
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Administration MA, MED (Principal Certification)

1 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     6 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Objective Course Content Alignment
Examine and align course content with TExES competencies and ELCC/NCATE Standards.
Associated Goals: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Indicator Course Alignment  
Align course curriculum and course content.
Criteria Course Alignment  
Align Curriculum and Course Content
Finding Course Alignment
Courses have been aligned with TExES competencies,and ELCC/NCATE standards.
Finding Course Competencies (Themes)
The courses are grouped by competencies (themes)[Leadership Organizational Behavior; Instructional Leadership;Business Management; Evaluation/Internship]. They will be taught in a "community format". The course requirements were changed from 36 hours to 30 hours.
Finding Course Content
Content of courses have been revised to correlate with the needs of school campuses. Course titles and numbers have been changed to reflect the revised content.
Finding Mission and Vision Statements
The mission statement "elevator statement" and vision statement "dining room statement" have been revised to reflect the revised course content and purpose of the principal preparation program.
Actions for Objective:

Action Course Alignment
Course content has been revised to correlate with TExES competencies and ELCC/NCATE standards.
Action Course Content
The Renaissance Committee (a group of professors who were practicing principals at the elementary and secondary levels) was formed to examine and revise the course content, numbers, and titles to reflect the needs of campuses. The content of courses at Universities with principal preparation programs that are similar and different from ours were examined and some were used as models. In addition this committee selected recommended textbooks for the courses.(see attached revised courses in the findings section under course content).

GOAL: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Objective Increase Pass Rate For Principal Certification Exam
100% of the students will pass the principal certification (TExES) exam
Associated Goals: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Indicator TExES Scores  
Increase in TExES Scores by 5%.
Criteria Alignment
100% course content alignment with TExES competencies and ELCC/NCATE standards.
Finding Pass Rates
The TExES pass rates for completers for 2007-2008 have not been calculated at this time. The goal is to increase the pass rates of completers from 93.55% in 2007 by 5% or more in 2008.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase TExES Pass Rates
TExES type questions and activities have been embedded in the revised course content, that review for the test can occur throughout the program.
Action TExES
TExES review sessions are held during the program.

GOAL: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Objective Increase Stakeholder Surveys
Increase return of stakeholder surveys by 5% regarding effectiveness of the program.
Associated Goals: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Indicator Quantity Of Surveys  
Increase in number of stakeholder surveys.
Criteria Customer Satisfaction
Increase Alumni return of surveys.
Finding Low Survey Return Rate
The stakeholder survey has been revised and will be distributed to completers during the fall 2008 semester and in the future. The survey will be distributed during the internship course, mailed via US mail and email.
Actions for Objective:

Action Survey Return Rate
The stakeholder survey has been revised. More efforts will be put forth to increase the return rate.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111