3 Goals 10 Objectives 19 Indicators 20 Criteria 23 Findings 10 Actions
GOAL: Diversity
Objective | | Diversity Education Objective |
| | Students will become sensitive to and value different cultures and respect diversity. Associated Goals: Diversity |
Indicator | | IDEA (Q 16 & 27) Indicator The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills. |
Criteria | | IDEA Questions 16 & 27  The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progess. Q16- Asked students to share ideas and experiences with others whose backgrounds and viewpoints differ from their own. Q27 - Gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of intellectual/cultural activity (music, science, literature, etc.) |
Finding | | IDEA Questions 16 & 27 Q16 - 4.33 (substantial to exceptional progress) Q 27 - 3.79 (moderate progress) |
Indicator | | Syllabus (LO 7) Indicator  The syllabus will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opporunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic. |
Criteria | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 7  All students are presented with information on becoming sensitive to and value different cultures and respect diversity. |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Objective 7 Included on syllabi. |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Objective 7 Included on syllabi. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Diversity Education A need to present more cultural experiences to students. |
GOAL: Recruitment & Retention
Objective | | Major & Career Exploration Objective |
| | Students will initiate career exploration and major/minor area of study exploration. Associated Goals: Recruitment & Retention |
Indicator | | IDEA (Q 24 & 54) Indicator The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills |
Criteria | | IDEA Questions 24 & 54  The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q 24 - Developing specific skills, competencies and points of view needed by professionals in the field most closely related to this course. Q 54 - This course improved my ability to make decisions about my life at college. |
Finding | | IDEA Questions 24 & 54 Q24 - 3.89 (moderate to substantial progress) and Q54 - 3.93 (moderate to substantial progress) |
Indicator | | Syllabus (LO 6) Indicator The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic. |
Criteria | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 6  Initiate career exploration and major/minor are of study exploration. |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 6 Included on syllabi. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Major & Career Exploration Continue to enhance this aspect of the course through the use of Academic Coach. |
GOAL: Recruitment & Retention
Objective | | SAM 136 Vs. Non-SAM 136 Students Objective |
| | SAM 136 students will be retained at a higher rate than non-SAM 136 students. Associated Goals: Recruitment & Retention |
Indicator | | SAM 136 Retention Rate The one-year retention rates will show that SAM 136 students are retained at a higher rate than non-SAM 136 students. |
Criteria | | Retention Rate SAM 136 will be higher than non-SAM 136. |
Finding | | Retention Rate Not available until Fall 2008. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | SAM 136 vs. Non-SAM 136 Students
GOAL: Recruitment & Retention
Objective | | University Resources Objective |
| | Students will be able to locate and utilize university resources (e.g., career services, library, SAM Center, student services, etc.) Associated Goals: Recruitment & Retention |
Indicator | | GPA Indicator The GPA of students will show that students have developed and applied the skill or topic. |
Criteria | | GPA GPA for SAM 136 students will be higher than the beginning freshman GPA. |
Finding | | GPA won''t be available until 20th class day in fall |
Finding | | IDEA Questions 21 & 23 Q21 - 3.82 (moderate to substantial progress) and Q23 - 4.08 (substantial progress) |
Criteria | | IDEA Questions 21 & 23  The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q21 - Gaining factual knowledge (terminology, classifications, methods, trends). Q 23 - Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions). |
Finding | | IDEA Questions 21 & 23 Q21 - 3.82 (moderate to substantial progress) and Q23- 4.08 (substantial progress) |
Indicator | | IDEA Q 29, 52, 56, 57) Indicator The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills. |
Criteria | | IDEA Questions 29, 52, 56, and 57  The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q29 - Learning how to find and use resources for answering questions or solving problems. Q52 - The course improved my time, money and stress management skills. Q 56 - This course helped me to better use the library and its resources. Q57 - The course helped me to better use SHSU''s computer services (email, Internet, Blackboard). |
Finding | | IDEA Questions 29, 52, 56, 57 Q29 - 3.91 (moderate to substantial progress), Q52 - 3.70 (moderate to substantial progress), Q56 - 3.69 (moderate to substantial progress), Q57 - 3.95 (almost substantial progress) |
Indicator | | Syllabus (LO 4) Indicator The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic. |
Criteria | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 4  Locate and utilize university resources (e.g. career services, library, SAM Center, student services, etc). |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 4 Included on syllabi. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | University Resources Continue to present information on the variety of resources available to students. |
GOAL: Student Growth
Objective | | Critical Thinking Objective |
| | Students will enhance their critical thinking/problem solving skills. Associated Goals: Student Growth |
Indicator | | IDEA (Q 23 & 31) Indicator The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills. |
