
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Language, Literacy and Special Populations, Department of

5 Goals     5 Objectives     10 Indicators     11 Criteria     11 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: Constituency Satisfaction

Objective New EC-6 Certification Program
Implement the approved new EC-6 certification program.
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Faculty Planning Meetings
C & I and LLSP Faculty will hold joint meetings for the purpose of planning the development and delivery of the new courses associated with this new program.
Criteria Co-teaching
A schedule for co-teaching courses is developed.
Finding Co-teaching
14 meetings were held with C & I and LLSP faculty who are teaching the joint ECE/EED 323 courses for the purpose of jointly developing objectives and blended course activities.
Criteria Faculty Meetings
New course syllabi blend content and standards from both departments.
Finding Faculty meetings
14 Deja vu Committee meetings were held (comprised of faculty from C & I and LLSP) to plan the new EC-6 program. In addition, 3 joint C & I and LLSP faculty meetings were held in the spring 2008 to plan the transition to the new EC-6 plan.
Indicator Transition Plan For Advising Students
Transition plan for advising students who are moving from EC-4 to EC-6
Criteria Advising Plan
An advising plan with appropriate substitutions is used by advising center and faculty advisors.
Finding Advising Plan
Transition plans were created by SPD and BSL faculty to help advisers transition students to the new plan. LLSP is developing a handbook for advisers that will be used by both C & I and LLSP faculty advisers.
Actions for Objective:

Action New EC-6 Plan
We will continue to work collaboratively with C & I to maintain strong advising guidelines.

GOAL: Constituency Satisfaction

Objective Program Development
Develop a doctoral proposal for SPD.
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator SPD Doctoral Proposal
Completed proposal ready for the curriculum committee.
Criteria Program Development
one proposal
Finding SPD doctoral proposal
A third draft of the SPD doctoral proposal has been submitted to faculty, dept. chair, dept. curriculum committee for review and revisions. The final document will be ready by August 1, 2008 for submission to the COE Curriculum Committee.
Actions for Objective:

Action SPD doctoral program
The doctoral program proposal is a multi-year task. The proposal for the University Curriculum committee will be ready be end of summer 2008 and will be nursed through the university committee during 2008-2009.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Fill Faculty Positions
Hire qualified, productive faculty for each reallocated and new position.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator New Faculty Employment
New faculty member's vita indicate good matches for our programs, are good teachers, and are active in scholarly endeavors.
Criteria Faculty Hires
All new faculty hires meet the indicators.
Finding Faculty hires
Onew faculty member was added beginning fall 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty hires

GOAL: Institutional Effectiveness

Objective NCATE
Graduate and undergraduate program areas will prepare the appropriate SPA reports.
Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness, Quality And Effectiveness, Visibilty And Impact

Indicator Faculty Participation
Faculty participation on committees and writing of sections of the institutional report.
Criteria Faculty Participation
Faculty will attend committee meetings, gather and analyze necessary data, and assist in writing necessary reports.
Finding Faculty participation in meetings
Indicator SPA Reports
SPA reports for NCATE.
Criteria SPA Reports
Final SPA reports from appropriate program areas will be finalized and and readied for submission by August 2008.
Finding SPA reports
Faculty are currently writing and revising SPA reports for CEC (Diagnostician and undergraduate SPD) and IRA (Reading Master''s). These reports will be completed by August 15, 2008 for submission to the SPA organizations.
Actions for Objective:

Action NCATE

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Fill Faculty Positions
Hire qualified, productive faculty for each reallocated and new position.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator New Faculty Employment
New faculty member's vita indicate good matches for our programs, are good teachers, and are active in scholarly endeavors.
Criteria Faculty Hires
All new faculty hires meet the indicators.
Finding Faculty hires
Onew faculty member was added beginning fall 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty hires

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective NCATE
Graduate and undergraduate program areas will prepare the appropriate SPA reports.
Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness, Quality And Effectiveness, Visibilty And Impact

Indicator Faculty Participation
Faculty participation on committees and writing of sections of the institutional report.
Criteria Faculty Participation
Faculty will attend committee meetings, gather and analyze necessary data, and assist in writing necessary reports.
Finding Faculty participation in meetings
Indicator SPA Reports
SPA reports for NCATE.
Criteria SPA Reports
Final SPA reports from appropriate program areas will be finalized and and readied for submission by August 2008.
Finding SPA reports
Faculty are currently writing and revising SPA reports for CEC (Diagnostician and undergraduate SPD) and IRA (Reading Master''s). These reports will be completed by August 15, 2008 for submission to the SPA organizations.
Actions for Objective:

