum/Instruction
State University of New York At Albany (1992)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Curriculum and Instruction, MA, MED


Dr. Jalene Potter

BS Interdisciplinary Studies - Reading
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi (1997)
MS Reading
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi (2000)
PHD Curriculum and Instruction
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi (2012)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Instructional Technology, MED


Dr. Kimberly LaPrairie

BBA Accounting
Henderson State University (1997)
MED Curriculum and Instruction
University of Louisiana-Lafayette (2002)
PHD Educational Leadership/Research
Louisiana State University and A&M College (2007)

Qualification Rationale: Extensive research agenda in discipline, see vita

Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling

Dr. Judy Nelson


BSED Education
The University of Texas At Austin (1970)
MA Psychology-Counseling/Guidance
The University of Texas At San Antonio (1984)
PHD Human Services
Capella University (1997)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Administration, MA, MED


Dr. Cynthia Martinez-Garcia

BS Interdisciplinary Studies
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (1998)
MS Educational Administration
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (1999)
EDD Educational Leadership
Texas A&M University-Kingsville (2007)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Educational Leadership, EDD


Dr. Julie Combs

BS Curriculum/Instruction
Texas A&M University (1986)
MED Educational Administration
Texas A&M University-Commerce (1990)
EDD Educational Administration
Texas A&M University-Commerce (1994)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Instructional Leadership, MA, MED


Dr. Barbara Polnick

BSED Elementary Education
University of Houston (1975)
MED Education
Sam Houston State University (1980)
EDD Educational Administration
Texas A&M University (1999)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Higher Education Administration, MA


Dr. Peggy Holzweiss

BS Psychology
Texas A&M University (1991)
MS Educational Administration
Texas A&M University (1994)
PHD Educational Administration
Texas A&M University (2010)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Counselor Education, PHD


Dr. Richard Watts

BMED Music
Sam Houston State University (1980)
MA Religious Education
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1987)
PHD Counseling and Student Services
University of North Texas (1994)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

 Counselor Education, MA 1


Dr. Sheryl Serres

BS Elementary Education
East Texas Baptist University (1977)
MED Education
Sam Houston State University (1979)
PHD Counseling
Texas A&M University - Commerce (2004)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Counseling, MED 1


Dr. Sheryl Serres

BS Elementary Education
East Texas Baptist University (1977)
MED Education
Sam Houston State University (1979)
PHD Counseling
Texas A&M University - Commerce (2004)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

School Counseling, MED


Dr. Sheryl Serres

BS Elementary Education
East Texas Baptist University (1977)
MED Education
Sam Houston State University (1979)
PHD Counseling
Texas A&M University - Commerce (2004)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Developmental Education Administration, EDD


Dr. Patrick Saxon

BSBA Marketing/Management
Appalachian State University (1988)
MBA Business Administration
Appalachian State University (1990)
EDD Developmental Education
Grambling State University (2011)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Clinical Mental Health Counseling, MA


Dr. Sheryl Serres

BS Elementary Education
East Texas Baptist University (1977)
MED Education
Sam Houston State University (1979)
PHD Counseling
Texas A&M University - Commerce (2004)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations

Dr. Barbara Greybeck


BA Psychology
Ohio University (1970)
MS School Psychology
Ohio University (1974)
PHD Education, Language, and Literacy
University of California, Berkeley (1995)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Special Education, MED


Dr. Corrina Cole

BA Academic Studies
Sam Houston State University (1993)
MED Special Education
Sam Houston State University (1999)
PHD Educational Psychology
Texas A&M University (2009)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Special Education, MA


Dr. Amanda Bosch

BA Psychology
University of Nevada (2002)
MS Psychology
North Dakota State University (2006)
PHD Psychology
University of Florida (2011)

Qualification Rationale: Extensive research agenda in discipline, see vita

Reading, MA


Dr. Nancy Votteler

BS Interdisciplinary Studies
University of Houston (1992)
MS Reading
University of Houston-Clear Lake (2000)
EDD Curriculum and Instruction
University of Houston (2007)

Qualification Rationale: Focus of coursework in EDD in Curriculum and Instruction was Reading/Literacy

Reading/Language Arts, MED


Dr. Joan Williams

BSED Secondary Education
North Texas State University, Denton (1970)
MED Reading Education
Southwest Texas State University (1982)
PHD Reading
Texas Woman's University (2003)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Literacy, EDD  


Dr. Nancy Votteler

BS Interdisciplinary Studies
University of Houston (1992)
MS Reading
University of Houston-Clear Lake (2000)
EDD Curriculum and Instruction
University of Houston (2007)

