3 Goals 6 Objectives 3 Indicators 6 Criteria 6 Findings 6 Actions
GOAL: Curriculum Planning
Objective | | Curriculum Planning Committee |
| | The Center of Excellence in Digital Forensics will establish an appropriate structure to maintain high quality and up-to-date training offerings. Associated Goals: Curriculum Planning |
Indicator | | Center Meeting Minutes Minutes of regular monthly meetings of center personnel. |
Criteria | | Center Minutes The center will minute all formal meetings and have minute available for review |
Finding | | Center Meeting Minutes
Criteria | | Curriculum Planning Committee
Finding | | Curriculum Planning committee
Criteria | | Resource management
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Curriculum Planning Committee Assessment Pending |
GOAL: Program Stability
Objective | | Advertising |
| | The Center of Excellence in Digital Forensics will develop tools and procedures for effectively communication program information to potential trainees. Associated Goals: Program Stability |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Advertising Material Review Assessment Pending |
GOAL: Program Stability
Objective | | Budget |
| | The Center of Excellence in Digital Forensics will establish in conjunction with the faculty and staff, a budget that meets the requirements of the strategic planning process Associated Goals: Program Stability |
Indicator | | Budget budget documentation anf grant budget sheets |
Criteria | | Budget Planning Documentation The center will document the budget planning and disbursement process |
Finding | | Budget Planning documentation
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Budget Planning documentation Assessment Pending |
GOAL: Program Stability
Objective | | Public Relations |
| | The Center of Excellence in Digital Forensics will provide timely and effective communication of activities to internal and external agencies. Associated Goals: Program Stability |
Indicator | | Advertising And Public Relations Information for external agencies |
Criteria | | Advertising Materials Review The center will provide on-line and print advertising materials with sufficiently advanced notice to allow for an 80% fill rate for all classes |
Finding | | Advertising Material Review
Criteria | | Public Relations Materials The Center will provide the university public relations unit with materials for distribution |
Finding | | Public relations Materials review
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Public Relations Materials Assessment Pending |
GOAL: Program Stability
Objective | | Resource Management |
| | The Center of Excellence in Digital Forensics will provide up-to-date laboratory and diagnostic resources to support the training and research functions of the center. Associated Goals: Program Stability, Research And Development |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Resource Management Assessment Pending |
GOAL: Program Stability
Objective | | Strategic Planning |
| | The Center of Excellence in Digital Forensics will establish a strategic planning process identifying center strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats Associated Goals: Program Stability |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Center Minutes Assessment Pending |
GOAL: Research And Development
Objective | | Resource Management |
| | The Center of Excellence in Digital Forensics will provide up-to-date laboratory and diagnostic resources to support the training and research functions of the center. Associated Goals: Program Stability, Research And Development |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Resource Management Assessment Pending |