
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Computing and Information Science MS

3 Goals     7 Objectives     3 Indicators     7 Criteria     7 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Lifelong Learning

Objective Professional Association
Professional Association ( edit ) Description The ideal student will understand the need for professional association and the maintenance of professional currency
Associated Goals: Lifelong Learning, Specialized Competence

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work
Criteria Alumni Technical Preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Criteria Course Material
The course material offered in CIS courses will map to the program curriculum guidelines.
Criteria Professional Association
Finding Professional Association
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Association
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending

GOAL: Specialized Competence

Objective Communication
The ideal student will have the capability to communicate professionally and effectively.
Associated Goals: Specialized Competence

Indicator Final Project Assessment
Documentation ,presentation and discussion on final project.
Criteria Final Project Assessment
Students graduating will have documented consensus of the graduate faculty that they meet professional standards of software engineering.
Criteria Teamwork and Projects
Finding Teamwork and Projects
Finding final Project Assessment
Indicator Student Evaluations
Semester student course evaluations including evaluation of the course objectives against actual learning.
Criteria Course Syllabi objectives
The course syllabi will contain objectives that map to the program objectives.
Finding Course Syllabi Objectives
Finding course Material
Criteria Student Evaluations
Students will evaluate their progress on Relevant Objectives (raw score) at 4.0 or higher in 80% of the classes offered in each semester.
Finding Student evaluations
Finding alumni Technical Preparation
Actions for Objective:

Action Course Syllabus Onjectives
Assessment Pending
Action Final Project Assessment
Assessment Pending
Action Student Evaluations
Assessment Pending
Action Teamwork and Projects
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending
Action course Material
Assessment Pending

GOAL: Specialized Competence

Objective Knowledge Of Mathematics, Science And Network Systems
The ideal student will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and computer and network
Associated Goals: Specialized Competence, Technical Competence

Indicator Final Project Assessment
Documentation ,presentation and discussion on final project.
Criteria Final Project Assessment
Students graduating will have documented consensus of the graduate faculty that they meet professional standards of software engineering.
Criteria Teamwork and Projects
Finding Teamwork and Projects
Finding final Project Assessment
Indicator Student Evaluations
Semester student course evaluations including evaluation of the course objectives against actual learning.
Criteria Course Syllabi objectives
The course syllabi will contain objectives that map to the program objectives.
Finding Course Syllabi Objectives
Finding course Material
Criteria Student Evaluations
Students will evaluate their progress on Relevant Objectives (raw score) at 4.0 or higher in 80% of the classes offered in each semester.
Finding Student evaluations
Finding alumni Technical Preparation
Actions for Objective:

Action Course Syllabus Onjectives
Assessment Pending
Action Final Project Assessment
Assessment Pending
Action Student Evaluations
Assessment Pending
Action Teamwork and Projects
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending
Action course Material
Assessment Pending

GOAL: Specialized Competence

Objective Professional Association
Professional Association ( edit ) Description The ideal student will understand the need for professional association and the maintenance of professional currency
Associated Goals: Lifelong Learning, Specialized Competence

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work
Criteria Alumni Technical Preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Criteria Course Material
The course material offered in CIS courses will map to the program curriculum guidelines.
Criteria Professional Association
Finding Professional Association
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Association
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending

GOAL: Specialized Competence

Objective Professional Functionality
The ideal student will be able to function professionally and effectively in a variety of network, hardware, operating system and application development environments.
Associated Goals: Specialized Competence, Technical Competence

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work
Criteria Alumni Technical Preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Criteria Course Material
The course material offered in CIS courses will map to the program curriculum guidelines.
Criteria Professional Association
Finding Professional Association
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Association
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending

GOAL: Specialized Competence

Objective Teamwork And Projects
The ideal student will gain experience and skill in team-oriented projects designed to solve real-world problems
Associated Goals: Specialized Competence

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work
Criteria Alumni Technical Preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Criteria Course Material
The course material offered in CIS courses will map to the program curriculum guidelines.
Criteria Professional Association
Finding Professional Association
Indicator Final Project Assessment
Documentation ,presentation and discussion on final project.
Criteria Final Project Assessment
Students graduating will have documented consensus of the graduate faculty that they meet professional standards of software engineering.
Criteria Teamwork and Projects
Finding Teamwork and Projects
Finding final Project Assessment
Actions for Objective:

