
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Banking and Financial Institutions BBA

1 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Banking And Financial Institutions BBA Qualifications

Objective Communications
Banking BBA graduates will be competent communicators.
Associated Goals: Banking And Financial Institutions BBA Qualifications

Indicator Oral Presentation
Students will give an oral presentation during the required GBA 389 course.
Criteria Oral Evaluation
At least 80% of sampled students must meet expectations on the oral presentation rubrics.
Finding Oral Comminucation Skills
Of the students in the sample, 98% met or exceeded expectations
Indicator Written Report
Students will research a business topic and will write a well-developed, well-organized, and appropriately documented report during the required GBA 389 course.
Criteria Report Rubric
At least 80% of sampled students must meet expectations on the written report evaluation rubrics.
Finding Written Business Report
Of the students in the sample, 62% met or exceeded expectations.
Actions for Objective:

Action Oral communication skills
We will continue to monitor and revise the rubric as necessary.
Action Written Business Report Competency
The assessment instrument proved to be unwieldy and too time intensive in the evaluation process. The instrument will be revised and will be administered during the 2008-2009 academic year.

GOAL: Banking And Financial Institutions BBA Qualifications

Objective Problem Solvers
Banking BBA graduates will correctly apply financial models used in solving quantitative problems in banking.
Associated Goals: Banking And Financial Institutions BBA Qualifications

Indicator Appropriate Questions
Banking BBA graduates will have answered a series of questions which banking faculty consider to be appropriate for undergraduates over all areas of banking.
Criteria Subject Knowledge
At least 70% of students must score a passing grade on the appropriate banking questions.
Finding Banking Subject Knowledge
No assessment instrument available.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Banking And Financial Institutions BBA Qualifications

Objective Qualitative Information
Banking BBA graduates will have an understanding of the qualitative aspects of banking.
Associated Goals: Banking And Financial Institutions BBA Qualifications

Indicator Appropriate Questions
Banking BBA graduates will have answered a series of questions which banking faculty consider to be appropriate for undergraduates over all areas of banking.
Criteria Subject Knowledge
At least 70% of students must score a passing grade on the appropriate banking questions.
Finding Banking Subject Knowledge
No assessment instrument available.
Actions for Objective:

Action Banking Subject Knowledge
Assessment instrument is being developed and will be administered during the 2008-2009 academic year.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111