
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Facilities and Construction

3 Goals     6 Objectives     9 Indicators     9 Criteria     9 Findings     9 Actions

GOAL: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective Provide Accurate And Updated Building Inventory
Facilities Planning and Registrar work together to ensure up to date and accurate classroom and class laboratory data for compiling utilization reports
Associated Goals: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator Annual Update Of Certified Building Inventory Report   
The Building Inventory report is updated annually and submitted to THECB.
Criteria Annual Certified Building Inventory Report   
A Certified Building Inventory Report is submitted to Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) annually by November 1
Finding The FY 2008 report was submitted on schedule.
The FY 2008 Building Inventory Report was originally certified by the President on October 19, 2007and submitted to THECB on October 22, 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Improve accuracy of classifying room inventory
Improve accuracy of classifying room inventory and thoroughly review before certifying. Continue ongoing update to inventory after certification, but no electronic submittals will be made for 2 months to avoid conflicting information.Educate all involved as to how to properly classify rooms and submit electronically on a timely basis.

GOAL: Enhance Campus And Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective Improve Parking Conditions
Make improvements to condition of existing parking lots and construct new parking facilities.
Associated Goals: Enhance Campus And Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator Approval Letter From President And Chancellor
The President and Chancellor approve project to add more parking or resurfacing of existing lots to improve parking conditions.
Criteria Complete one or more parking projects each year.
Upon completion of the project, did we achieve adding parking spaces or improve condition of existing lots.
Finding Completion of parking improvement projects for FY
One project was completed in FY add a parking lot on the Colony Apartment site, adding 270 new spaces.
Actions for Objective:

Action CIP calls for 1 new parking project in FY 2008
In FY 2008, we originally planned to build a Parking Deck over an existing parking lot between Bowers Stadium and Bernard Johnson Coliseum which would have added 300 additional spaces. This project has been deferred until a new master plan for FY 2009 – FY 2020 is completed.

GOAL: Enhance Campus And Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective Maximize Use Of Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB’s).
Facilities Planning will aggressively pursue the utilization of Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB’s).
Associated Goals: Enhance Campus And Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator Monthly Update On HUB Utilization
The Director of Purchasing publishes a status report monthly which reports the HUB utilization by division
Criteria Achieve 26% HUB utilization
The state guideline sets 26% as the goal for HUB utilization for building construction.
Finding Actual achieved HUB utilization for Building Const
Through the first 9 months of FY 2008, Facilities has achieved 20% HUB utilization
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase HUB utilization by 2%
Improve HUB utilization from 20% to 26% by the end of FY 2008.

GOAL: Enhance University Image And Increase Public Exposure

Objective Comply With Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) On Construction Or Renovation Projects.
Facilities Planning maintains a program to improve accessibility to campus building and facilities to encourage greater enrollment of physically challenged students, faculty, staff and visitors by addressing accessibility issues in all areas of the campus.
Associated Goals: Enhance University Image And Increase Public Exposure

Indicator Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) Inspection Reports
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) inspects project and submits a report on compliance/non-compliance issues.
Criteria 100% compliance with TAS standards
The project is not complete unless we achieve 100% compliance with TAS standards.
Finding FY 2008 TAS Reports
TDLR certifies that the project is in compliance with accessibility standards.
Actions for Objective:

Action Improve the design/construction process
Improve the design/construction process so that zero violations are reported during the final inspection.

GOAL: Enhance University Image And Increase Public Exposure

Objective Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) On Construction Or Renovation Projects.
Facilities Planning will continue to introduce and seek funding support for projects which improve the indoor air quality (IAQ) of our facilities.
Associated Goals: Enhance University Image And Increase Public Exposure

Indicator Texas Department Of State Health Services Voluntary Guidelines & ASHRAE
Texas Department of State Health Services has set voluntary guidelines for meeting or improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in buildings.ASHRAE has set indoor air quality standard requirements for design engineers to follow.
Criteria Achieve compliance with IAQ standards where feasible
The project will address and improve IAQ issues where it is economically feasible. Qualified firms with IAQ experience will be hired to investigate and help us resolve IAQ issues.University technicians will routinely clean air handling systems and change filters to insure that buildings are provided with a clean conditioned air environment, free of mold and other airborne particulates.
Finding Reports submitted in FY 2008
Reports generated by qualified IAQ firms
Actions for Objective:

Action Improve the design/construction process
Improve the design/construction process so that IAQ issues are addressed in a prioritized order.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111