
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Geography and Geology, Department of

2 Goals     10 Objectives     13 Indicators     13 Criteria     12 Findings     10 Actions

GOAL: Provide Necessary Resources

Objective Department Visibility And Relations
The Department will take steps to increase its visibility and relations within the University and the community as a whole. To this end the Department has employed a number of strategies, including a semi-annual newsletter, website improvements, and New Student Get-togethers
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources

Indicator Number Of Alumni Contacts
The Department will measure the number of alumni contacts made throughout the year.
Criteria Substantial increase in contacts
The Department will see a substantial increase in the number of alumni contacts made throughout the year.
Finding Assessment of Alumni Contacts
The responses to the newsletter and get-together have been positive, and the number of alumni contacting the department has increased significantly.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Alumni Contact Success
Given the current success of these programs, the Department will continue them, making any minor improvements or changes as necessary.

GOAL: Provide Necessary Resources

Objective Development Of A Geoscape
The Department will develop a Geoscape that will be on campus in the new mall. The Geoscape will serve both as an aid to instruction for our geology lab students and as a site that will draw attention to the program and the university.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator Student Response Survey
Student response to the Geoscape will be assessed with a survey designed to gather their perceptions of the Geoscape and its effectiveness.
Criteria Positive Student Response
Student response to the Geoscape will be positive.
General agreement - including student feedback - on the educational and outreach value of Geoscape. Needs site and funding.
Student and faculty support for Geoscape concept
Actions for Objective:

Action Future use of the Geoscape
Will use the geoscape to develop new learning activities and as a recruiting tool.

GOAL: Provide Necessary Resources

Objective Field Trips
The department will strive to enhance the quality of instruction through the use of field trips offered to our students.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator Annual Count Of Field Trips Offered
At the end of each academic year the Department will count the number of field trips offered and compare it to the total from the previous semester.
Criteria Increased Number of Field Trips
The number of field trips offered by the Department will increase year to year.
Finding Field Trips in 2006-2007
Four years ago, the department purchased a 15 passenger van and has since made an effort to increase the number of field trips, especially local field trips, for lab students in geology and geography. In 2006, the Department offered its first International trip (GEO 475-Special Topics) to China and Thailand. This trip constituted 3-hours of advanced credit. A second trip to Thailand is panned for 2008. environments.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to Increse the Field Trips Offered
We will continue to increase the number of field trips offered annually, and maintain the equipment and consider adding new technologies as they become available. In addition, we will continue to offer the GEO 475 course.

GOAL: Provide Necessary Resources

Objective New Courses And Programs
The Department will strive to offer its students the highest quality of education by adding new courses and programs to its curriculum.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator New Classes Approved
New classes for the Geography and Geology department will be approved by the university.
Criteria All New Classes Approved
All new classes proposed to the University will be approved for inclusion in the catalog.
Finding Approved Courses
Courses have been approved and added in the areas of Remote Sensing, Geochemistry, Energy and the Environment, and Computer Cartography. Proposals have been submitted for courses in the areas of Tourism Geography, Population Geography, Urban Geography, Geospatial Technology, Forensic Geology, Basin and Sea Level Geology, Methods in Applied Geophysics; however, official approval has not yet been received. In addition, two new minors have been added in the technical areas of Geography.
Indicator Program Proposal Approval
All new program proposals will be accepted and approved by both the University and the THECB.
Criteria All New Programs Approved
All new program proposals will be accepted and approved by both the University and the THECB.
Finding New Graduate Degree in Applied GIS
The proposal for a new 36 Hour Graduate degree in Applied GIS has been submitted to the University and to the THECB, but official approval has not yet been received.
Actions for Objective:

Action Seek Approval for New Courses and Programs
The Department will continue to seek approval of those courses still under consideration by the University, and will work to get the new graduate program in Applied GIS approved by the University and the THECB.

GOAL: Provide Necessary Resources

Objective New Faculty Hires
The Geography and Geology Department will hire new faculty members as required, especially in new areas where the department is expanding its curriculum.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator University Approval Of New Faculty Teaching Lines
Official approval of new faculty teaching lines from the University.
Criteria All Proposed Faculty Teaching Lines Approved
All new faculty teaching lines proposed to the University will be approved.
Finding Proposed Faculty Lines Approved
New faculty teaching lines have ben approved to teach remote sensing and computer cartography, and geophysics.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to Hire New Faculty as Necessary
The department will continue to seek new faculty teaching lines as necessary.

