4 Goals 7 Objectives 8 Indicators 8 Criteria 8 Findings 7 Actions
GOAL: Acquire Specific Knowledge
Objective | | Academic Success |
| | Students will aquire knowledge in the language of design, principles and techniques, and commercial practice. Associated Goals: Acquire Specific Knowledge |
Indicator | | GPA BFA Graphic Design students will maintain a 3.0 GPA overall, and a 3.0 GPA in all art couirses. Calculated GPAs are monitored for compliance with 3.0 GPA requrements. |
Criteria | | 3.0 GPA Calculated GPAs are monitored for compliance with 3.0 GPA requrements |
Finding | | 3.0 GPA findings 95% of our Graphic Design Students maintained the required 3.0 GPA |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Maintain Maintain existing 3.0 GPA requirements. Continue to make adjustments to curriculum as indicated by profession. |
GOAL: Acquire Specific Knowledge
Objective | | Assessment Of Quality |
| | Students will make informed assessments of quality in works of design Associated Goals: Acquire Specific Knowledge, Demonstrate Basic Skills |
Indicator | | Assessment By Critique Students will suggest how to evaluate each other in critiques. Students will participate in critique of peer's work. |
Criteria | | Majority Participation The majority of the class will enthusiastically participate in peer critiques. |
Finding | | Majority Participation Achieved Classes continue to maintain at least 51% participation in class criitiques. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Maintain Critiques
GOAL: Acquire Specific Knowledge
Objective | | Portfolio |
| | Graphic Design students will produce a substanial and relevant body of work appropriate to professional attitudes and expectations. Associated Goals: Acquire Specific Knowledge, Demonstrate Basic Skills |
Indicator | | Portfolio Review Process/Graphic Design V As part of the Graphic Design V course, each graduating senior will present and successfully defend a portfolio of his or her graphic design work, while following guidelines established by the graphic design faculty. |
Criteria | | Complete Portfolio  Successful completion requires student to submit a professional portfolio demonstrating an appropriate level of understanding of graphic design. See attached portfolio requirements. |
Finding | | Pass Rate Currently all Graphic Design V students are successfully completing the portfolio requirements. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Maintain As Is Maintain existing portfolio requirements. Continue to make adjustments as indicated by profession. |
GOAL: Acquire Specific Knowledge
Objective | | Problem Solving |
| | Demonstrate creative problem-solving skills through assigned Graphic Design projects. Associated Goals: Acquire Specific Knowledge, Demonstrate Basic Skills |
Indicator | | Presentation In Critique  Student will present projects and demonstrate problem-solving skills in peer critiques. This is currently done informally, and will be formalized in the future. See attached. |
Criteria | | Defense of Work Student will demonstrate a successful presentation and defense of their work as measured by observation. |
Finding | | Successful Presentations Students gained experience in presenting and defending their work. Improvement was observed over the course of the semester. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Maintain Presentations
GOAL: Acquire Specific Knowledge
Objective | | Professional Skills |
| | Students will demonstrate a mastery of entry-level professional graphic design skills including originality, design quality, and effectiveness. Associated Goals: Acquire Specific Knowledge |
Indicator | | Graphic Design IV  Student's graphic design concept and implementation skills are evaluated based upon design pieces produced in Graphic Design IV. Though actual gradesheets may vary, each instructor evaluates student work based on the areas shown in the attached file. |
Criteria | | Project Average All projects produced in Graphc Design IV class are averaged together to produce student''s final grade. Final grade of D required to pass course. |
Finding | | Graphic Design IV grades 95% of students earned a passing grade from project grades averaged. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Maintain Projects Maintain existing project requirements. Continue to make adjustments as indicated by profession. |
GOAL: Curriculum Support
Objective | | Workplace Performance |
| | Effectively apply theories, principles, and skills of the discipline to application in the workplace. Associated Goals: Curriculum Support |
Indicator | | Internship Evaluation Based on performance evaluations by on-site internship supervisors students effectively apply theories, principles and skills of the discipline to application in the workplace. |
Criteria | | Supervisor Evaluation  Student''s immediate supervisor at their internship complete an evaluation on the student. See attached. Supervisor''s evaluations should indicate positive internship performance. |
Finding | | Positive Employer Feedback Currently, completion of an internship is optional. We will add it to the requirements for the Graphic Design BFA. Currently, all students attempting internships have successfully completed them. |
Indicator | | Minimum Internship Hours Student are required to complete a minimum 150 hours of a professional internship |
Criteria | | Weekly Journals Student will submit weekly written journals of intenship activities, including a running tally of hours completed. A minimum of 150 hours are required for successfull completion of internship. |
Finding | | Successful Weekly Journals Currently, completion of an internship is optional. We will add it to the requirements for the Graphic Design BFA. Currently, all students attempting internships have successfully completed them. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Make Internships Requried Make change to BFA Graphic Design requirements to include comletion of a professional internship. |
GOAL: Demonstrate Basic Skills
Objective | | Assessment Of Quality |
| | Students will make informed assessments of quality in works of design Associated Goals: Acquire Specific Knowledge, Demonstrate Basic Skills |
Indicator | | Assessment By Critique Students will suggest how to evaluate each other in critiques. Students will participate in critique of peer's work. |
Criteria | | Majority Participation The majority of the class will enthusiastically participate in peer critiques. |
Finding | | Majority Participation Achieved Classes continue to maintain at least 51% participation in class criitiques. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Maintain Critiques
GOAL: Demonstrate Basic Skills
Objective | | Portfolio |
| | Graphic Design students will produce a substanial and relevant body of work appropriate to professional attitudes and expectations. Associated Goals: Acquire Specific Knowledge, Demonstrate Basic Skills |
Indicator | | Portfolio Review Process/Graphic Design V As part of the Graphic Design V course, each graduating senior will present and successfully defend a portfolio of his or her graphic design work, while following guidelines established by the graphic design faculty. |
Criteria | | Complete Portfolio  Successful completion requires student to submit a professional portfolio demonstrating an appropriate level of understanding of graphic design. See attached portfolio requirements. |
Finding | | Pass Rate Currently all Graphic Design V students are successfully completing the portfolio requirements. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Maintain As Is Maintain existing portfolio requirements. Continue to make adjustments as indicated by profession. |
GOAL: Demonstrate Basic Skills
Objective | | Problem Solving |
| | Demonstrate creative problem-solving skills through assigned Graphic Design projects. Associated Goals: Acquire Specific Knowledge, Demonstrate Basic Skills |
Indicator | | Presentation In Critique  Student will present projects and demonstrate problem-solving skills in peer critiques. This is currently done informally, and will be formalized in the future. See attached. |
Criteria | | Defense of Work Student will demonstrate a successful presentation and defense of their work as measured by observation. |
Finding | | Successful Presentations Students gained experience in presenting and defending their work. Improvement was observed over the course of the semester. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Maintain Presentations
GOAL: Technical Foundation
Objective | | Provide Necessary Tools |
| | Advise Art Department of needed space, equipment, materials and resources appropriate to meet the needs of our curriculum. Associated Goals: Technical Foundation |
Indicator | | Provide Art Department will provide, within budget allowances, the necessary tools to meet the needs of our curriculum. |
Criteria | | Students Needs Met Students will have the necessary tools, provided by the department, to complete projects and gain knowledge of materials. |
Finding | | Resource Requirements Met Minimum required space, equipment, materials, and resources provided. |
Actions for Objective: