
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Agricultural and Industrial Sciences, Department of

6 Goals     15 Objectives     18 Indicators     43 Criteria     45 Findings     16 Actions

GOAL: Graduates

Objective Graduate Career Success
Goal 6. Objective 1. Gradutes will be successful in matching personal career goals with educational background.
Associated Goals: Graduates

Indicator Graduating Sr Survey
Goal 6. Objective 1. Indicator 1.: Description – The department will have graduating seniors to complete the “Graduating Senior Survey,” document critiques from internship mentors, and develop process of gathering information from student employers.
Criteria Graduate Employment
Goal 6. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure 1a: At least 75% of the graduates in agricultural sciences and technology will respond that they are employed in careers or occupations directly related to their discipline of study within two years of graduation in a biannual alumni survey.
Finding Employment
Students found careers in related fields of study or applied for graduate school.
Criteria Sr. Employment
Goal 6. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 2.: Evaluation procedure: Of those responding, at least 50% of agricultural sciences and technology graduates will find satisfactory employment or engagement in further academic studies within three months of graduation.
Finding Employment
Employment Satisfaction
Actions for Objective:

Action Sr Success
Continue with academics and laboratory activites for successful students and laboratory activities. Career Day for employment opportunities.

GOAL: Graduates

Objective Graduate Employer Satisfaction
Goal 6. Objective 2. Gradutes will be rated by employers as "above average" in technical projrciency, communication skills and academic training.
Associated Goals: Graduates

Indicator Employer Satisfaction
Goal 6. Objective 2. Indicators 1.: Description – Using the findings from internship mentors and student employer data will be reviewed to determine the level of success of our students.
Criteria Employer Satisfaction with Technical Proficiency
Goal 6. Objective 2. Indicators 1. Criteria 2.: Evaluation procedure: At least 70% of employers hiring SHSU Agriculture Science and Technology graduates will respond as “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement that “SHSU graduates were technically proficient for the position in which they were hired or placed.”
Finding Employer Satisfaction
Responding employers please with skill and knowledge of employee.
Criteria Graduate Communication Skills
Goal 6. Objective 2. Indicators 1. Criteria 3.: Evaluation procedure 2c: At least 70% of employers hiring SHSU Agriculture Science and Technology graduates will respond as “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement that “SHSU graduates have adequate communication skills for the position in which they were hired or placed.”
Finding Graduate Skills
Employers are pleased with skills and communication of employees.
Criteria Graduate Preparation
Goal 6. Objective 2. Indicators 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: At least 70% of employers hiring SHSU Agriculture Science and Technology graduates will respond as “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement that “SHSU graduates were well-prepared academically for the position in which they were hired or placed.”
Finding Graduate Skills
Employees respond with satisfaction of the skills of employees.
Actions for Objective:

Action Employer
Continue with responses from employers for employee satisfaction. Continue academics and laboratory activities.

GOAL: Instruction

Objective Course Review
Goal 1. Objective 1. Courses will be reviewed, created, modified or deleted.
Associated Goals: Instruction

Indicator Course Deletions
Goal 1. Objective 1. Indicator 2. Faculty will review all course course offerings and will request deletion of out-dated or ineffective courses.
Indicator Course Review
Goal 1. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Faculty will review and modify all course syllabi to ensure each meets university, college and department standards.
Criteria List courses for deletion
Goal 1. Objective 1. Indicator 2. Criteria 1.: List courses requested for deletion.
Finding Curriculum
Review of course inventory and 120 hour degree plan.
Criteria Update Syllabi
Goal 1. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 1.: Faculty will submit update syllabi each semester.
Finding Syllabi
Each faculty updated and provided syllabi to department. Updated to web site.
Indicator New Courses
Goal 1. Objective 1. Indicator 3: Faculty will review programmatic needs and create new courses.
Criteria New Courses
Goal 1. Objective 1. Indicator 3. Criteria 1: List new courses.
Finding Curriculum
Course inventory was reviewed and updated with course deleted and new courses added and approved by curriculum committee.
Actions for Objective:

Action Course inventory
Reviewed curriculum and course inventory. Process will continue.

GOAL: Public Relations

Objective Communication To Alumni And Supporters
Goal 5. Objective 2. The department will provide regular new and information to alumni and supporters.
Associated Goals: Public Relations

Indicator Alumni Newsletter
Goal 5. Objective 2. Indicators 1.: Description – The department will create a yearly newsletter and several news briefs for dissemination to alumni and supporters.
Criteria Newsletter Mailout
Goal 5. Objective 2. Indicators 1.Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: An annual newsletter will be published and mailed to all alumni and supporters for which there are good addresses.
Finding Newsletter
Alumni Newsletter distributed to Ag Alum and campus administrators.
Indicator Website Update
Goal 5. Objective 2. Indicators 2.: Description – The department will update website
Criteria Website Update
Goal 5. Objective 2. Indicators 1.Criteria 2.: Evaluation procedure: The department website will be updated weekly with news and events
Finding External Relations
Press Releases, communication with public and alumni.
Actions for Objective:

Action External Relations
Maintain continual contact with Alumni and supportors of department.

GOAL: Public Relations

Objective Communication To Students
Goal 5. Objective 3. Students will be made aware of upcoming departmental and university events and activities.
Associated Goals: Public Relations

Indicator Public Relations To Students
Goal 5. Objective 3. Indicator 1.: Description – The department will ensure that students have access to information on upcoming events and activities.
Criteria Email Listserv announcements
Goal 5. Objective 3. Indicator 1. Criteria 2.: Evaluation procedure: Work with Computer Services to determine if a list-serve can be developed to distribute news and information to all agriculture majors and minors at SHSU.
Finding Internal relations
Student information and relations is maintained through electronic and personal contact.
Criteria Updates on TV Monitor
Goal 5. Objective 3. Indicator 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: Weekly updates will be provided on the department’s news monitor in the Thomason Building
Finding Internal relations
Maintain communication with students on information boards and TV monitor in Thomason Building.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Relations
Communication with students will continue

GOAL: Public Relations

Objective Community And Campus Communications
Goal 5. Objective 1. The department will communicate activities and event across campus and to the general public.
Associated Goals: Public Relations

Indicator Public Relations To Community And SHSU
Goal 5. Objective 1. Indicator 1.: Description – Public relations activities are an essential to any program to create awareness and good will.
Criteria Alumni Dinner and Auction
Goal 5. Objective 2. Indicators 1.Criteria 3.: Evaluation procedure: Departmental and campus news will be shared with Ag Alumni Board members and alumni attending the annual Ag Alumni dinner and auction each summer
Finding External Relations
Work with Alumni board and support Alumni social
Criteria Faculty / Staff Accomplishments
Goal 5. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 2.: Evaluation procedure: An annual report of faculty and staff accomplishments and activities will be prepared and distributed campus-wide
Finding Faculty Accomplishments
Report accomplishments to dean, president associated offices.
Criteria Public Relations Office on Campus
Goal 5. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: At least 15 news articles will be written and submitted to the Office of Public Information on campus
Finding Public relations
Public and university relations.
Criteria Public Relations to Public
Goal 5. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 3.: Evaluation procedure: Information regarding personnel changes, faculty/staff/student accomplishments, and upcoming events will be sent to trade magazines, newspapers, and other industry-related publications
Finding Public relations
Maintain website and newsletter for department activities. Participae in alumni board activities.
Criteria Speaking engagements
Goal 5. Objective 4. Indicators 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: Departmental faculty and staff will accept invitations to speak at no less than 15 local or regional events each year
Finding Faculty Engagements
Faculty participated in 51 peer reviewed presentations and an extensive non-peer reviewed and community speaking engagements.
Actions for Objective:

Action Public Awareness
Communication to the public and university community was extensive.

