
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Music MM

2 Goals     2 Objectives     2 Indicators     2 Criteria     2 Findings     2 Actions

GOAL: Evaluate The MM Degrees And Curriculum

Objective Clarify The MM Program
We need to clarify exacly which MM degrees we will offer
Associated Goals: Evaluate The MM Degrees And Curriculum

Indicator Numer Of Students Enrolled In Each MM Program
IF we don't have the critical mass to sustain individual programs, then we need to do something else, like combine the degrees, to keep the MM viable
Criteria Students in the MM programs
THere must be at least 1 graduate from every program in 3 years of the degree will be dropped
Finding Curriculum Review
We completed the curriclum revies. Changes need to be made in the MM programs.
Actions for Objective:

Action Change Curriclum
We are changing the curriculum to meet NASM standards and have only one MM with separate tracks.

GOAL: Increase The Number Of Graduate Students

Objective 11 TAs By The End Of 07-08
We nee to secure funding so we can have 11 GAs. We get funding for 5 GAs from the Dean's office
Associated Goals: Increase The Number Of Graduate Students

Indicator  Funding Provided For GAs
Funding for GAs is the best indicator of success in this growth process
Criteria Funding for GAs
FUnding of $9,800 for 6 GAs is needed = $58,000
Finding Funding can be found
Funds can be used from Student Service Fees and Designated tuition to fund GA positions
Actions for Objective:

Action Funding for 6 GAs in 08-09
We will set aside funding for 6 GAs. The total amount will be $58,000

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111