
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Custodial and Grounds

3 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Energy & Utility Conservation

Objective Irrigation Water Conservation
Reduce irrigation water consumption.
Associated Goals: Energy & Utility Conservation

Indicator Z-Power Report  
Z-power total irrigation consumption Reports
Criteria Monitor Reports
Reduce water usage by 1% below FY 2005
Finding Results of Z-Reports
Attached reports indicate that Hort center, hort classroom and Museum are not under our control. Raven Village and Chemistry Bldg has all new plant material. Watering was crucial for plants to survive. Since year ending 05 irrigation usuage has been reduced by 20%
Actions for Objective:

Action Irrigation Action
Contine to monitor z-reports for discrepancies. Continue to implement native plant material and install new water saving irrigation technology

GOAL: Image & Exposure

Objective Clean & Neat Appearance Of Building
Building will be cleaned by custodial services to provide clean & neat appearances
Associated Goals: Image & Exposure

Indicator Weekly Inspection Reports  
Buildings will be inspected weekly by supervisors.
Criteria 85% or higher average building inspection score  
Building Inspection Reports will have score of 85% or higher average for each building service.
Finding Inspection Reports
Showed level of employees in areas of Bldg. Pointed out areas that department is below campus expectations Gave beginning point of merit reviews, and areas need more supervision needed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Inspection Actions
Concentrate on lower scored areas. Implement more employee training and increase supervision to include utilization of lead custodians.

GOAL: Improve The Knowledge Of Deparment Employees

Objective Employee Conference & Training
Custodial & Grounds will attend conferences, seminars and in house classes.
Associated Goals: Improve The Knowledge Of Deparment Employees

Indicator Training Log  
Custodial/Grounds office will maintain a training log.
Criteria Employeee annual self improvment programs
All employees will attend at least 4 training classes/seminars annually
Finding Custodial/Grounds Log
We are way below our prospective goal.
Actions for Objective:

Action Results of training Log
The cust/grnds department tends to be more aggressive in FY 08. Planning is already underway for more seminars for employees and more in-house training of custodial equipment, safety, and grounds maintenance equipment. Supervisors will develope/ascertain new material and technology.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111