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3.4.11 Academic program coordination

For each major in a degree program, the institution assigns responsibility for program coordination, as well as for curriculum development and review, to persons academically qualified in the field. In those degree programs for which the institution does not identify a major, this requirement applies to a curricular area or concentration. (Academic program coordination)

Judgment of Compliance

For each major and/or program for which Sam Houston State University offers a degree, the respective dean assigns responsibility for coordination to the department chair, who serves at the pleasure of the dean [1]. In some departments, responsibility for coordination is further delegated to a program coordinator, graduate advisor, or a doctoral program director who assists the chair in directing the respective program. In all cases, an academically qualified faculty member is assigned this responsibility. In exceptional cases, a faculty member from outside an academic discipline is asked to serve as a temporary chair. However, in these cases, faculty with adequate qualifications, retain responsibility for the development and supervision of the curriculum.

The document entitled “Minimum Terminal Degrees Recognized by SHSU” lists the minimum degree recognized as terminal for each degree program [2]. For the vast majority of degree programs offered at Sam Houston State University, the earned doctorate is recognized as the terminal degree. However, the MFA in Dance, Theater, Studio Art, Photography, and Interior Design; the MM in Music; and the MLS in Library Science are also considered to be terminal degrees in those listed areas. The list is periodically reviewed and updated based on recommendations from the departmental chairs and academic deans, with final approval resting with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Each undergraduate and graduate program at Sam Houston State University has a designated program coordinator who is academically qualified in the field. At both the undergraduate and graduate level, the department chair assumes these responsibilities, but in complex departments with many specialized programs, program coordinators may be designated to assist the chair. In addition, each doctoral program has a designated doctoral program director, who reports to the departmental chair. The following persons are assigned responsibility for undergraduate program coordination and curriculum development and review in their respective departments. Vitae for the following individuals can be accessed by clicking on the respective names in the tables below. Each person is academically qualified in the field of responsibility.

Table 1. College of Arts and Sciences

Department/Program Chair Program Coordinator (if different than Chair)
Agricultural Sciences Dr. Stanley Kelley  
  Agricultural Sciences: Industrial Technology Program   Dr. Doug Ulrich
Art Mr. Tony Shipp  
Biological Sciences Dr. Matthew P. Rowe  
Chemistry Dr. Rick Norman  
Computer Sciences Dr. Peter Cooper  
Dance Program   Ms. Jennifer Pontius
Geography Dr. Chris Baldwin  
Geology   Dr. Brian Cooper
Mathematics and Statistics Dr. Ken Smith  
  Mathematics Education   Dr. Max Coleman
  Statistics   Dr. Cecil Hallum
Music Dr. Mike Bankhead  
Physics Dr. Rex Isham  
Theater Ms. Penny Hasekoester  

Table 2. College of Business Administration

Department/Program Chair Program Coordinator (if different than Chair)
Accounting Dr. Phillip Morris  
Economic and International Business Dr. Don Freeman  
General Business and Finance Dr. Joe F. James  
Management and Marketing Dr. Roger D. Abshire  

Table 3. College of Criminal Justice

College Dean Program Coordinator (if different than Dean)
Criminal Justice Dr. Vincent Webb  
  Forensic Science Program   Dr. Sarah Kerrigan
  International Programs   Dr. Jurg Gerber
  Internship Program   Dr. James Barrum

Table 4. College of Education

Department/Program Chair Program Coordinator (if different than Chair)
Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Charlene Crocker  
Educational Leadership and Counseling Dr. Beverly Irby  
Health and Kinesiology Dr. Alice Fisher  
  Kinesiology   Dr. Brent Estes
  Health   Dr. Martha Bass
Language, Literacy and Special Populations Dr. Mary Robbins  
Library Science Dr. Mary Berry  

Table 5. College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department/Program Chair Program Coordinator (if different than Chair)
Communication Studies Dr. James D. Ragsdale  
English Dr. Charles W. Bridges  
Foreign Languages Dr. Debra Andrist  
Family and Consumer Sciences Dr. Janis H. White  
History Dr. Terry D. Bilhartz  
Mass Communication Dr. Janet Bridges  
Political Science Dr. John Holcomb  
Psychology and Philosophy Dr. Donna M. Desforges  
Philosophy Program   Dr. Glenn Sanford
Sociology Dr. Alessandro Bonanno  

At the graduate level, the department chairs are responsible for the curriculum development and review. Although the chair may designate a qualified faculty member as an advisor for the graduate program, ultimate authority resides with the chair. At the doctoral level, a doctoral program director provides additional support for program coordination. Tables 6 through 10 list the faculty advisors for the various graduate programs. The advisors primary role is to oversee the admission process for prospective students and advise students in the program. Each person is academically qualified in the field of responsibility. Table 11 lists the doctoral program directors.

