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3.2.1 CEO evaluation/selection

The governing board of the institution is responsible for the selection and the periodic evaluation of the chief executive officer. (CEO evaluation/selection)

Judgment of Compliance

Sam Houston State University is a member of The Texas State University System. The Board of Regents for the System is responsible for the selection and evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer who presides as the President of the institution.

The Texas State University System Board of Regents is responsible for the selection of the President of Sam Houston State University who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the University. The job description of the President provides details [1]. In accordance with The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 1, “Component presidents are appointed, without fixed term, by affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Regents, upon the recommendation of the Chancellor” [2]. Implementation of this policy was evident in the selection of the current President of Sam Houston State University, Dr. James F. Gaertner. The board's selection of President Gaertner was unanimous [3] [4].

In addition, The Texas State University System Board of Regents is responsible for the evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer. The evaluation of the President is addressed in The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 7.1: “The Chancellor shall review annually the general performance and effectiveness of each president, presenting to the Board his or her written opinions, advice, and recommendations as to the president’s employment, subsequent to which the Board shall meet with the Chancellor and president being evaluated. This evaluation shall take place before a quorum of the full Board of Regents, and in executive session, unless the subject president requests a public evaluation” [5]. The current President of Sam Houston State University, Dr. James F. Gaertner, is typically evaluated during the February Texas State University System Board of Regents meetings [6]. Copies of the confidential evaluation are kept on file at The Texas State University System office, Thomas J. Rusk Building, 200 E. 10th Street, Suite 600, Austin, Texas 78701-2407, Phone: (512) 463-1808.

Supporting Documentation
Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Job Description - President
[2] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 1
[3] Gaertner Approved As President - Article from Today@Sam
[4] The Texas State University System Board of Regents - Meeting Minutes, August 20, 2001
[5] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 7.1
[6] The Texas State University System Board of Regents - Meeting Agendas Showing President  James F. Gaertner's Reviews, Previous 5 Years

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Sam Houston State University
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(936) 294-1111