GOAL: Provide Necessary Resources

Objective Provide Appropriate Technology
The Department will strive to enhance the quality of instruction through the use of appropriate technology in the classroom and during lab activities.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator Annual Equipment Audit
The Department will review the equipment it has annually to determine if it satisfies the needs of its classes and labs.
Criteria Class and Lab Equipment Needs Met
All equipment will meet the needs and standards of the department.
Finding Equipment Needs Met for 2006-2007
All of the department’s equipment needs were met in 2006-2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to Provide Needed Equipment
The Department will add and/or maintain teaching equipment, such as dedicated computers, overhead LCD projectors, DVD players, and audio equipment. The Department has purchased drilling equipment, a flume for lab work and research, a ground-penetrating radar, a device for measuring the chemical composition of samples, digital cameras, and GPS equipment. We added a new remote sensing lab to compliment the GIS lab that was built 5 years ago.

GOAL: Quality Of Education

Objective Development Of A Geoscape
The Department will develop a Geoscape that will be on campus in the new mall. The Geoscape will serve both as an aid to instruction for our geology lab students and as a site that will draw attention to the program and the university.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator Student Response Survey
Student response to the Geoscape will be assessed with a survey designed to gather their perceptions of the Geoscape and its effectiveness.
Criteria Positive Student Response
Student response to the Geoscape will be positive.
General agreement - including student feedback - on the educational and outreach value of Geoscape. Needs site and funding.
Student and faculty support for Geoscape concept
Actions for Objective:

Action Future use of the Geoscape
Will use the geoscape to develop new learning activities and as a recruiting tool.

GOAL: Quality Of Education

Objective Field Trips
The department will strive to enhance the quality of instruction through the use of field trips offered to our students.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator Annual Count Of Field Trips Offered
At the end of each academic year the Department will count the number of field trips offered and compare it to the total from the previous semester.
Criteria Increased Number of Field Trips
The number of field trips offered by the Department will increase year to year.
Finding Field Trips in 2006-2007
Four years ago, the department purchased a 15 passenger van and has since made an effort to increase the number of field trips, especially local field trips, for lab students in geology and geography. In 2006, the Department offered its first International trip (GEO 475-Special Topics) to China and Thailand. This trip constituted 3-hours of advanced credit. A second trip to Thailand is panned for 2008. environments.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to Increse the Field Trips Offered
We will continue to increase the number of field trips offered annually, and maintain the equipment and consider adding new technologies as they become available. In addition, we will continue to offer the GEO 475 course.

GOAL: Quality Of Education

Objective New Courses And Programs
The Department will strive to offer its students the highest quality of education by adding new courses and programs to its curriculum.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator New Classes Approved
New classes for the Geography and Geology department will be approved by the university.
Criteria All New Classes Approved
All new classes proposed to the University will be approved for inclusion in the catalog.
Finding Approved Courses
Courses have been approved and added in the areas of Remote Sensing, Geochemistry, Energy and the Environment, and Computer Cartography. Proposals have been submitted for courses in the areas of Tourism Geography, Population Geography, Urban Geography, Geospatial Technology, Forensic Geology, Basin and Sea Level Geology, Methods in Applied Geophysics; however, official approval has not yet been received. In addition, two new minors have been added in the technical areas of Geography.
Indicator Program Proposal Approval
All new program proposals will be accepted and approved by both the University and the THECB.
Criteria All New Programs Approved
All new program proposals will be accepted and approved by both the University and the THECB.
Finding New Graduate Degree in Applied GIS
The proposal for a new 36 Hour Graduate degree in Applied GIS has been submitted to the University and to the THECB, but official approval has not yet been received.
Actions for Objective:

Action Seek Approval for New Courses and Programs
The Department will continue to seek approval of those courses still under consideration by the University, and will work to get the new graduate program in Applied GIS approved by the University and the THECB.

GOAL: Quality Of Education

Objective New Faculty Hires
The Geography and Geology Department will hire new faculty members as required, especially in new areas where the department is expanding its curriculum.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator University Approval Of New Faculty Teaching Lines
Official approval of new faculty teaching lines from the University.
Criteria All Proposed Faculty Teaching Lines Approved
All new faculty teaching lines proposed to the University will be approved.
Finding Proposed Faculty Lines Approved
New faculty teaching lines have ben approved to teach remote sensing and computer cartography, and geophysics.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to Hire New Faculty as Necessary
The department will continue to seek new faculty teaching lines as necessary.

