
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Reading EDD

2 Goals     5 Objectives     10 Indicators     10 Criteria     10 Findings     10 Actions

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Faculty Scholarly Activity
Doctoral faculty members will increase their research and publications and involve doctoral students when possible.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Faculty Scholarship
Evidence of submission and publication of articles.
Criteria Faculty Publications
One publication per academic year for each faculty member teaching in the doctoral program.
Finding Faculty Excellence
Faculty members teaching in the doctoral program have each published this academic year. Faculty members wishing to join the doctoral faculty are working towards this goal.
Indicator Grant Submissions
Evidence of grant application submissions to support research.
Criteria Grants
One grant proposal from the faculty in the doctoral program.
Finding Grantsmanship
We did not have any grants funded. We are in the process of looking for grant writing workshop opportunities for our doctoral faculty.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Excellence
We will continue to investigate publishing opportunities
Action Grantsmanship

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Faculty Support
Program director will support doctoral faculty members' research and publication efforts.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Faculty Assistance
Implementation of plan based on information gained from survey of faculty regarding assistance on scholarly endeavors.
Criteria Feedback
Positive feedback from faculty concerning assistance on scholarly endeavors.
Finding Faculty Excellence
Faculty appreciated the software programs purchased to aid with qualitative data analysis. We will sponsor a workshop on ways to implement the software more effectively in the fall.
Indicator Faculty Survey
Administer an informal survey to doctoral faculty regarding ways program director can assist in faculty scholarly endeavors.
Criteria Implementation of plan
Director will develop and implement plan based on the results of the faculty survey.
Finding Faculty Excllence
Survey is in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Excellence
Action Faculty Excellence
Survey is in progress

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Faculty Recruitment
Recruit faculty members to teach in the Reading doctoral program.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Faculty Recruitment
Data from faculty searches and new faculty hired.
Criteria Additional Faculty
By fall 2008 at least one new faculty member will be hired with qualifications to teach in the doctoral program.
Finding Qualtiy and Effectiveness
Donna Cox will join us in the fall. She has recent experience in qualitative research fields and will be nominated for doctoral faculty status.
Actions for Objective:

Action Quality and Effectiveness
Faculty member hired.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Student Scholarly Activity
Students in the doctoral program in Reading will present at professional conferences and submit articles for publication in cooperation with doctoral faculty members.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Collaboration With Faculty
Anecdotal information from faculty about collaboration with students on scholarly endeavors.
Criteria Faculty Collaboration
Information from faculty about collaboration with students on presentations and publication submissions.
Finding Quality and Effectiveness
Two faculty members have collaborated with a student on a national presentation. Two faculty members have submitted publications co-authored with students.
Indicator Conference Presentations
Conference programs indicating presentation or program submission forms.
Criteria Conferences
Increase the number of submissions for conference presentations from 2 to 6.
Finding Quality and Effectiveness
14 doctoral students submitted proposals for regional and national presentations.
Indicator Paper Submissions
Number of student paper submissions.
Criteria Paper Submissions
Increase the number of submissions of student papers for publication from 2 to 5.
Finding Quality and Effectiveness
Three students submitted papers for publication
Actions for Objective:

Action Quality and Effectiveness
We will continue to pursue opportunities with doctoral students.
Action Quality and Effectiveness
This objective has no actions associated with it.
Action Quality and Effectiveness
We will look for ways to encourage publication submissions by doctoral students.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Student Success
Students in the doctoral program in Reading will make progress toward completing program goals and be prepared to propose and engage in the research necessary for dissertation status.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Comprehensive Exams
Comprehensive exam scores.
Criteria Comprehensive Exams
All students will successfully complete comprehensive exams.
Finding Quality and Effectiveness
No students have taken comprehensive exams yet.
Indicator Student Success
Grades of research courses and faculty perspectives on readiness for proposal/dissertation courses.
Criteria Student Course Work
Students will successfully complete research course work with grades of B or better.
Finding Quality and Effectiveness
All students completed recent research coursework with grades of B or better.
Actions for Objective:

Action Quality and Effectiveness
No action will be taken because students were not yet ready for comprehensive exams. This will be continued.
Action Quality and Effectiveness
No action needed.

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(936) 294-1111