Table 6. College of Arts and Sciences

Department/Program Graduate Coordinator(s)/Advisor
Agriculture Dr. Bobby Lane, Dr. Stanley Kelley, Dr. Doug Ulrich
Biology Dr. Anne Gaillard
Chemistry Dr. Thomas Chasteen
Computer Science Dr. Jiahuang Ji
Dance Dr. Cindy Gratz
Industrial Technology Dr. Nedom Muns
Math (MA) Dr. Max Coleman
Math (MS) Dr. Jon Short
Music Dr. Scott Plugge
Music Education Dr. Scott Plugge
Statistics Dr. Cecil Hallum

Table 7. College of Business Administration

Department/Program Graduate Coordinator/Advisor
Business Administration (MBA) Dr. Leroy Ashorn
Finance (MS) Dr. Leroy Ashorn
Banking and Financial Institutions (EMBA) Dr. James B. Bexley

Table 8. College of Criminal Justice

Department/Program Graduate Coordinator/Advisor
Criminal Justice Dr. Victoria Titterington
Forensic Science Dr. Victoria Titterington
Victim Services Management Dr. Victoria Titterington

Table 9. College of Education

Department/Program Graduate Coordinator/Advisor
Administration Dr. Shirley Johnson
Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language Dr. Helen Berg
Counseling Dr. Mary Nichter
School Counseling Cohorts Dr. Judy Nelson
Counselor Education (Ph.D.) Dr. Richard Watts
Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Eren Johnson
Early Childhood Development Dr. Diana Nabors
Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) Dr. Stacey Edmondson
Educational Leadership (Higher Education/Community College Doct.) Dr. Anthony Harris
Health Education Dr. Martha Bass
Instructional Leadership Dr. Barbara Polnick
Instructional Technology Dr. Bobby Ezell
Kinesiology Dr. Brent Estes
Library Science Dr. Mary Berry
Reading Dr. Joyce McCauley
Reading (Ed.D.) Dr. Debra Price
Special Education (M.A.) Dr. Sharon Lynch
Special Education (M.Ed.) Dr. Cindy Simpson

Table 10. College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department/Program Graduate Coordinator/Advisor
Dietetics and Family and Consumer Services Dr. Claudia Sealey-Potts
English Dr. Paul Child
History (M.A) Dr. Ken Hendrickson
Political Science Dr. Corliss Lentz
Public Administration Dr. Corliss Lentz
Psychology: Clinical (Ph.D.) Dr. Mary Alice Conroy/ Dr. Marcus Boccaccini
Psychology: General and Clinical Dr. A. Jerry Bruce
Psychology: School Dr. Tom Wood
Sociology Dr. Gene Theodori
Speech Communication Dr. Frances Brandau-Brown

Table 11. Doctoral Program Directors

Doctoral Program Director
Criminal Justice Dr. Victoria Titterington
Clinical Psychology Dr. Mary Alice Conroy
Counselor Education Dr. Richard Watts
Educational Leadership Dr. Stacy Edmondson
Reading Dr. Debra Price

Curriculum development and review, as well as coordination of major fields and concentrations, begin with departmental curriculum committees and coordinators (appointed by department chairs or elected by faculty), with program directors, or with faculty advisory committees. As described in comprehensive standards 2.7.2 and 3.4.10, the faculty and appropriate departmental chairs and coordinators are heavily involved in the development and review of curriculum. All curriculum development and review procedures at Sam Houston State University adhere to the appropriate regulations, rules, and codes of The Texas State University System [3] [4] and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board [5].

Supporting Documentation
Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Job Description - Departmental Chair, Political Science
[2] Minimum Terminal Degrees, SHSU
[3] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter I, Section 6.2
[4] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter III, Sections 5.1 and 5.2
[5] Texas Statutes Education Code, Chapters 61, Sections 61.051 and 61.052

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