
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Special Education MED (Educational Diagnostician)

3 Goals     4 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Faculty Presentations And Publications
Increase number of faculty presentations and publications at the local and state level within the field of assessment and special education
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Presentations And Publications Of Scholarly Work
Submit proposals for presentations at TEDA, ABA, and other national and state level conferences. Submit manuscripts for consideration in several state and national level journals.
Criteria Faculty Presentations adn Publciations of Scholarly Work
Each faculty member will submit proposal to present at one conference per year. Presentions at assessment oriented or Autism oriented conferences are recommended. SPD faculty will collaboratly submit a minimum of 5 manuscripts for possible publications in state and/or national journals.
Finding Presentations and Publications
Faculty members presented papers at 10 conferences including TEDA, TASH, TAEYC, CEC, NCABA, TCEC, and ABA. Faculty in Special Education produced over 12 publications in National and State Journals.
Actions for Objective:

Action Presentations and Publications
Junior faculty members will continue to collaborate with Tenured faculty in the production of publications and presentations at the state and national level. Faculty will display publications for student access and integrate professional knowledge into existing coursework.

GOAL: Institutional Effectiveness

Objective Continuing Education Opportunities
Increase continuing education opportunities for Alumni of SHSU within the Special Education Program area.
Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness

Indicator Professional Development Opportunites
Offer Assessment Strand for graduate and alumni at the SCEC/SHSU Annual Conference with a focus on assesment and autism as indicted by last years participants.
Criteria Professional Development
Special Education will collaborate with other departments at SHSU to offer Autism Keynote and Autism assessment sessions at Meeting Needs of All Learners Conference with goal of 200 non-students in attendance.
Finding Professional Development
Special Education Program collaborated with Agriculture Department and Region VI in the planning of the Meeting the Needs of all Learners Conference. Over 400 were in attendence with the Keynore being Temple Grandin, world renowned speaker on Autism and Animal Sciences. Conference strand was focused on "Autism".
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Development
Conference feedback indicated a need for additional sessions on Autism as well as sessions on LD, transition services, and content area instruction. Feedback will be used to develop program for 2009 conference. Students in SPD courses will be encouraged to attend conference.

GOAL: Institutional Effectiveness

Objective Performance/Leadersrship
Students in SPD 679 will develop a portfolio highlighting critical knowledge areas performed in role of educational diagnostician.
Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Performance
Students in SPD 679 will submit portfolios highlighting assessment report writing, developing recommendations based on assessment results & best practices in special education.
Criteria Performance Portfolios
All SPD 679 interns will submit portfolio by designated due date in TK20 with a protfolio score of 80% or above. .
Finding Performance
All students enrolled in SPD created accounts in TK20 and submitted electonic portfolios with portfolios scores of 90% and above. Portfolios included assessment reports and documentation of best practices in Special Education.
Actions for Objective:

Action Performance
Faculty finds submission of protfolios into TK20 benifical. All students will continue to develop portfolios in SPD 679 and continue to post in TK20.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Performance/Leadersrship
Students in SPD 679 will develop a portfolio highlighting critical knowledge areas performed in role of educational diagnostician.
Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Performance
Students in SPD 679 will submit portfolios highlighting assessment report writing, developing recommendations based on assessment results & best practices in special education.
Criteria Performance Portfolios
All SPD 679 interns will submit portfolio by designated due date in TK20 with a protfolio score of 80% or above. .
Finding Performance
All students enrolled in SPD created accounts in TK20 and submitted electonic portfolios with portfolios scores of 90% and above. Portfolios included assessment reports and documentation of best practices in Special Education.
Actions for Objective:

Action Performance
Faculty finds submission of protfolios into TK20 benifical. All students will continue to develop portfolios in SPD 679 and continue to post in TK20.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Standards Of Proficiency
Graduate Diagnostician candidates will meet or exceed the established standards of proficiency in the knowledge and skills required for Texas Diagnostician Certification 1. Graduates will be approved to register for the Diagnostician exam upon completion of review and coursework 2. Each TExES administration during the academic year will be analyzed overall score.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Proficiency With State Standards
1. Scores above the state mean including all domains on the TExES Educational Diagnostician Certification examination.
Criteria Student Scores
1. Candidates will successfully complete all required coursework prior to taking the TExES Educational Diagnostician exam. 2. 90% or more test-takers will pass the TExES exam for Educational Diagnostician certification at the initial administration. 3. Candidates will meet or exceed state mean scores on the Diagnostician examination.
Finding Student Scores
100% of the students taking the TExES exam for Educational Diagnosticans passed with a mean greater than that of the state mean.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Scores
Special Education faculty will continue to provide TExES review during SPD 679. Practice exam data will continue to be analyzed by competency and domain as a way of determine individual student study materials.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111