GOAL: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Objective Expand Position Advertisements
Goal 4. Objective 2. Expand faculty position advertisement.
Associated Goals: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Indicator Chair And Faculty Openings
Goal 4. Objective 2. Indicator 1.: Description – The department has the chairs, animal science, industrial technology and horticultural, various instructor and pool faculty positions open.
Criteria Recruit Chair and Faculty
Goal 4. Objective 2. Indicator 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: All faculty position postings will be distributed by mail and electronically to at least five different list-serves, websites, national organizations, or other common faculty recruitment venues.
Finding Positions
Advertisement for faculty positions was accomplished through professional journals and list serves.
Actions for Objective:

Action Recruitment
Three faculty positions were advertised extensively to ASCARR Instituitions.

GOAL: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Objective Increase Faculty Diversity
Goal 4. Objective 3. Increase faculty diversity.
Associated Goals: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Indicator Actively Recruit Faculty Of Diverse Backgrounds
Goal 4. Objective 3. Indicator 1.: Description – There are several departmental openings and the department will be active in recruiting faculty that are from diverse backgrounds
Criteria Actively Seek Diversity
Goal 4. Objective 3. Indicator 1. Criteria 2.: When faculty positions become available, search committees will attempt to make personal contact with at least five qualified women and (or) minority individuals, inviting their application.
Finding Diversity
Increase in diversity in department faculty was accomplished with nationality, ethnicity and gender.
Criteria Participate with Hispanic Serving Institutions
Goal 4. Objective 3. Indicator 1. Criteria 1.: The department will participate with Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) on grant activities promoting careers in agricultural sciences and industrial technology.
Finding Diversity
Collaborate with Colleges and universities with underrepresented students.
Actions for Objective:

Action Diversity
Hired 1 female and 1 male of under represented ethnicity in our department

GOAL: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Objective Increase Student Diversity
Goal 4. Objective 4. Increase student diversity.
Associated Goals: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Indicator Seek Students Of Diverse Backgrounds
Goal 4. Objective 4. Indicators 1.]: Description – The department will increase its recruiting efforts targeting students of diverse backgrounds.
Criteria Identify High Schools and Community Colleges with Diversity
Goal 4. Objective 4. Indicator 1. Criteria 1: Evaluation procedure: High schools with a diverse populations will be targeted for recruiting activities for Ag Ambassadors.
Finding Diversity
Increase student diversity with participation of Career Tracks Grant. Ambassadors attend schools with large percent of Under represented students.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Diversity
Sponsored Career Tracks Workshop for under represented students. Ambassadors made over 4000 contacts with students.

GOAL: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Objective Increase Student Recruitment Activities
Goal 4. Objective 1. The student recruitment effort will be increased.
Associated Goals: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Indicator Identify Student Rectuiting Efforts
Goal 4. Objective 1. Indicator 1.: Description – The department will identify all recruiting efforts.
Criteria On campus recruiting
Goal 4. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 2.: Evaluation procedure: Ag Ambassadors and (or) faculty and student recruiters will meet with at least 10 groups or individual visitors to campus.
Finding Recruitment
Ambassadors were available for student visitations and campus tours.
Criteria Recruiting Booth
Goal 4. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 4: Ag Ambassadors and (or) faculty and student recruiters will staff a recruiting booth at no less than five major venues (FFA Convention, 4-H activities, stock shows, etc.) per year.
Finding Recruitment
Recruiting booth was diplayed and ambassadors availabe for 10 events.
Criteria Recruiting Brochures, Mailouts and Calls
Goal 4. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 3: Personal phone calls, e-mails or other communication with prospective students will be conducted by Ag Ambassadors and (or) other students deemed suitable for the effort.
Finding Recruitment
Ambassadors established "myspace" and "facebook" pages. Sent ecards to prospective students. Recruitment letters sent to students requesting information.
Criteria Recruiting at Community Colleges
Goal 4. Objective 1. Indicator 1. Criteria 1: Evaluation procedure: Ag Ambassadors and (or) faculty and student recruiters will visit at least 5 junior/community colleges.
Finding Recruitment
Student Recruitment accomplishe by ambassadors and student organizations
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Recruitment
Ambassadors made multiple career day visitation to high schools and junior colleges. State 4H round-up. Faculty partipated at State and National events for students recruitment.

GOAL: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Objective Professional Development In Research
Goal 3. Objective 4. All faculty will participate in professional research development opportunities.
Associated Goals: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students, Research

Indicator Prof Research Development
Goal 3. Objective 4. Indicator 1.: Description – Identify research professional development activities in which factuly participated .
Criteria Identify Prof Dev in Research
Goal 3. Objective 4. Indicator 1. Criteria 1.: Faculty will submit a list of each professional development activity in which they participated.
Finding Faculty Engagements
Faculty were active in professional meetings with attendance, 51 refereed presentations
Actions for Objective:

Action Development
Faculty attended Contracts and Grant Workshop. Attended professional development meetings in their specialty area.

GOAL: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Objective Student Retention
Goal 4. Objective 5. Increase efforts to retain students.
Associated Goals: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students

Indicator Increase Efforts For Student Retention
Goal 4. Objective 5. Indicator 1.: Description – The department will increase efforts to retain students through the use of university-wide services and departmental programs.
Criteria EXL in Ag
Goal 4. Objective 5. Indicator 1. Criteria 3.: Evaluation procedure: Freshman and recent transfer students will be encouraged to attend and participate in the various student organizations and the EXL in AG (Expanding Leadership in Agriculture) program
Finding Student Retention
Increase student retention activites.
Criteria First Alert
Goal 4. Objective 5. Indicator 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: The names of students with two consecutive unexcused absences or other class-related problems will be submitted to the SAM Center “First Alert” program.
Finding Student Retention
Faculty participated in campus first alert program and personally advised students.
Criteria Student advisement
Goal 4. Objective 5. Indicator 1. Criteria: Evaluation procedure: Departmental faculty will assist the SAM Center staff in providing academic advisement for all students with a GPA of 2.5 and below.
Finding Student Retention
All tenured faculty participated in student advising. Tenure tracked faculty were trained for advising.
Actions for Objective:

Action Retention
ExL in AG program active. Ambassadors involved with Freshman experience.

GOAL: Research

Objective Increase Grants
Goal 7. Objective 2. Increase the number of external grants.
Associated Goals: Research, Resource Development

Actions for Objective:

Action Grant Writing
External grants and funding was accomplished.

GOAL: Research

Objective Professional Development In Research
Goal 3. Objective 4. All faculty will participate in professional research development opportunities.
Associated Goals: Recruiting And Retaining Faculty And Students, Research

Indicator Prof Research Development
Goal 3. Objective 4. Indicator 1.: Description – Identify research professional development activities in which factuly participated .
Criteria Identify Prof Dev in Research
Goal 3. Objective 4. Indicator 1. Criteria 1.: Faculty will submit a list of each professional development activity in which they participated.
Finding Faculty Engagements
Faculty were active in professional meetings with attendance, 51 refereed presentations
Actions for Objective:

Action Development
Faculty attended Contracts and Grant Workshop. Attended professional development meetings in their specialty area.

GOAL: Resource Development

Objective Improve Facilities
Goal 7. Objective 1. Improve exisiting and obtain new laboratry facilities for teaching and research.
Associated Goals: Resource Development

Indicator Improve Facilties And Equipment
Goal 7. Objective 1. Indicators 1.: Description – The Department will improve equipment and supplies for teaching and research as well as continuing the development of departmental master plans for facilities.
Criteria Ag and IT Facilities
Goal 7. Objective 1. Indicators 1. Criteria 3.: Evaluation procedure 1c: Work with Physical Plant and Dean’s office to secure support and funds for having a Soil Science Lab placed in the Farrington Building
Finding Facilities
Enrich Facilities and improvement.
Criteria CAD Lab
Goal 7. Objective 1. Indicators 1. Criteria 5.: Evaluation procedure: Work with Physical Plant, Computer Services and the Dean’s office to secure funds for improving the computer aided design laboratory.
Finding Facilities
CAD lab was updated with new software and work stations.
Criteria Capital Equipment
Goal 7. Objective 1. Indicators 1. Criteria 4.: Evaluation procedure 1d: Use allocated Capital Equipment and other funding to improve instructional and research capabilities
Finding Facilities
Capital equipment funds and other resourses were used to update and improve equipment and facilites.
Criteria External Support
Goal 7. Objective 1. Indicators 1. Criteria 2: Evaluation procedure 1b: Work with administration and University Advancement Office to secure external support of the Gibbs Ranch Master Plan
Finding External Relations
Worked extensively with advancement office to secure external funds for facility and program improvements. Department received over 250K for development funds.
Finding Grants
over 410K received in External funding and grants
Finding Research
Faculty received over 410K in external grants and funding.
Criteria Gibbs Ranch
Goal 7. Objective 1. Indicators 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: Develop a Master Plan for new facilities at Gibbs Ranch
Finding Facilities
Developed Gibbs Ranch facility master plan and is availabe for public review.
Criteria ITB Drafting Lab
Goal 7. Objective 1. Indicators 1. Criteria 6.: Evaluation procedure: Work with Physical Plant, Computer Services and the Dean’s office to secure funds for moving the Drafting Laboratory to the Industrial Technology Building.
Finding Facilities
Updated software and computers for ITB lab.
Actions for Objective:

