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2.1 Degree-granting Authority

The institution has degree-granting authority from the appropriate government agency or agencies. (Degree-granting Authority)

Judgment of Compliance

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board authorizes Sam Houston State University to award baccalaureate, master's, and doctorate degrees in a variety of academic areas. The Texas State University System Board of Regents authorizes the President to award specific degrees to candidates who have been certified by the appropriate administrative authority as having met all degree requirements. The State Board of Educator Certification authorizes Sam Houston State University to recommend certification in selected academic areas. The Texas Legislature granted formal authority to establish a university and for that university to award degrees as stated in the Texas Statutes Education Code 96.61 [1].

The Texas Statutes Education Code Chapter 61 establishes the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and outlines the powers and general duties of the THECB. The statute specifies that the THECB “shall represent the highest authority in the state in matters of public higher education.” The Texas State Legislature granted Sam Houston State University the authority to award degrees as legislated through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in Education Code 61.051 [2].

The State of Texas authorized the Board of Regents for The Texas State University System in Chapter 95 of the Texas Education Code to “promulgate and enforce such rules, regulations, and orders for the operation, control, and management of the university system and its institutions as the board may deem either necessary or desirable.” The Board of Regents is “responsible for the general control and management of the universities in the system” [3]. The Legislature of the State of Texas provided the authority to establish the University and grant degrees through The Texas State University System Board of Regents as stated in The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations Chapter 1 [4]. At each graduation ceremony, the President of Sam Houston State University confers the degrees, stating, “By the authority vested in me by the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System, I confer on each of you the appropriate (doctoral, masters, or bachelor) degree” [5].

All degree programs have been approved by the THECB and can be found on the THECB’s website in the Sam Houston State University Program Inventory THECB Table of Programs [6]. Sam Houston State University has been given the authority to award the degrees listed in the Degree Inventory [7].

Supporting Documentation
Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Texas Statutes Education Code Chapter 96, Section 96.61
[2] Texas Statutes Education Code Chapter 61, Section 61.051
[3] Texas Statutes Education Code Chapter 95, Section 95.21
[4] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter I
[5] Commencement Script Sample
[6] Table of Programs, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
[7] Degree Inventory Summary, SHSU

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111