
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Geography BS

3 Goals     8 Objectives     9 Indicators     10 Criteria     10 Findings     11 Actions

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Objective G1 O1
The program will consistently strive to improve the quality of its program by making adjustments to its curriculum as needed.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Indicator G1 O1 I1
The department will, as needed, seek input from a variety of sources, including Professional Advisory Councils and Student Advisory Councils, and will use that input as the basis for modifying the curriculum.
Criteria Program Quality
Professional Advisory Council will be replaced by employment focused individual contacts. (Group is too diffuse and too distant from the specific issues of a dynamic program). More specific feedback is required
Finding Program Quality
Feedback via e-mail and phone calls gives better "conversational" feedback. Program of "callback" to be expanded.
Finding Understanding the Discipline
Curriculum and course offerings still too chaotic. New review starting to establish rational tracks.
Actions for Objective:

Action Curriculum modification
New review of BS/Applied curriculum flows from Alumni Council input. Present structure is too diffuse and confusing to students.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Objective G1 O2
The Department will seek to ensure that the quality of our instruction is rated as satisfactory or better by our students.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Indicator G1 O2 I1
The Department uses the IDEA evaluation system as well as peer-evaluation.
Criteria G1 O2 I1 C1
The scores on the IDEA form (summary score) must be rated consistently as "average" or above, and the peer evaluations (see attached Peer Evaluation form) must be deemed acceptable by departmental peers.
Finding Instruction quality
All faculty have at least one course in or above the IDEA gray band.
Actions for Objective:

Action Academic Success
Majors maintain better than a 2.0 in major
Action Success in Major
All interns received an assessment of "satisfactory'' or better.
Action Teaching Evaluations
All faculty teaching in the BS program score consistently in or above the gray ''satisfactory'' band on the IDEA form.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Objective G1 O3
The department will strive to enhance the quality of instruction through the use of appropriate technology in the classroom and during lab activities.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Indicator G1 O3 I1
The Department will add and/or maintain teaching equipment, such as dedicated computers, overhead LCD projectors, DVD players, and audio equipment. The department has purchased drilling equipment, a flume for labs work and research, a ground-penetrating radar, a device for measuring the chemical composition of samples, digital cameras and GPS equipment. We added a new remote sensing lab to compliment the GIS lab that was built 5 years ago.
Criteria G1 O3 I1 C1
In the past 5 years, the department has spent about $100,000 on audiovisual teaching equipment for our classrooms, and more than $170,000 on field equipment. The remote sensing lab contains about 12 computers with monitors worth about $30,000. The GIS lab just received (2007) an upgrade in computers and software worth $30,000.
Finding Classroom Technology
Departmental tech support very successful but funding exhausted. Development of proposal to shift to College accepted by dean but person left. Needs redevelopment.
Actions for Objective:

Action Classroom Technology
Major improvement in physical systems. Tech support staff very successful but now inoperative due to funding. Transfer of task to a task shared with College is imperative.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Objective G1 O4
The department will strive to enhance the quality of instruction through the use of field trips.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Indicator G1 O4 I1
The Department will seek to increase the number of field trips offered to our students
Criteria G1 O4 I1 C1
Four years ago, the department purchased a 15-passenger van and has since made an effort to increase the number of field trips.
Finding GEO Field work
Field work has been significantly facilitated by availability of vans on short notice
Criteria G1 O4 I1 C2
In 2006, the department offered its first International trip (Geo 475-special topics) to China and Thailand. This trip constituted 3-hours of advanced credit. A second trip to Thailand is planned for 2008.
Finding GEO Field Trips
International and Domestic trips very successful. review for future expansion to other courses.
Actions for Objective:

Action GEO Program Quality
Van purchased and well used.
Action Program Internationalization
Trips to UK, Thailand(2) all very successful. Program to be expanded.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Objective G1 O5
The department will increase the availability of its courses and its visibility by offering web courses.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Geography Program

Indicator G1 O5 I1
The Department will add to and/or maintain the number of its web-based courses.
Criteria G1 O5 I1 C1
In the past 5 years, the department has added web-versions of Geo 265, Geo 369, Geo 471 to its curriculum offerings in addition to those already offered (Geo 131/111 and Geo 161).
Finding Web Courses
Upper level web course offerings expanded.
Actions for Objective:

Action GEO BS Web Courses
Web course offerings expanded successfully.

GOAL: Goal 2 - Understanding of Discipline

Objective G2 O1
Geography students will successfully complete courses that encompass the breadth of the discipline, ranging from cultural geography, to physical and environmental geography, as well as technical courses.
Associated Goals: Goal 2 - Understanding of Discipline

Indicator G2 O1 I1
Successful completion of major requirements and major electives
Criteria G2 O1 I1 C1
Majors must maintain a major GPA of 2.0
Indicator G2 O1 I2
: Internship Performance - Those students that opt to do an internship will be evaluated by their supervisor using a departmental evaluation form to be completed by the supervisor. (See sample Internship Survey form and Internship Agreement form)
Criteria G2 O1 I2 C2
A significant majority of our students will be evaluated as "satisfactory" or better by their internship supervisors.
Finding Understanding of Discipline
All interns achieved an assessment of or above "satisfactory".
Actions for Objective:

Action Breadth of discipline
All interns are above the minimum standard of "satisfactory".

GOAL: Goal 3 - Professional and Technical Skills

Objective G3 O1
The Department will seek modify its curriculum as needed in order to meet this goal. Based on input from our advisory councils and other sources, the department determined that it needed to add the following courses to its curriculum: a) Added Remote Sensing - added 2005 b) Added Computer Cartography - added 2006 c) Hired a new faculty line for purposes of teaching remote sensing and computer cartography d) Proposed a Tourism Geography course in 2007 e) Proposed a Population Geography course in 2007 f) Proposed an Urban Geography course in 2007 g) Proposed a Geospatial Technology course in 2007
Associated Goals: Goal 3 - Professional and Technical Skills

Indicator G3 O1 I1
The success of our program, as defined in terms of the success of our graduates, is measured using an Alumni Survey that is given periodically.
Criteria G3 O1 I1 C1
A substantial majority of respondents to our survey will indicate that they are satisfied with the quality of education that they received as regards preparation for their career.
Finding P&T Skills
Applied curriculum needs major adjustment and integration with GIS Masters Program.
Actions for Objective:

Action P&T Technical Skills
telephone and e-mail to specific cohorts give better informed feedback. Their input will go into new plans for course and curriculum adjustments.

GOAL: Goal 3 - Professional and Technical Skills

Objective G3 O2
The department developed two new minors in the technical areas of geography that is used primarily by students seeking a BS in Geography. This included a composite minor titled "GIS" that was includes coursework in the Department of Computer Science. The second minor is titled "Geospatial Science" and consists of the technical courses offered in the department, some of which were added in the last two years.
Associated Goals: Goal 3 - Professional and Technical Skills

Indicator G3 O2 I1  
The success of our program, as defined in terms of the success of our graduates, is measured using an Alumni Survey that is given periodically.
Criteria G3 O2 I1 C1
A substantial majority of respondents to our survey will indicate that they are satisfied with the quality of education that they received as regards preparation for their career.
Finding P&T Skills
Program under a new review. Alumni survey not held.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increased GIS course offerings
New courses added as well as new courses under review

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111