
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Biology BS

3 Goals     10 Objectives     20 Indicators     20 Criteria     13 Findings     11 Actions

GOAL: Goal 1

Objective Objective 1-1
Provide rigorous instruction in both our lower- and upper-division courses, covering the breadth of biological subdisciplines while allowing our BS students sufficient electives to develop depth in their chosen areas of specialization.
Associated Goals: Goal 1

Indicator Indicator 1-1
All graduating seniors pursuing a BS in Biology will take the ETS MFAT Biology exit exam. Strengths and weaknesses of our undergraduate BS program will be identified by comparing the average performance of our graduating seniors with the national averages in each of the 4 subdisciplines of biology assessed with this exam.
Criteria Criterion 1-1-1
The average score for SHSU biology students taking the ETS MFAT Biology exit exam should meet or exceed the national average for comparable institutions.
Finding Finding 1-1-1
Scores for 2008 are not yet returned, and 2007 scores were below the national average (35%).
Criteria Criterion 1-1-2
Develop a mechanism to officially recognize the area of study specialization of students while simultaneously maintaining the broadness of the degree, according to the liberal arts tradition.
Finding Finding 1-1-2
Registrar’s Office has indicated that an area of emphasis may be noted on degree.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 1-1-1
Formed a standing Departmental Assessment Committee, which will review MFAT results and make recommendations.
Action Action 1-1-2
Curriculum Committee will formulate a plan for emphasis areas, and bring to faculty.

GOAL: Goal 1

Objective Objective 1-2
Qualitative assessments of how well our undergraduate BS program has prepared our graduates for their professions will be solicited through questionnaires distributed in our annual departmental newsletter.
Associated Goals: Goal 1

Indicator Indicator 1-2  
This questionnaire will be included, for the first time, in the fall 2007 Department of Biological Sciences newsletter.
Criteria Criterion 1-2
Any deficiencies in our undergraduate BS curriculum noted by at least three or more respondents in a given year will be evaluated by the Department''s Curriculum Committee.
Finding Finding 1-2
Departmental Assessment Committee will also be tasked with analyzing questionnaire data, and making recommendations.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 1-2
In progress.

GOAL: Goal 1

Objective Objective 1-3
Increase the number of undergraduate Biology BS students accepted into professional post-baccalaureate programs (e.g., medical school, veterinary school, PA programs, etc.) and into graduate programs (MS and PhD).
Associated Goals: Goal 1

Indicator Indicator 1-3-1
Success at implementing Objective 1-3 requires that we do a better job of tracking what happens to our graduating seniors.
Criteria Criterion 1-3-1
Solicit contact information and post-baccalaureate plans from all graduating seniors.
Finding Finding 1-3-1
Need to connect with graduating students better for tracking. Held a Spring recognition ceremony for graduates and their families.
Indicator Indicator 1-3-2
Work with the University Administration and the Student Advising and Mentoring Center (SAM Center) to provide the resources required by our undergraduates for better success in applying to graduate programs and professional schools.
Criteria Criterion 1-3-2-1
Support the SAM Center in their efforts to recruit qualified and knowledgeable pre-professional advisors.
Criteria Criterion 1-3-2-2
Support the University and the SAM Center in their efforts to secure resources directed at helping our pre-professional students better prepare for their entrance exams (e.g., training courses for the MCAT, DAT, GRE, etc.) .
Finding Finding 1-3-2
SAM Center now offers GRE Prep Course to students at no cost.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 1-3
Make recognition ceremony an annual event. Have the new standing Departmental Events Committee coordinate it.

GOAL: Goal 1

Objective Objective 1-4
Build scientific literacy, enhance critical thinking skills, and develop better communication skills by involving more Biology BS undergraduates in research.
Associated Goals: Goal 1

Indicator Indicator 1-4-1
Identify undergraduate students early in their academic career who are interested in research.
Criteria Criterion 1-4-1
Encourage undergraduates to attend the Department''s seminar series.
Finding Finding 1-4-1
Seminar Coordinator established a social time, a half-hour before the weekly seminar. Several socials were also held after the seminar. These activities can continue without undue expense to faculty because of the endowment.
Indicator Indicator 1-4-2
Increase the number of undergraduates participating formally (i.e., through Independent Studies) or informally in faculty-mentored research projects.
Criteria Criterion 1-4-2-1
Stress the importance of undergraduate research experiences for successful application to graduate programs and professional schools.
Criteria Criterion 1-4-2-2
Highlight the number of scientific careers open to students whose experiences push them beyond the restrictive vocational boxes of "physician" or "crime scene investigator." Employment in the biological sciences is growing, and students who participate in meaningful research experiences as undergraduates not only are more attractive to employers, but are more aware of these career options.
Criteria Criterion 1-4-2-3
Inform students that the research interests of all Biology faculty (who might serve as mentors for undergraduate research projects) can be found on our web page.
Indicator Indicator 1-4-3
Support undergraduates presenting their research results at scientific venues (e.g., SHSU's Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities, the annual meeting of the Texas Academy of Sciences, Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Southwestern Association of Parasitologists, etc.).
Criteria Criterion 1-4-3
5-10 undergraduates should annually present their research results at state, regional, or national/international conferences.
Finding Finding 1-4-2
Fifteen undergraduates gave a total of 24 presentations at 9 different conferences. Thus, we strongly exceeded the goal.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 1-4
Include in Departmental website update information for current students, including seminar schedule, events calendar, and scholarship listings.