Qualification Rationale: Focus of coursework in EDD in Curriculum and Instruction was Reading/Literacy

International Literacy, MED


Dr. Mary Petron

BSED Spanish and Latin American Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison (1990)
MA Hispanic Studies
Northwestern University (1994)
PHD Foreign Language Education
The University of Texas At Austin (2003)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Department of Library Science

Dr. Holly Weimar


BSED Elementary Education
Stephen F. Austin State University (1984)
MLS Library Science
Sam Houston State University (2002)
EDD Curriculum and Instruction
University of Houston (2007)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Library Science, MLS

See Dept. Chair Above



1 Program being phased out.


Table 4. Degree Program Coordinators in the College of Fine Arts and Mass Communication

Department and Major

Department Chair

Program Coordinator or Lead Faculty Member (If Different Than Chair)

Degrees, Majors, and Additional Qualifications Rationale

Department of Theatre and Musical Theatre

Ms. Penny Hasekoester


BA Drama
Eastern Kentucky University (1972)
MA Theatre
Western Kentucky University (1973)
MFA Drama
The University of Texas At Austin (1993)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Theatre, BFA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Musical Theatre, BFA

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Art

Mr. Michael Henderson


University of North Texas (1983)
University of North Texas (1986)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Computer Animation, BFA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Art-Advertising and Graphic Design, BFA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Photography, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Art-Photography, BFA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Art, BA, BFA

See Dept. Chair Above



Art-Studio Art, BA, BFA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Dance

Ms. Jennifer Pontius


BA English
The University of Alabama At Birmingham (1986)
MA English
California State University, Dominguez Hills (1990)
MFA Dance
The Florida State University (1996)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Dance, BA, BFA

See Dept. Chair Above



Dance, MFA

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Mass Communication

Dr. Jean-Richard Bodon


BA Philosophy
Birmingham-Southern College (1973)
MA Journalism
The University of Alabama (1976)
PHD Mass Communication
Florida State University (1985)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Mass Communication, BA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Digital Media, MA

See Dept. Chair Above



School of Music

Dr. Scott Plugge


BM Saxophone
Baylor University (1984)
MM Music Performance
Northwestern University (1985)
DM Music Performance
Northwestern University (2004)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Music, BA, BM

See Dept. Chair Above



Music Therapy, BM

See Dept. Chair Above



Music Therapy-Correctional, BM    

See Dept. Chair Above



Music, MM

See Dept. Chair Above



Band Conducting, MA

See Dept. Chair Above




Table 5. Degree Program Coordinators in the College of Health Sciences

Department and Major

Department Chair

Program Coordinator or Lead Faculty Member (If Different Than Chair)

Degrees, Majors, and Additional Qualifications Rationale

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Dr. Janis White


BA Home Economics
Sam Houston State University (1973)
MA Home Economics
The University of Iowa (1978)
PHD Clothing/Fashion Merchandising
Texas Woman's University (1994)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Interior Design, BA, BS


Dr. Laura Burleson

BS Home Economics
Oklahoma State University (1984)
MS Housing, Interior Design, and Consumer Studies
Oklahoma State University (1986)
PHD Consumer Economics and Environmental Design
Texas Tech University (1993)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Family and Consumer Sciences, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Food Science and Nutrition, BS    


Dr. Valencia Browning-Keen

BS Dietetics
Lipscomb University (1983)
MS Nutrition
Case Western Reserve University (1985)
PHD Nutrition
Texas Woman's University (1992)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Food Service Management, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Fashion Merchandising, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Health Services and Promotion

Dr. Miguel Zuniga


MD General Practice
Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Honduras (1985)

MHA, Health Systems Management
Tulane University of Louisiana (1990)

PHD Health Systems Management
Tulane University of Louisiana (1994)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Health Sciences, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Bilingual Health Care Studies, BA    

See Dept. Chair Above



Wellness Management, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Health Care Administration, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Public Health, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Health, MA   

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Kinesiology

Dr. Ryan Zapalac


BS Kinesiology
University of Houston (1998)

MED Physical Education-Sport and Fitness Administration
University of Houston (2001)

PHD Kinesiology
University of Houston (2004)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Kinesiology, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Athletic Training, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Kinesiology, MA

See Dept. Chair Above



School of Nursing

Dr. Anne Stiles


BSN Nursing
The Ohio State University (1971)
MSN Nursing
Oral Roberts University (1986)
PHD Nursing
Texas Woman's University (1990)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Nursing, BSN

See Dept. Chair Above




Table 6. Degree Program Coordinators in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department and Major

Department Chair

Program Coordinator or Lead Faculty Member (If Different Than Chair)

Degrees, Majors, and Additional Qualifications Rationale

Department of Communication Studies

Dr. J.D. Ragsdale


BA Speech and Dramatic Arts
Samford University (1961)
MA Speech
University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign (1963)
PHD Speech
University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign (1964)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Communication Studies, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Communication Studies, MA

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of English

Dr. Helena Halmari


BA Foreign Language Teaching
University of Tampere, Finland (1978)
MA English Philology
University of Tampere, Finland (1984)
MSS Library Science
University of Tampere, Finland (1986)
MA English Composition
California State University, San Bernardino (1990)
MA Linguistics
University of Southern California, Los Angeles (1992)
PHD Linguistics
University of Southern California, Los Angeles (1994)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

English, BA    

See Dept. Chair Above



English, MA

See Dept. Chair Above



Creative Writing, Publishing, and Editing, MFA

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Foreign Languages*

Dr. Rhonda Callaway


BA History
The University of Texas at Austin (1987)
MA History
University of North Texas (1995)
PHD Political Science
University of North Texas (2001)

Qualification Rationale: *Due to a vacant chair's position within the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is currently conducting a search for the chair's position.  In the interim, the college's two associate deans have assumed the primary responsibilities of the chair (i.e., scheduling, budget management, faculty evaluation).  With respect to curriculum matters, the departmental curriculum committee (comprised of academically qualified faculty from within the department) has the responsibility for curriculum review, development, and assessment.

Dr. Kenneth Hendrickson


BA History
Texas A&M University (1987)
MA History
Texas A&M University (1988)
PHD History
University of Iowa (1993)

Qualification Rationale: *Due to a vacant chair's position within the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is currently conducting a search for the chair's position.  In the interim, the college's two associate deans have assumed the primary responsibilities of the chair (i.e., scheduling, budget management, faculty evaluation).  With respect to curriculum matters, the departmental curriculum committee (comprised of academically qualified faculty from within the department) has the responsibility for curriculum review, development, and assessment.

Spanish, BA

See Dept. Chairs* Above



Spanish, MA

See Dept. Chairs* Above



Department of History

Dr. Brian Domitrovic


AB History
Columbia University (1989)
AM History
Harvard University (1991)
PHD History
Harvard University (2000)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

History, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



History, MA

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Political Science

Dr. Tamara Waggener


BA Political Science
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (1988)
PHD Political Science
University of Texas at Austin (1999)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Political Science, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Public Administration, MPA

See Dept. Chair Above



Political Science, MA

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Psychology and Philosophy

Dr. Christopher Wilson

BA Psychology
Florida Presbyterian College (1972)
MA Psychology
Texas Christian University (1975)
PHD Psychology
Texas Christian University (1976)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Philosophy, BA    


Dr. Frank Fair

AB Philosophy
Xavier University (1966)
MA Philosophy
Boston College (1968)
PHD Philosophy
The University of Georgia (1971)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Psychology, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Psychology, MA


Dr. Diane Stoebner-May

BA Psychology
The University of Texas At San Antonio (1994)
MA Education
The University of Texas At El Paso (1996)
PHD Counseling Psychology
University of Houston (2001)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Clinical Psychology, PHD


Dr. Mary Alice Conroy

BA Economics
Michigan State University (1966)
MA Speech Arts
Colorado State University (1971)
PHD Psychology
University of Houston (1976)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Psychology-Clinical Psychology, MA


Dr. Diane Stoebner-May

BA Psychology

The University of Texas At San Antonio (1994)
MA Education
The University of Texas At El Paso (1996)
PHD Counseling Psychology
University of Houston (2001)


Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

School Psychology, SSP


Dr. Ramona Noland

BA Psychology
Wheeling Jesuit University (1991)
PHD Education
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (1997)

Qualification Rationale: Research agenda, field experience, practica, and internship related to school psychological practice, see vita

Department of Sociology

Dr. Furjen Deng


BA Sociology
National Taiwan University (1982)
MS Sociology and Anthropology
Purdue University (1985)
PHD Sociology and Anthropology
Purdue University (1990)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Sociology, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Sociology, MA

See Dept. Chair Above




Table 7. Degree Program Coordinators in the College of Sciences

Department and Major

Department Chair

Program Coordinator or Lead Faculty Member (If Different Than Chair)

Degrees, Majors, and Additional Qualifications Rationale

General Studies, BGS    



The major consists of three minors.  As the minors are housed within the appropriate departments, this degree is administered by the Department Chair or Program Coordinator of the respective minor.

Composite Science, BS    



This major can be either a biology or chemistry focus, both of which are administered by the Department Chair within those departments.

Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering Technology

Dr. Stanley Kelley


BS Animal Science
Texas A&M University (1986)
MS Animal Science
Texas A&M University (1991)
PHD Animal Science
Texas A&M University (1994)

Qualification Rationale: Animal Science is a study of the role of animals in the agriculture sector.  Animal Science programs prepare individuals in the general agriculture curriculum.

Interdisciplinary Agriculture, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Agricultural Business, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Agricultural Engineering Technology, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Agricultural Communication, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Animal Science, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Plant and Soil Science, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Engineering Technology, BS    


Dr. Doug Ullrich

BS Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1986)
MED Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1990)
EDD Agricultural Education
Oklahoma State University (1996)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Construction Management, BS


Dr. Doug Ullrich

BS Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1986)
MED Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1990)
EDD Agricultural Education
Oklahoma State University (1996)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology, BS


Dr. Doug Ullrich

BS Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1986)
MED Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1990)
EDD Agricultural Education
Oklahoma State University (1996)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Design and Development, BS


Dr. Doug Ullrich

BS Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1986)
MED Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1990)
EDD Agricultural Education
Oklahoma State University (1996)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Applied Arts and Sciences, BAAS    


Dr. Doug Ullrich

BS Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1986)
MED Agricultural Education
Texas A&M University (1990)
EDD Agricultural Education
Oklahoma State University (1996)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Agriculture, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Biology Sciences

Dr. Chad Hargrave


BS Biology
University of Arkansas (1998)
MS Zoology
The University of Oklahoma (2000)
PHD Zoology
The University of Oklahoma (2005)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Biology, BA, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Biomedical Sciences, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Biology, MA, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Chemistry

Dr. Richard Norman


BS Chemistry
University of Washington (1981)
MS Chemistry
University of Washington (1983)
PHD Chemistry
University of Washington (1985)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Chemistry, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Forensic Chemistry, BS

See Dept. Chair Above



Chemistry, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Computer Science

Dr. Peter Cooper


BS Social Science/Education
Open University, England (1984)
DIPED Statistics
University of London, England, Institute of Ed. (1987)
MA Higher/Adult Education
University of Missouri (1990)
PHD Higher/Adult Education
University of Missouri (1993)

Qualification Rationale: Research and academic degrees and minors, see vita

Computing Science, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Computer Software Engineering Technology, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above



Computing and Information Science, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Digital Forensics, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Information Assurance and Security, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Department of Geography and Geology

Dr. Brian Cooper


BA Geology and Mathematics
University of California, Santa Barbara (1976)
MS Geology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1978)
PHD Geology  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (1988)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Geology, BS    


Dr. John Strait

BA Geography
Wittenberg University (1991)
MA Geography
Georgia State University (1993)
PHD Geography
The University of Georgia (1999)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Geography, BA, BS


Dr. John Strait

BA Geography
Wittenberg University (1991)
MA Geography
Georgia State University (1993)
PHD Geography
The University of Georgia (1999)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Geographic Information Systems, MS


Dr. Falguni Mukherjee

BE Civil Engineering
Birla Institute of Tech and Science (1998)
MS Geographic Information Sciences
The University of Texas At Dallas (2003)
PHD Geography
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2009)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Dr. Brian Loft


BS Mathematics
Louisiana Tech University (1993)
MS Mathematics
Texas State University - San Marcos (1998)
PHD Mathematics
University of Oregon (2005)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Mathematics, BA, BS


Dr. Rebecca Garcia

BS Mathematics
Loyola Marymount University (1995)
MA Mathematics
University of California, Berkeley (1999)
PHD Mathematics
New Mexico State University (2004)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Mathematics, MA, MS

See Dept. Chair Above



Statistics, MS


Dr. Ananda B Wathurawa Manage

BS Mathematics
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (1995)
MS Statistics
Sam Houston State University (2001)
MS Mathematics
Texas Tech University (2005)
PHD Mathematics
Texas Tech University (2006)

Qualification Rationale: PHD concentration in statistics

Department of Physics

Dr. Barry Friedman


BA Physics
Rice University (1978)
MS Physics
University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign (1981)
PHD Physics
University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign (1985)

Qualification Rationale: Terminal degree in discipline

Physics, BS    

See Dept. Chair Above




Supporting Documentation
Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Academic Policy Statement 110511, Appointment and Evaluation of Chairs
[2] Minimum Terminal Degrees Recognized by SHSU
[3] Department Chair Job Description Example – Educational Leadership
[4] Department Chair Job Description Example – Foreign Languages
[5] Department Chair Job Description Example – Kinesiology


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