
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Music BM

3 Goals     5 Objectives     6 Indicators     6 Criteria     6 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: Curriclum Review

Objective Complete Undergraduate Review
Complete the review of undergraduate curriclum and submit paperwork for implementation in the fall 2008 semester
Associated Goals: Curriclum Review

Indicator 120 Rule And Certification
The new degree plans must adher to the 120 unit rule or add units for appropriate certification in Music Ed
Criteria NASM Standards
The degree plans must comply with NASM Standards
Finding Degree Restructuring
We are completing the restructuring of the BA, BM, and MM degrees to meet NASM standards and other guidelines.
Actions for Objective:

Action Submit Changes to Catalog
The degree plans will be submitted for implementation in the fall 2008 semester

GOAL: Music Careers

Objective Music History
Students will be able to identify and perform music from the Renaissance, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century and modern periods.
Associated Goals: Music Careers

Indicator Music History
A grade of at least "C" in all histroy courses required in the major.
Criteria Musical Periods
S.tudents can identify music by listening to short parts of selected works
Finding "drop the needle"
Students are doing very well, according to tests and evaluations, with identifying major periods of music from brief musical examples
Actions for Objective:

Action History Sequence Change
We are restructuring the theory sequence both in terms of course content and number of required courses.

GOAL: Music Careers

Objective Music Theory
Develop an understanding and practical application of music theory including scales, chords/progressions, form and analysis.
Associated Goals: Music Careers

Indicator Music Theory
Students will have at least a "C" grade in all theory classes.
Criteria Grading
Students will be required to have a "C" or better in each theory course before being allow to continue the sequence
Finding Grading is not consistent
Grading in different sections of theory is not consistent between instructors
Actions for Objective:

Action Restructure Theory Sequence
We are restructuring the theory sequence and making sure each class is equivalent to other sections.

GOAL: Recruit And Retain Excellent Students

Objective Music Training
Provide excellent performance opportunities for students in a variety of ensembles.
Associated Goals: Recruit And Retain Excellent Students

Indicator Training - Offer Variety Of Ensembles  
Students should have the opportunity to play/perform in a variety of ensembles
Criteria Ensembles each semester
Students should enroll in at leaat one ensemble each semester
Finding Training - ensembles needed
We have a good variety of ensembles but need to add jazz combos, pop/country ensembles and more classical chamber ensembles
Actions for Objective:

Action Rhythms studio instruction
Each studio instructor will increase the focus on rhythmic playing/performing.
Action Training - ensembles
In fall 08 we will offer chamber ensembles, and, if we are successful hiring a director of Jazz Studies, we will offer more small jazz, pop, country ensembles.

GOAL: Recruit And Retain Excellent Students

Objective Performance Skills
Develop performance ability at an appropriate level and difficulty to represent pre-professional performance. Knowledge of repertoire and performance practice unique to the student''s instrument/voice is essential.
Associated Goals: Recruit And Retain Excellent Students

Indicator Performance skills
Tone quality - representative and charactoristic of the instrument of voice including performance practices of the various periods or styles of music.
Criteria Juries
Students must pass their juries at a level appropriate to their class standing
Finding Student Juries
Students indicate that they are often not clear about what is expected of them at juries and therefore cannot prepare well.
Indicator Rhythms
Rhythems will be accurate and played in the correct style.
Criteria Complex Rhythms at tempo
Students need to play complex rhythms at that appropriate tempos
Finding Rhythmic playing
Additioanl assessment is necessary to ensure all studios are requiring the same level of rhythmic playing/performance
Actions for Objective:

Action Restructure Jury Process
The faculty will meet to clarify and simplify the Jury process so it is clear and understandable for students

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111