GOAL: Goal 1

Objective Objective 1-5
Develop and implement, through the planned SHSU Academic Center for Excellence, a training program for all incoming undergraduate and graduate student Teaching Assistants (TAs).
Associated Goals: Goal 1

Indicator Indicator 1-5
Survey TAs at the end of the training session and again at the end of their first semester of teaching to identify strengths and weaknesses in the training program.
Criteria Criterion 1-5
All undergraduate TAs in Department will receive training before teaching, and receive formative assessment during their teaching duties.
Finding Finding 1-5
In preparation for ACE, weekly meetings and training session held for 07-08 academic year. In-class assessment instrument developed and class visits will be initiated in the Fall 2008 semester.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 1-5
In progress.

GOAL: Goal 2

Objective Objective 2-1
Encourage a more active research program and increase research excellence.
Associated Goals: Goal 2

Indicator Indicator 2-1-1
All faculty are expected to produce scholarly products.
Criteria Criterion 2-1-1
All faculty will produce scholarly products.
Indicator Indicator 2-1-2
Maintain and increase the number of peer-reviewed publications produced annually by faculty in our department.
Criteria Criterion 2-1-2
Meet or exceed the national average publication rate for Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI''s).
Finding Finding 2-1
Compared to the PUI national average, faculty publication and funding rates are high.
Indicator Indicator 2-1-3
Enhance strategies/mechanisms that provide additional time for research. Time is the one resource in shortest supply among the faculty; a reduction in teaching loads would contribute significantly to increased publication rates and successful applications to external funding agencies.
Criteria Criterion 2-1-3
Achieve parity regarding FTE credit for laboratories.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 2-1
In progress.

GOAL: Goal 2

Objective Objective 2-2
Build support for our research programs through increased external funding.
Associated Goals: Goal 2

Indicator Indicator 2-2
All faculty are expected to seek external funding.
Criteria Criterion 2-2
Each faculty member should, in any given year, have one or more projects supported by external funding or should submit a grant to seek such support.
Finding Finding 2-2
Of the 16 full-time tenure-track faculty members, 69% were investigators on submitted proposals, and 50% are funded from external sources. One faculty member served as an NSF Program Officer for the year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 2-2
Encourage faculty to increase funding requests.

GOAL: Goal 2

Objective Objective 2-3
Increase the visibility and national reputation of our research programs.
Associated Goals: Goal 2

Indicator Indicator 2-3-1
Encourage and support all faculty members to present their research results at local, regional, and national/international professional meetings.
Criteria Criteria 2-3-1
Provide sufficient funds to support every faculty member to present their research at a minimum of one regional and one national/international conference per year.
Finding Finding 2-3
12 of 16 (89%) faculty presented research at conferences, almost always accompanied by undergraduate researchers.
Indicator Indicator 2-3-2
Enhance support mechanisms for faculty who have been asked to provide external scholarly service, including but not limited to serving as editors and associate editors for peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Criteria Criterion 2-3-2
Establish policies and incentives for such service; e.g., providing a one course reduction per semester for serving as editor for a national peer-reviewed journal.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 2-3
strong professional activities, and request additional travel funds.

GOAL: Goal 3

Objective Objective 3-1
Through effective recruiting and scholarships, increase the number of under-represented minorities and first-generation college students pursuing degrees in the biological sciences.
Associated Goals: Goal 3

Indicator Indicator 3-1-1
Support the University's high school and junior college recruitment efforts by providing necessary and up-to-date program information detailing both educational and research opportunities in the Department of Biological Sciences.
Indicator Indicator 3-1-2
As fiscally prudent, increase the number and individual amount of undergraduate scholarships awarded annually in the Department by increasing the Department of Biological Sciences Scholarship endowments.
Criteria Criterion 3-1
Double, by 2015, the total value of scholarships awarded by the Department of Biological Sciences from interest earned on our endowed scholarship accounts.
Finding Finding 3-1
The PEERS Program, newly funded at SHSU by the NSF, gives numbers of undergraduate need-based fellowships annually. These $5,000 PEERS Scholars awards also receive travel funds and encouragement to be involved in undergraduate research.
Indicator Indicator 3-1-3
Coordinate our fundraising efforts (to improve the Department's scholarship endowments) with the University's Advancement Office and with University President Gaertner's recently announced Capital Campaign.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 3-1
The Department scholarship endowments have increased over 70% in the past 5 years, thus are well on the way to the goal of doubling. A new Science and Math Teachers scholarship program has just been added (ten $1,000 annual awards) from external funding for STEM majors planning to become secondary education teachers. Continue the excellent progress.

GOAL: Goal 3

Objective Objective 3-2
Help students recognize the importance of the biological sciences in preparation for future career opportunities.
Associated Goals: Goal 3

Indicator Indicator 3-2-1
Increase student attendance in our Department of Biological Sciences weekly seminar series.
Indicator Indicator 3-2-2
Increase the number of undergraduates participating, formally or informally, in STEM-related internships.
Criteria Criterion 3-2
At least 10% of BIO majors will participate in research and internship activities.
Finding Finding 3-2
In Fall 2007, 8 students participated in the official BIO494 internship program and 10 in independent research, BIO495. In Spring 2008, 7 participated in the internships and 12 in research credit. In addition, 3 pre-professional students were involved in shadowing experiences. This is just above the 10% mark, with 208 official majors.
Indicator Indicator 3-2-3
Increase the number and proficiency of undergraduate advisors in the Department. More closely coordinate advising efforts between Biology faculty and the SAM Center.
Actions for Objective:

Action Action 3-2
Continue to encourage student research, and equip faculty for advising.

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(936) 294-1111