
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Geography and Geology, Department of

4 Goals     4 Objectives     9 Indicators     8 Criteria     8 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Excellence Of Programs Within The Context Of A Comprehensive University

Objective Goal 1 Objective 1
The Department will review all programs and courses within the context of national, regional and local peer Comprehensive Universities.
Associated Goals: Excellence Of Programs Within The Context Of A Comprehensive University

Indicator Program Green Papers  
The Geography and Geology programs will be reviewed independently and a "green paper" analysis will be submitted, first to faculty of each individual program and subsequently to the whole department for review.
Criteria Program White papers
Development of consensus "white papers" for the future structure and articulation of the Geography and Geology programs
Finding Program Reviews
Early draft of Geography Green paper developed by DA To be circulated at start of Fall 2008 semester
Actions for Objective:

Action Program Review
Initial rough draft circulated by Don Albert. refinement and tweaking underway prior to submission

GOAL: Excellence Of Programs Within The Context Of The College Of Arts And Sciences

Objective Goal 2 Objective 1
The Department will strengthen its programs and courses offered such that it makes a greater contribution to the College of Arts and Sciences. The programs in Geography will specifically refocus from Education towards new linkages within the College of Arts and Sciences and in the new College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Associated Goals: Excellence Of Programs Within The Context Of The College Of Arts And Sciences

Indicator Increased Fieldwork For Geology Majors
Increase the fieldwork experience and knowledge of Geology majors
Criteria Geology fieldwork
Faculty/students to design a curriculum with field work as a central component.
Finding Increase GEL Fieldwork
Modular field camp plus other field experiences to be added to GEL curriculum. Development will wait until new structural geologist is appointed
Indicator Increased International Experience Opportunities For All Students
Make internationally-based credit and non-credit courses a regular and fixed part of the Geography and Geology curricula
Criteria International Experience
Additional credit and non-credit opportunities for undergraduates abroad.
Finding Internationa Experience
Opportunities in both Geology (Spain) and geography (Thailand) made this year.
Indicator Refocus Geography Program
Refocus of Geography program away from Education service towards (a) professional Geography, (b) rational pathways through the major and minor and (c) coordinated linkage between the major and the applied Geospatial masters program.
Criteria Geography Program Pathways
Identify coherent pathways for geography majors and Minors
Finding Geography Pathways
First draft developed for circulation at start of fall 2008
Criteria Integration of Undergraduate and Graduate program in Geography
Review and realign the undergraduate programs in Geography to feed and service the Masters program in Applied GIS.
Finding GEO undergrad/grad allignments
First draft ready for circulation in Fall 2008
Criteria Post GEO161 restructuring
Reconfigure and refocus Geography program away from service to the College of Education programs
Finding Post 161
Assessment underway of impact on Geography course of GEO161 for Education. Impact on Si, SII and Fall 2008 to be evaluated
Indicator Refocus Geology Program
In the Geology Program increase the output of Petroleum Geology and Environmental Geology-focused majors
Criteria Petroleum Geology Focus
Wholesale review of Geology curriculum to address petroleum Geology more directly. Review to begin start of Fall 2008.
Finding PPetroleum Geology Focus
Program to be reconfigured to addres the centrality of petroleum Geology and the "feed" to the future graduate programs in Geology.
Actions for Objective:

Action GEL Fieldwork
New curriculum with continuous field experience to be designed.
Action International Experience
More credt and non-credit courses to be added to GEO and GEL programs.
Action Petroleum Geology Focus
New curriculum to be designed in the light of this new focus.
Action Post 161
Assessment of impact on GEO 161 under review

GOAL: Graduate Program Development

Objective Goal 4 Objective 1
Masters programs in both Geography and Geology will be increased.
Associated Goals: Graduate Program Development

Indicator Applied GIS Masters Program
Acceptance of the Applied GIS proposal by the University and the Coordinating Board of Higher Education
Indicator GEOBIOLOGY Master Program
Seek approval for a joint Biological Sciences/Geology program in GEOBIOLOGY/PALEONTOLOGY
Indicator GEOLOGY Master Program
Seek approval for a petroleum geology-focused masters degree program in Geology
Actions for Objective:

Action Masters Programs
New proposals currently being developed

GOAL: Sucessful Splitting Of The Department

Objective Goal 3 Objective 1
The programs in Geography and Geology will become independent entities, each with its own specific teaching and research foci. The split is intended to "add to the sum of the parts" of the academic programs in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Associated Goals: Sucessful Splitting Of The Department

Indicator Program Separation Plan
Development and submission to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of a plan and timetable for the separation of Geography from Geology
Criteria Program Split Proposal
Submission to, and acceptance by, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of a timetable for the separation of Geography and Geology
Finding Program Separation
Proposal development underway
Actions for Objective:

Action Departmental Split
Preparation of internal departmental general concept proposal

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