
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Art, Department of

3 Goals     3 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: Institute BFA Review

Objective Insitute BFA Review
Institute BFA Review for all BFA candidates. The BFA Review is defined as follows: Immediately after completing the six foundation art classes: Art 161, Art 163, Art 164, Art 265, Art 271, and Art 260 all BA art students will meet with an Art Advisor and sign up for the BFA Review. Students who do not sign up for the Review will be blocked from registering for upper division art classes. Students interested in pursuing a BFA in Art will be required to participate in the BFA Review process. Those who choose to continue on the BA path should be reminded that the BA degree requires 4 semesters of a foreign language. Reviews are conducted each semester by the Art Department faculty. Students who pass the BFA review will be invited into the BFA Program. Students who do not pass the Review will be given feedback on areas that need improvement. Those students will be directed to either reapply for a second review or remain in the BA program. Students are limited to two BFA applications. Those requesting a second review are advised to consult with faculty in their area of intended concentration concerning their progress and course of action.
Associated Goals: Institute BFA Review

Indicator BFA Review Committee
A BFA committee of faculty gets together once a semester to Review Applicants.
Criteria Review all BFA Candidates
Review all BFA Candidates to acess skills
Finding Review Findings
The Department continued to refine the BFA Review Process. 28 Students signed up for the The Spring BFA Review and were reviewed by a committee of 6 faculty.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to refine the BFA Review
Spring 2008 review was successful. AS a result of this review we have decided that the pass or fail results will now be binding for students instead of suggested.

GOAL: Recruit Students

Objective Persue Accreditation Of Art Program.
Begin process of accreditation by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design.
Associated Goals: Recruit Students, Restructure Studio Art Program

Indicator Review Report From Consultants
Review written report from NASAD consultants to see what the Department needs to do prior to final accreditation review.
Criteria Bring in 3 Consultants
Bring in 3 NSAD consultants to review the Art Department: programs,equipment,space and faculty credentials.
Finding Review Pending
Review will take place in Fall 2008
Actions for Objective:

Action Actions pending
Actions pending on review that is projected to take place Fall 2008.

GOAL: Restructure Studio Art Program

Objective Institute New Foundations Program (WASH)
Institute new nine credit foundations program into our curriculm. WASH (Workshop for Art Studio and History)
Associated Goals: Restructure Studio Art Program

Indicator  Building Budget Generated
Space sequred to teach WASH in and paper work to rent the space approved and generated.
Criteria Secure 2000+ sq. foot space
Secure building with 2000+ sq. foot space to teach the WASH program in.
Finding Space For WASH Secured
Space for WASH Program has been secured for the 2008-2009 school year.
Indicator PAF's Generated For Two New Hires
Spring 2008 interview and hire 2 new facutly for WASH program. Generate PAF's for new hires who begin teaching FAll 2008.
Criteria Hire two new facutly
Spring 2008 hire two new faculty to teach the WASH program.
Finding Hire two new faculty
Hiring is in progress. Two candidates will be hired by April 30, 2008.
Actions for Objective:

Action Final Space Approved for WASH Program
Space secured for WASH Program for the 2008-2009 academic year.
Action Hire two new faculty
Interviews are in progress, Spring 2008 for two new hires.

GOAL: Restructure Studio Art Program

Objective Persue Accreditation Of Art Program.
Begin process of accreditation by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design.
Associated Goals: Recruit Students, Restructure Studio Art Program

Indicator Review Report From Consultants
Review written report from NASAD consultants to see what the Department needs to do prior to final accreditation review.
Criteria Bring in 3 Consultants
Bring in 3 NSAD consultants to review the Art Department: programs,equipment,space and faculty credentials.
Finding Review Pending
Review will take place in Fall 2008
Actions for Objective:

Action Actions pending
Actions pending on review that is projected to take place Fall 2008.

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