GOAL: Quality Of Education

Objective Provide Appropriate Technology
The Department will strive to enhance the quality of instruction through the use of appropriate technology in the classroom and during lab activities.
Associated Goals: Provide Necessary Resources, Quality Of Education

Indicator Annual Equipment Audit
The Department will review the equipment it has annually to determine if it satisfies the needs of its classes and labs.
Criteria Class and Lab Equipment Needs Met
All equipment will meet the needs and standards of the department.
Finding Equipment Needs Met for 2006-2007
All of the department’s equipment needs were met in 2006-2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to Provide Needed Equipment
The Department will add and/or maintain teaching equipment, such as dedicated computers, overhead LCD projectors, DVD players, and audio equipment. The Department has purchased drilling equipment, a flume for lab work and research, a ground-penetrating radar, a device for measuring the chemical composition of samples, digital cameras, and GPS equipment. We added a new remote sensing lab to compliment the GIS lab that was built 5 years ago.

GOAL: Quality Of Education

Objective Quality Degree Programs
The Department will consistently strive to improve the quality of its programs by making adjustments to its curriculum as needed.
Associated Goals: Quality Of Education

Indicator Advisory Council Feedback  
The department will, as needed, seek input from a variety of sources, including Professional Advisory Councils and Student Advisory Councils, and will use that input as the basis for modifying the curriculum
Criteria Curriculum Changes
Curriculum will be modified, as necessary, in response to input from the Advisory Councils.
Finding Advisory Council Recommendations
Our advisory councils made several recommendations for changes that have been implemented: a) Councils suggested that we incorporate more student projects into courses that require group interaction and presentations b) Councils suggested that we use Census Bureau data in our GIS courses c) Councils suggested that we enhance the applied focus of our curriculum d) Councils suggested that we strengthen the environmental focus of our curriculum in order to increase employment opportunities.
Indicator Alumni Phone Survey  
A telephone survey of selected Geography and Geology Alumni who would be in a position to provide feedback and advice to the Department will be used to gather information on ways to improve the Department.
Criteria Positive Alumni Response
The Alumni response recieved will be positive.
Actions for Objective:

Action Curriculum Changes
The Department has taken a number of steps to address the recommendations made by the Advisory Councils. First, our geomorphology class, GIS classes, and other now require student presentation and/or posters. Second, Census Bureau data has been acquired. Third, our economic geography course was substantially modified to give it an applied focus and we have proposed the addition of a course in geophysics. Fourth, we have added and natural hazards and resources course as well as a course on energy and the environment.

GOAL: Quality Of Education

Objective Quality Instruction
The Department will seek to ensure that the quality of our instruction is rated as satisfactory or better by our students.
Associated Goals: Quality Of Education

Indicator IDEA Faculty Evaluation System
The Department uses the IDEA evaluation system as well as peer-evaluation.
Criteria Satisfactory Faculty Rating
All Geography and Geology professors will rate as satisfactory or better.
Finding IDEA evaluation
All faculty have at least one class in or above the acceptable gray band of the IDEA system form.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Review Meetings
The department Chair meets with each faculty member to review his or her teaching performance and provides suggestions and recommendations in those few instances in which the faculty member receives less than satisfactory ratings. Failure to improve teaching can lead to dismissal for tenure-track faculty or adversely impact merit for tenured faculty.

GOAL: Quality Of Education

Objective Successful Geography And Geology Students
Geography and Geology students will successfully complete courses that encompass the breadth of their discipline. For Geography majors, this ranges from cultural geography, to physical and environmental geography, as well at technical courses. For Geology majors, this ranges from historical and physical geology, to economic, environmental and technical aspects of the field.
Associated Goals: Quality Of Education

Indicator GPA Check
The Departmental Advisor will check to determine if the student is maintaining a satisfactory GPA for their Major classes.
Criteria Maintain 2.0 or higher GPA
All Geography and Geology majors will maintaina 2.0 or higher GPA.
Indicator Internship Performance
Those students that opt to do an internship will be evaluated by their supervisor using a departmental evaluation from to be completed by the supervisor.
Criteria Majority evaluated as Satisfactory
A significant majority of our students will be evaluated as "satisfactory" or better by their internship supervisors.
Finding Internship Findings
This new approach has yielded limited data, but the data to date indicates that our students are completing their internships successfully.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continued Student Success
The Department will continue to monitor internship performance. 5 years ago, we found our students were not doing well because they lacked certain technical skills and an appropriate work ethic. Since then, we have modified our curriculum to deal with this issue, and it appears to be working. In addition, the Department requires any students who do not maintain the minimum GPA requirement of 2.0 must repeat the appropriate coursework.

GOAL: Quality Of Education

Objective Web Course Offerings
The department will increase the availability of its courses, and its visibility, by offering web courses.
Associated Goals: Quality Of Education

Indicator Number Of Web-Based Course Offerings
The Department will compare the number of web courses offerd to the previous year's total.
Criteria maintain or Increase Number of Web Courses
The Department will add to and/or maintain the number of its web-based courses
Finding Web-based courses
Number of web-based courses increased.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Web Course Offerings
The Department will continue to offer these web-based courses.

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