
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Mathematics BS

2 Goals     5 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     5 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: Abstract Reasoning

Objective Increase Majors
Increase the number of students seeking a BS in mathematics.
Associated Goals: Abstract Reasoning

Indicator Number Of Majors
Number of students with a BS degree plan in mathematics.
Criteria Increase math majors
There will be a 5% increase in students who declare BS in mathematics
Finding Increased math majors
The number of students declaring a BS in mathematics rose from 32 to 46, an increase of 30%.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase mathematics majors
The department needs to work on getting more undeclared math majors to file a degree plan.

GOAL: Abstract Reasoning

Objective Proofs
Students will be able to construct mathematical proofs.
Associated Goals: Abstract Reasoning

Indicator Pass Rate In Higher Math
A-B-C rate of math majors in higher algebra and analysis classes.
Criteria Pass rate in higher math
The pass rate in proof based classes will exceed 75%.
Finding Pass rate in higher math
The pass rate this year was 74%
Actions for Objective:

Action Pass rate in higher math
Continue to enforce Mth364 prerequisite and offer the class both long semesters.

GOAL: Fundamental Knowledge

Objective Core Courses
Students will master knowledge of fundamental concepts in core courses
Associated Goals: Fundamental Knowledge

Indicator Pass Rate In Calculus Sequence
A-B-C rate of math majors in Calculus I,II,III, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations.
Criteria Pass rate in calculus sequence
The pass rate for math majors in the calculus sequence will exceed 75%.
Finding Pass rate in calculus sequence
The pass rate this year was 65%.
Actions for Objective:

Action Pass rate in calculus sequence
The department will continue to monitor prerequisite courses. The TASP cut-off score to take any mathematics class has been raise from 250 to 270. This should help.

GOAL: Fundamental Knowledge

Objective Integration Of Technology
Technology will be integrated into the BS curriculum, including proficiency with graphing calculators and at least one mathematical software package.
Associated Goals: Fundamental Knowledge

Indicator Technology And Syllabi
Information on technology use will be taken from course syllabi.
Criteria Examination of syllabi
100% of non proof-based courses will use technology.
Finding Technology & Syllabi
67% of the syllabi contained information about the technology required for the course.
Actions for Objective:

Action Technology & Syllabi
Ask faculty to include use of technology information in syllabi.

GOAL: Fundamental Knowledge

Objective TExES Certification
BS students who have completed the prescribed certification program in mathematics at SHSU will pass the mathematics component of the TExES exam.
Associated Goals: Fundamental Knowledge

Indicator TExES Pass Rate
Pass rate for perspective secondary math teachers on the TExES exam.
Criteria 100% TExES
100% of students who take the TExES test must pass.
Finding TExES pass rate
This data is not yet available. Students still have one more opportunity this summer.
Actions for Objective:

Action TExES pass rate.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111