
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
President, Office of

3 Goals     3 Objectives     6 Indicators     6 Criteria     7 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Cultivate Success in each Division

Objective Continuous Improvement
The Vice Presidents will demonstrate continuous improvements in the quality of service within the divisions by exceeding benchmarks of the previous year.
Associated Goals: Cultivate Success in each Division

Indicator Division Progress
President''s Cabinet will meet to review collectively pertinent issues concerning the University. The President will meet with each Vice President to review individually relevant issues within each division.
Criteria Cabinet and One-on-One Issue Resolutions
Each concern of the President''s Cabinet and each concern of the Vice Presidents brought to the President during the One-on-One visits will be resolved.
Finding President's Cabinet
President''s Cabinet met the 1st/3rd Mondays of each month during FY08 with few exceptions. The members of cabinet discussed items on the agendas and collectively resolved pertinent issues brought to their attention. There are no pending follow-up items for FY08
Finding Vice-President's One-on-One
The President''s met with the Vice Presidents twice a month on an individual basis to discuss pertinent issues concerning their division. The President and Vice Presidents have resolved issues discussed during these meetings. There are no pending follow-up items for FY08.
Indicator Performance Measures
Performance Measures of key functions of each division based on data collected by Institutional Research will be evaluated.
Criteria Benchmarks
Benchmarks determined by the President and Vice Presidents for each performance measure are met or exceeded.
Finding Performance Measures
Performance Measures of key functions of each division based on data collected by Institutuional Research will be evaluated.
Actions for Objective:

Action Division Progress
Since there were no pending items of the President''s Cabinet meetings, no action was needed at this time.
Action Division Progress
Since there were no pending items as a result of the Vice Presidents'' One-on-One sessions, no action was needed at this time.
Action Performance Measures
The President reviewed with each Vice President the FY08 benchmarks for the Performance Measures for each division. The bencharks for FY09 were adjusted as a result of the reviews.

GOAL: Pursue Financial Support

Objective Financial Support
The Office of the President will secure financial support for the University by presenting the legislative appropriation requests to the appropriate government entities and by setting/evaluating the goals in addition to actively participating in the capital campaign.
Associated Goals: Pursue Financial Support

Indicator Capital Campaign
The President along with the Vice President of University Advancement will set and evaluate fidicuary, event, and benefactor goals for the University''s Capital Campaign.
Criteria Capital Campaign Goals
The Capital Campaign Goals have been met are exceeded.
Finding Capital Campaign Goals
After reviewing the Capital Campaign goals for FY08, it was determined that the campaign was on target to reach the goals. The goals for FY08 were set according the to the results of the FY08 data.
Indicator Legislative Support
The President will review documents published by the Higher Education Coordinating Board, the Legislative Budget Board, and other State entities to evaluate the total funds appropriated to the Public Universities in Texas and compare the proportion alloted to Sam Houston State University.
Criteria Appropriate Legislative Support
Sam Houston State University in comparison to the other Public Universities in Texas have received an appropriate distribution of State appropriated funds.
Finding Legislative Support
According to the Higher Education Coordinating Board data, Sam Houston State University was next to last of the 34 Public institutions for State appropriations per Full Time Student Equivalent.
Actions for Objective:

Action Capital Campaign
The goals for FY09 were adjusted after reviewing the FY08 Capital Campaign data.
Action Legislative Support
The President will work with the Texas State University System office to prepare for the upcoming legislative session. In addition, he will also work with Sam Houston State University Alums and friends of the university that have politial contacts to seek an increase in legislative appropriations for the University.

GOAL: Recruit/Retain Quality Administrators

Objective Qualified Vice Presidents/Adminstrators
Vice Presidents and other key administrators will demonstrate expertise within their fields by meeting specific educational, experience, and other explicit criteria.
Associated Goals: Recruit/Retain Quality Administrators

Indicator Vice Presidents Annual Review
When evaluating current Vice Presidents of the University, the President will review annually the overall performance of each Vice President.
Criteria Vice Presidents Review
The criteria for success for the annual review of the Vice Presidents will be to meet or exceed performance indicator goals and successfully resolving issues within the divisions.
Finding Vice Presidents Annual Review
The President conduting the Vice President Annual Merit Performance Review. The Vice Presidents performed duties as required of their postion.
Indicator Vice Presidents/Administrators Credentials
When selecting a new Vice President or key administator, the educational background and previous work experience of the candidate will be reviewed, verified, and evaluated.
Criteria Adminstrative/VP Credentials
The credentials established for each administrator and Vice President have been met are exceeded.
Finding Vice Presidents/Administrtators Creditials
There were no vacancies in the key positions of Vice Presidents or Deans for FY08. There was a vacancy for the Associate Vice President for Finance and Operations after this employee retired. The Vice President for Finance and Operations chose not to replace this postion. The workload was disbursed among other employees within the division.
Actions for Objective:

Action Administrative Vacancy
There was vacancy for the position of Associate Vice President for Finance and Operations. The Vice President for that division decided not to fill this position and disburse the work among employees within the division.
Action Vice Presidents Annual Review
Merit funds were allocated according to the Vice Presidents performance for FY08

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111