Criteria | | IDEA Questions 23 & 31  The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q23 - Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions)
Q31 - Learning to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view |
Finding | | IDEA Question 23 & 31 Q23 - 4.08 (substantial progress) and Q31 - 3.91 (moderate to substantial progress) |
Indicator | | Syllabus (LO 2) Indicator  The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic. |
Criteria | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 2  All students are presented with information on enhancing critical thinking/problem solving. |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 2 Included on syllabi. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Critical Thinking Continue current practices and seek new approaches to students learning critical thinking skills. |
GOAL: Student Growth
Objective | | Group Dynamics Objective |
| | Students will enhance thier effective group dynamics skills. Associated Goals: Student Growth |
Indicator | | IDEA (Q 25) Indicator The course evaluations will show that student perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills. |
Criteria | | IDEA Question 25  The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q25 - Acquiring skills in working with others as a member of a team. |
Finding | | IDEA Question 25 Q25 - 3.93 (almost substantial progress) |
Indicator | | Syllabus (LO 9) Indicator  The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic. |
Criteria | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 9  Enhance effective group dynamics through course activities. |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 5 Included in syllabi. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Group Dynamics Continue to offer group activity opportunities in all classes. |
GOAL: Student Growth
Objective | | Leadership & Civic Engagement Objective |
| | Students will enhance their leadership, service learning, and civic responsibility skills/values. Associated Goals: Student Growth |
Indicator | | Service Learning Survey (Q 13, 23 &24) The service learning survey will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills. |
Criteria | | Service Learning Survey Questions 13, 23, & 24  75% of students will respond that they agreed or strongly agreed with these questions. Q 13 - I have a responsibility to serve my community. Q23 - Participating in the community helped me enhance my leadership skills. Q24 - I can make a difference in my community. |
Finding | | Service Learning Survey Questions 13, 23, 24 Q13 - Fall (69%), Spring (40%)
Q23 - Fall (52%), Spring (36%)
Q24 - Fall (84%), Spring (88%) |
Indicator | | Syllabus (LO 5) Indicator  The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic. |
Criteria | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 5 Enhance leadership, service learning, and civic responsibility skills/values. |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 5 Included in syllabi. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Leadership & Civic Engagement Continue to work with the approach that is taken with instructors to present service-learning and agency information. |
GOAL: Student Growth
Objective | | Life Skills Objective |
| | Students will develop life skills (e.g., health/stress, nutrition, relationships/sex, alcohol/drugs, and money management). Associated Goals: Student Growth |
Indicator | | IDEA (Q 52) Indicator  The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills. |
Criteria | | IDEA Question 52  The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q52 - The course improved my time, money and stress management skills. |
Finding | | IDEA Question 52 3.70 (moderate to substantial progress) |
Indicator | | Syllabus (LO 8) Indicator  The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic. |
Criteria | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 8  Develop life skills (e.g. health/stress, nutrition, relationships/sex, alcohol/drugs, and money management). |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 8 Included in syllabi. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Life Skills Continue to improve modules on time, stress, and money managment. Have some instructors present life skills at the beginning of the semester instead of at the end. |
GOAL: Student Growth
Objective | | Oral & Written Communication Skills Objective |
| | Students will develop effective oral and written communication skills. Associated Goals: Student Growth |
Indicator | | IDEA (Q 28) Indicator The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills. |
Criteria | | IDEA Question 28  The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q 28 - Developing skill in expressing myself orally or in writing. |
Finding | | IDEA Question 28 Q28 - 3.95 (almost substantial progress) |
Indicator | | Syllabus (LO 3) Indicator The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills and tested on the topic. |
Criteria | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 3  Develop effective oral and written communication skills. |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 3 Included on syllabi. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Oral & Written Communication Skills Continue to work with students on their communication skills. |
GOAL: Student Growth
Objective | | Study Skills Objective |
| | Students will develop and apply basic study skills (e.g., reading, writing, note taking and test taking). Associated Goals: Student Growth |
Indicator | | Syllabus (LO 1) Indicator The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic. |
Criteria | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 1  Develop basic study skills (e.g. reading, writing, note taking and test taking) |
Finding | | Syllabus Learning Outcome 1 Included in syllabi. |
Actions for Objective: