
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Instructional Leadership MA, MED

2 Goals     5 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     7 Findings     8 Actions

GOAL: Customer Satisfaction

Objective Increase Program Visibility
Increase the overall visibility of the Instructional Leadership program through written publications, verbal presentations and electronic media.
Associated Goals: Customer Satisfaction

Indicator Increase Program Visibility
Number of presentations made and publications distritubted regarding the Instructional Leadership program will increase.
Criteria Increased Information Access
Increase the number of "hits" on the website by 25%. In addtion, increase the number of Instructional Leadership promotional materials developed and distributed by 25%.
Finding Increase IL Promotion Materials
We have placed advertisments in journals, and we have increased the recruitment efforts.
Finding Increased Access
The Instructional Leadership website was revised to include more information, and to create a better organization of the information
Finding Increased number of Hits
This is an area we are still in the process of evaluating.
Actions for Objective:

Action Check and evaluate website
We will insert a counter on our web pages to see the number of times our website is accessed. We also find a tracking system that will allow us to collect data to analyze from where the "hits" are coming.
Action Increase promotional materials
We will continue to produce flyers to share with teachers and administrators. We are working to increase partnerhips with disctricts in which cohorts of candidates are selected and trained. In addition, we will continue our advertisement campaign.
Action Website enhancement
We will continue to work on the website to increase visibility and user friendly access to program information. We will use feedback from students, professors, and the public to help keep the website populated with the most current information.

GOAL: Customer Satisfaction

Objective Program Satisfaction
Increase students' progam satisfaction of the instructional leadership.
Associated Goals: Customer Satisfaction

Indicator Expressed Satisfaction
A survey will be constructed to assess student satisfaction with the program.
Criteria Satisfaction Criteria
Once a survey is created, 90% of students express satisfaction with the program and acquired skills related to school leadership.
Finding A survey created
We created a survey to give to graduates of Instructional Leadership programs. It is still in progress.
Actions for Objective:

Action Survey creation
A survey has been created. The next step is to get the survey to Computer Services so they can put it online. We will start surveying recent 2007 and 2008) graduates. Then we will continue to survey future graduates as they finish their practicum.

GOAL: Customer Satisfaction

Objective Student Enrollment
Increase student enrollment and program completion.
Associated Goals: Customer Satisfaction

Indicator Increased Student Enrollment
Enrollment will increase at a rate equal to or greater than the University goal for growth.
Criteria Increased Enrollment
Enrollment will increase at least 3% each year.
Finding Increased Enrollment
We continue to recruit and accept new candidates for Instructional Leadership programs. For 2007-2008 we added 13 new students to the program. We currently do not have a system for tracking student enrollment and progress.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Enrollment Activities
We continue to actively recruit students into the IL program. We expanded the options for minors and electives, thus we expect to attract more students. We want to increase enrollment by 3% each year.
Action Tracking Enrollment
We need to develop a better tracking system for current students and new students to that we can determin new students, students in progress, and graduates.

GOAL: Reframe/Restructuring

Objective Align Embedded Activities
Embedded internship activities for each core course will be aligned to ELCC Standards
Associated Goals: Reframe/Restructuring

Indicator Alignment Of Embedded Activities
Embedded internship activities of leadership courses will be aligned with content and skills specific to teacher leadership as indicated in the ELCC Standards.
Criteria Embedded Activity Analysis
One hundred percent of the core leadership syllabi will include the ELCC aligned internship embedded activities.
Finding Align Embedded Activities
We have added more areas in which students may minor or take elective course work. Embedded activities still need to be aligned to these various new elective areas so that students will complete activities in line with the mionr or elective work.
Actions for Objective:

Action Embedded Activities
We need to sit with the chair or the chairs'''' designee for each minor area and/or elective area and create a template for embedded activities by which the professors can differentiate the embedded activities students must complete. In addition, we will align our program with supervison and instructional leadership standards currently under construction.

GOAL: Reframe/Restructuring

Objective Syllabi Alignment
Align Instructional Leadership core course syllabi to ELCC Standards.
Associated Goals: Reframe/Restructuring

Indicator Alignment Of Syllabi
Syllabi of leadership courses will be aligned with content and skills specific to teacher leadership as indicated in the ELCC Standards.
Criteria Syllabi Analysis
Every syllabi for core leadership courses contains a list of ELCC standards that are aligned to the course content.
Finding Alignment Activity
Instructional leadership is not aligned with the applicable ELCC standards, and we are looking for other standards with which we might continue to align our program.
Actions for Objective:

Action Syllabi Study
We must continue the efforts to make the syllabi align to course objectives and standards, and we must begin to create syllabi templates for the increased minor and elective areas.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111