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3.2.6 Board/administration distinction

There is a clear and appropriate distinction, in writing and practice, between the policy-making functions of the governing board and the responsibility of the administration and faculty to administer and implement policy. (Board/administration distinction)

Judgment of Compliance

Sam Houston State University is governed by The Texas State University System’s Board of Regents. The policy-making functions of the Board of Regents are addressed in the Texas Statutes Education Code and The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations. There is a clear distinction in writing and practice between the policy-making function of the Board of Regents and the responsibility of the Sam Houston State University administration and faculty to administer and implement these policies.

The Texas Statutes Education Code and The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations clearly distinguish the policy-making function of the governing board of Sam Houston State University (The Texas State University System Board of Regents) from the responsibility of the administration and faculty of the University to administer and implement policy. The Texas Statues Education Code, Chapter 95.21(b) gives the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System the authority to create policies when it states, “the board has the authority to promulgate and enforce such rules, regulations, and orders for the operation, control, and management of the university system and its institutions as the board may deem either necessary or desirable. When a power is vested in the board, the board may adopt a rule, regulation, or order delegating such power to any officer, employee, or committee as the board may designate” [1].

The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations is the set of rules and regulations formulated and approved by The Texas State University System Board of Regents regarding the overall management of the system. Chapter IV, Section 2 of The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations delegates the power to the President of the University to administer these rules and regulations by stating, “the President shall … have discretionary powers broad enough effectively to administer the Component within the policies and guidelines as set forth by the Chancellor and Board of Regents” [2]. The SHSU organizational chart is a visual representation of how the responsibility of implementing these policies is further delegated [3]. Chapter I, Section 1 of The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations, reinforces the Board of Regents’ policy making function when it states the board has been given the authority “for the formation of Rules and Regulations in the governance functions” [4]. The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations further state “terms and conditions of employment for all System employees; articulates how tenure is granted; provides grievance and termination procedures; and states duties and responsibilities of the faculty” [5]. The job descriptions provide further evidence that there is an appropriate distinction between the functions of the governing board and the responsibilities of the administration and the faculty [6] [7] [8] [9]. The Faculty Handbook delineates policies governing faculty responsibilities and expectations [10]. Specifically, expectations for faculty are implied within the Faculty Evaluation System Policy, which stresses the three traditional functions of teaching, research, and service [11].

In practice, there is also a clear and appropriate distinction between the policy making functions of The Texas State University System Board of Regents and the responsibility of the administration and faculty of Sam Houston State University to administer and implement policy. The Board sets broad-based policy which is then administered at the campus level. At the quarterly Board meetings, each component of the System submits Board motions to be approved by the Board [12] [13]. After approval, it is then the responsibility of System components (administration and faculty of Sam Houston State University) to implement these approved requests. The University has in place strong organizational checks and balances to ensure shared governance (see Comprehensive Standard 3.7.5). The President utilizes a vigorous committee system to assist in providing feedback as to the implementation, maintenance and evaluation of policies. The President with input from the Provost and the University Faculty Senate appoints members to serve on university committees [14] [15]. The President, academic administrators and faculty work in coordination to ensure implementation and evaluation of university policies. Minutes from the University Faculty Senate, Academic Policy Council, and Council of Academic Deans illustrate that administrators and faculty are implementing and administering policies [16] [17] [18] [19].

An example of the implementation of the distinct responsibilities of the Board and the faculty can be seen in the curriculum process. The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations, Chapter III, Section 1. (10)3, 1. (10)4 specifically state that course additions, deletions, and changes as well as degree program addition, deletions, and changes require board approval [20]. The University submits the Curriculum Report (course additions, deletions, changes) for approval at the February and/or May meeting(s) [21] [22] [23]. Following the approval of these course amendments, the courses are incorporated by the administration and faculty of the University into the course inventory that allows inclusion in the University Catalog [24] and the degree inventory [25]. Then, when the course effective date is current, the courses are made available by the University staff to the students and are listed on the Schedule of Classes [26]. It is evident in this process that the Board approves the curriculum, but the implementation and evaluation is delegated to the administration and the faculty.

Supporting Documentation
Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Texas Statutes Education Code, Chapter 95, Section 95.21
[2] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 2.1
[3] Organization Chart, SHSU
[4] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter I, Section 1 - Formation of Rules and Regulations
[5] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations – Summary Page
[6] Job Description - Academic Dean
[7] Job Description - Director of Accounting
[8] Job Description - Director of Public Relations
[9] Job Description - Director of Student Activities
[10] Faculty Handbook, SHSU
[11] Academic Policy Statement 820317 - Faculty Evaluation System, Section 1.03
[12] The Texas State University System Board of Regents - Meeting Minutes, February 17-18, 2005
[13] The Texas State University System Board of Regents - Meeting Minutes, November 14-15, 2007
[14] Standing Tenure Committee, SHSU
[15] Grievance Committee, SHSU
[16] University Faculty Senate - Meeting Minutes, October 25, 2007
[17] Academic Policy Council, SHSU - Meeting Minutes, February 06, 2008
[18] Council of Academic Deans, SHSU - Meeting Minutes, April 9, 2008
[19] Academic Policy Council, SHSU - Meeting Minutes, May 7, 2008
[20] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter I, Section 1 (10)3 and 1(10)4
[21] The Texas State University System Board of Regents - Meeting Agenda, February 21-22, 2008 - Curriculum Changes
[22] The Texas State University System - Curriculum Board Motion, February 2008
[23] Curriculum Report, February 2008, SHSU - Summary
[24] Undergraduate Catalog, 2006-2008
[25] Degree Inventory, SHSU
[26] Schedule of Classes, Online

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