Action Facility Improvement
Upgraded Hort Classroom and green house tables. New Computers for IT Lab. New equipement for Meat Lab and Equine facilities.

GOAL: Resource Development

Objective Increase External Support
Goal 7. Objective 3. Increase external financial support from alumni, friends and other donors.
Associated Goals: Resource Development

Indicator External Support
Goal 7. Objective 2. Indicators 1.: Description – The department will place more emphasis on obtaining external grants and increasing the amount of external funding.
Criteria 10 % increase
Goal 7. Objective 3. Indicators 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: Increase external funding from donors for discretionary uses by ten percent each year
Finding Grants
external funding over 700K.
Criteria Alumni Support
Goal 7. Objective 3. Indicators 1. Criteria 4. Evaluation procedure: Secure at least $3,000 per year from the Ag Alumni Association to support student activities and departmental initiatives
Finding External Relations
Alumni provide funds to student groups and department.
Criteria External Support Committee
Goal 7. Objective 3. Indicators 1. Criteria 6.: Evaluation procedure: Establish a faculty committee to develop a proposal outline and determine how to allocate local funds for professional development of faculty
Finding External Relations
Development committe and faculty work with Alumni group for external funds. Chair worked with Advancement office.
Criteria Federal External Support
Goal 7. Objective 2. Indicators 1. Criteria 1.: Evaluation procedure: Obtain at least one federal grant per year
Finding Grants
Increase grant activity. Several grants were requested. 1 grant received from USDA. Several from TDA.
Criteria Increase Scholarships and Assistantships
Goal 7. Objective 3. Indicators 1. Criteria 2.: Evaluation procedure: Increase scholarship, assistantship or other endowments by at least one per year.
Finding External Relations
Increase external support request. Received 2 new scholarship endowments.
Criteria Prof Conf Support for Faculty
Goal 7. Objective 3. Indicators 1. Criteria 7.: Evaluation procedure: Provide a means by which all tenured and tenure-track faculty attend at least one national professional conference annually. Create a list of $ and faculty conference attendance
Finding Faculty Accomplishments
Secured funds for faculty professional development.
Criteria Secure In-kind donations
Goal 7. Objective 3. Indicators 1. Criteria 3.: Evaluation procedure: Secure at least five in-kind donations per year to support Gibbs Ranch and livestock enterprises
Finding External Relations
Received in kind donations to educational program for AG mech, animal science, Ag business and gribbs ranch.
Criteria State/Regional External Support
Goal 7. Objective 2. Indicators 1. Criteria 2.: Evaluation procedure: Obtain at least five state or regional grants per year
Finding Grants
Multiple Grants were submitted to state and regional associations.
Indicator Increase External Support Activities
Goal 7. Objective 3. Indicators 1.: Description – The department will increase activities to increase external support.
Actions for Objective:

Action External funds
Received 2,000 for livestock judging program.
Action External funds
Secured 40K for equine program.

GOAL: Resource Development

Objective Increase Grants
Goal 7. Objective 2. Increase the number of external grants.
Associated Goals: Research, Resource Development

Actions for Objective:

Action Grant Writing
External grants and funding was accomplished.

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Sam Houston State University
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(936) 294-1111