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3.2.8 Qualified administrative/academic officers

The institution has qualified administrative and academic officers with the experience, competence, and capacity to lead the institution. (Qualified administrative/academic officers)

Judgment of Compliance

Sam Houston State University employs qualified administrative officers with the experience, competence, and capacity to lead the institution in achieving its vision and mission. Administrative officers at Sam Houston State University include the President, Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice President, Deans, and the Director of Athletics. Sam Houston State University’s Organizational Chart as of March, 2008 [1] documents the administrative structure within the university.

A list of Administrative officers at the University is provided in the table below:

Sam Houston State University
Administrative Officers

Dr. James F. Gaertner President HR Job Description
Dr. David Payne Provost and Vice President Academic Affairs HR Job Description
Mr. Jack Parker, C.P.A. Vice President
Finance & Operations
HR Job Description
Mr. Frank Holmes Vice President
University Advancement
HR Job Description
Dr. Heather Crowson Vice President
Enrollment Management
HR Job Description
Mr. Frank Parker Vice President
Student Services
HR Job Description
Mr. Bobby Williams Director of Athletics HR Job Description
Dr. Richard Eglsaer Associate Vice President
Academic Affairs
HR Job Description
Dr. Mitchell Muehsam Associate Vice President
Academic Affairs/Dean of Graduate Studies
HR Job Description
Dr. Richard Ward Associate Vice President
Research & Special Programs
HR Job Description
Ms. Jacque Gilliam Associate Vice President
Finance & Operations
HR Job Description
Mr. Mark Adams Associate Vice President
Information Resources
HR Job Description
Mr. Scot Mertz Assistant Vice President
Enrollment Management
HR Job Description
Mr. Keith Jenkins Associate Vice President for Student Services
Facilities & Operations
HR Job Description
Dr. Genevieve Brown Dean
College of Education
HR Job Description
Dr. John de Castro Dean
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
HR Job Description
Dr. Jaimie Hebert Dean
College of Arts & Sciences
HR Job Description
Dr. R. Dean Lewis Dean
College of Business Administration
HR Job Description
Dr. Vincent Webb Dean
College of Criminal Justice
HR Job Description
Mr. John Yarabeck Dean of Students HR Job Description

The President of Sam Houston State University is appointed by The Texas State University System (TSUS) Board of Regents [2] and has the authority and discretionary powers to effectively administer the University [3]. The President’s authority as granted by the Board of Regents includes the responsibility regarding personnel matters [3] that are necessary and appropriate for the efficient administration of the institution.

The President makes recommendations and requests approval from the Board to extend employment opportunities and continued appointments of administrative officers. In accordance with the TSUS Rules and Regulations on selection and hiring of candidates [4], the Board of Regents must approve appointment of all recommended candidates.

Searches for candidates to fill vacant administrative and academic leadership positions are advertised and open to all qualifying individuals. Sam Houston State University is an Affirmative Action Plan [5] employer and observes and promotes principles of equal employment opportunities in the hiring practices.

The hiring of administrative officers at Sam Houston State University is guided by specific hiring procedures as noted in Policy Statement and Procedures for Staffing of Non-Faculty Positions [6]. Employment of administrative personnel is based on locally developed job descriptions that may be found in the Sam Houston State University Office of Human Resources.

The President is reviewed annually [7] by the Board of Regents [8]. The President is responsible for the annual evaluation [7] of the Provost, Vice Presidents, and Athletic Director. All administrative officers are reviewed annually as discussed in the narrative for Comprehensive Standard 3.2.10. The annual evaluation process for administrative officers is outlined in the Staff Evaluation System Policy [9] and the Annual Merit Review form [10] is used for annual merit increases. In addition to annual evaluations, periodic performance appraisals [11] can be administered to measure the effectiveness of the administrative officers. The Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs performs the annual evaluations of the Associate Vice Presidents and Deans who report directly to him [12] [13] [14]. Other Vice Presidents perform annual reviews for the Associate/Assistant Vice Presidents, and Deans who report directly to them [15] [16].

Supporting Documentation
Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Organization Chart, SHSU
[2] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 1
[3] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 2.1 and 2.2
[4] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 2.26
[5] Finance and Operations Human Resource Policy ER-4 - Affirmative Action Plan, SHSU
[6] Human Resources Policy E-1 - Staffing of Non-Faculty Positions
[7] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 7
[8] The Texas State University System Board of Regents - Meeting Agenda, February 21-22, 2008 - Presidential Review
[9] Human Resource Policy ER-6 - Staff Evaluation System
[10] Annual Merit Review (AMR) Form, Staff - SHSU
[11] Staff Performance Appraisal Form, SHSU
[12] Annual Merit Review, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2007
[13] Annual Merit Review, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies, 2007
[14] Annual Merit Review, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, 2007
[15] Annual Merit Review, Director of the Business Office, 2007
[16] Annual Merit Review, Associate Vice President for Student Services, 2007


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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111