Action Course Syllabus Onjectives
Assessment Pending
Action Final Project Assessment
Assessment Pending
Action Student Evaluations
Assessment Pending
Action Teamwork and Projects
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending
Action course Material
Assessment Pending

GOAL: Technical Competence

Objective Abstraction
The ideal student will be able to construct and employ abstractions and algorithms in pursuit of solutions to computational problems and represent such abstractions in computer languages
Associated Goals: Technical Competence

Indicator Final Project Assessment
Documentation ,presentation and discussion on final project.
Criteria Final Project Assessment
Students graduating will have documented consensus of the graduate faculty that they meet professional standards of software engineering.
Criteria Teamwork and Projects
Finding Teamwork and Projects
Finding final Project Assessment
Indicator Student Evaluations
Semester student course evaluations including evaluation of the course objectives against actual learning.
Criteria Course Syllabi objectives
The course syllabi will contain objectives that map to the program objectives.
Finding Course Syllabi Objectives
Finding course Material
Criteria Student Evaluations
Students will evaluate their progress on Relevant Objectives (raw score) at 4.0 or higher in 80% of the classes offered in each semester.
Finding Student evaluations
Finding alumni Technical Preparation
Actions for Objective:

Action Course Syllabus Onjectives
Assessment Pending
Action Final Project Assessment
Assessment Pending
Action Student Evaluations
Assessment Pending
Action Teamwork and Projects
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending
Action course Material
Assessment Pending

GOAL: Technical Competence

Objective Knowledge Of Mathematics, Science And Network Systems
The ideal student will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and computer and network
Associated Goals: Specialized Competence, Technical Competence

Indicator Final Project Assessment
Documentation ,presentation and discussion on final project.
Criteria Final Project Assessment
Students graduating will have documented consensus of the graduate faculty that they meet professional standards of software engineering.
Criteria Teamwork and Projects
Finding Teamwork and Projects
Finding final Project Assessment
Indicator Student Evaluations
Semester student course evaluations including evaluation of the course objectives against actual learning.
Criteria Course Syllabi objectives
The course syllabi will contain objectives that map to the program objectives.
Finding Course Syllabi Objectives
Finding course Material
Criteria Student Evaluations
Students will evaluate their progress on Relevant Objectives (raw score) at 4.0 or higher in 80% of the classes offered in each semester.
Finding Student evaluations
Finding alumni Technical Preparation
Actions for Objective:

Action Course Syllabus Onjectives
Assessment Pending
Action Final Project Assessment
Assessment Pending
Action Student Evaluations
Assessment Pending
Action Teamwork and Projects
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending
Action course Material
Assessment Pending

GOAL: Technical Competence

Objective Professional Functionality
The ideal student will be able to function professionally and effectively in a variety of network, hardware, operating system and application development environments.
Associated Goals: Specialized Competence, Technical Competence

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work
Criteria Alumni Technical Preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Criteria Course Material
The course material offered in CIS courses will map to the program curriculum guidelines.
Criteria Professional Association
Finding Professional Association
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Association
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending

GOAL: Technical Competence

Objective Software Engineering
The ideal student will be able to plan, structure, implement and demonstrate solutions to computational problems through accepted software engineering methodologies.
Associated Goals: Technical Competence

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work
Criteria Alumni Technical Preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Criteria Course Material
The course material offered in CIS courses will map to the program curriculum guidelines.
Criteria Professional Association
Finding Professional Association
Indicator Final Project Assessment
Documentation ,presentation and discussion on final project.
Criteria Final Project Assessment
Students graduating will have documented consensus of the graduate faculty that they meet professional standards of software engineering.
Criteria Teamwork and Projects
Finding Teamwork and Projects
Finding final Project Assessment
Actions for Objective:

Action Course Syllabus Onjectives
Assessment Pending
Action Final Project Assessment
Assessment Pending
Action Student Evaluations
Assessment Pending
Action Teamwork and Projects
Assessment Pending
Action alumni Technical Preparation
Assessment Pending
Action course Material
Assessment Pending

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111