Action NCATE

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective New EC-6 Certification Program
Implement the approved new EC-6 certification program.
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Faculty Planning Meetings
C & I and LLSP Faculty will hold joint meetings for the purpose of planning the development and delivery of the new courses associated with this new program.
Criteria Co-teaching
A schedule for co-teaching courses is developed.
Finding Co-teaching
14 meetings were held with C & I and LLSP faculty who are teaching the joint ECE/EED 323 courses for the purpose of jointly developing objectives and blended course activities.
Criteria Faculty Meetings
New course syllabi blend content and standards from both departments.
Finding Faculty meetings
14 Deja vu Committee meetings were held (comprised of faculty from C & I and LLSP) to plan the new EC-6 program. In addition, 3 joint C & I and LLSP faculty meetings were held in the spring 2008 to plan the transition to the new EC-6 plan.
Indicator Transition Plan For Advising Students
Transition plan for advising students who are moving from EC-4 to EC-6
Criteria Advising Plan
An advising plan with appropriate substitutions is used by advising center and faculty advisors.
Finding Advising Plan
Transition plans were created by SPD and BSL faculty to help advisers transition students to the new plan. LLSP is developing a handbook for advisers that will be used by both C & I and LLSP faculty advisers.
Actions for Objective:

Action New EC-6 Plan
We will continue to work collaboratively with C & I to maintain strong advising guidelines.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Program Development
Develop a doctoral proposal for SPD.
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator SPD Doctoral Proposal
Completed proposal ready for the curriculum committee.
Criteria Program Development
one proposal
Finding SPD doctoral proposal
A third draft of the SPD doctoral proposal has been submitted to faculty, dept. chair, dept. curriculum committee for review and revisions. The final document will be ready by August 1, 2008 for submission to the COE Curriculum Committee.
Actions for Objective:

Action SPD doctoral program
The doctoral program proposal is a multi-year task. The proposal for the University Curriculum committee will be ready be end of summer 2008 and will be nursed through the university committee during 2008-2009.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Program Efectiveness
Monitor and maintain program effectiveness.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness, Visibilty And Impact

Indicator Course Data
Faculty receive additional training on using TK20 for course data management.
Criteria Course Data
Faculty incorporate TK20 assignments into coursework and can teach students to use the system
Finding TK20
98% of LLSP faculty were trainied on using TK20 and 50% currently use TK20 for their courses. A faulty member''s student developed a PowerPoint on how to use TK20 for students to learn it''s use.
Indicator Data Monitoring
The Accreditation & Accountability Committee monitors, collects, and distributes to program area faculty the data they need to make programmatic decisions.
Criteria Committee Report
A data report is given to each program area.
Finding Data
The Accreditation & Accountability Committee has requested and received some necessary program information. However, we are not yet able to get reports from TK20. TExES data has also been hard to receive in a timely fashion. The committee is working with the individuals in the associate dean''s office to speed up the data gathering process.
Indicator Employer Satisfaction Survey
Survey is given to graduates and their employers to ascertain program effectiveness and satisfaction.
Criteria Employer Satisfaction Survey
90% of graduates and employers will indicate that our programs are effective and satisfactory.
Finding Employer/graduate satisfaction survey
The associate dean''s office was going to send this form out last year, combining it with a survey of their own. However, this did not happen. This office subsequently lost our surveys and had to retype them. This task was just completed last week. These surveys will be mailed early summer and we should have results back in late June.
Indicator Syllabi Alignment
Syllabi are aligned with state and professional organization standards and are on the learning outcomes matrix.
Criteria Syllabi Alignment
All learning outcome matrices on all course syllabi are aligned with appropriate standards.
Finding Syllabi Alignment
All syllabi are aligned with the state and SPA standards. All syllabi objectives are written in learner-outcome format.
Actions for Objective:

Action Program Effectiveness
We are going to work carefully with the Associate Dean''s Office so that we can get the data we need in a timely fashion in order to make programmatic decisions.

GOAL: Visibilty And Impact

Objective NCATE
Graduate and undergraduate program areas will prepare the appropriate SPA reports.
Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness, Quality And Effectiveness, Visibilty And Impact

Indicator Faculty Participation
Faculty participation on committees and writing of sections of the institutional report.
Criteria Faculty Participation
Faculty will attend committee meetings, gather and analyze necessary data, and assist in writing necessary reports.
Finding Faculty participation in meetings
Indicator SPA Reports
SPA reports for NCATE.
Criteria SPA Reports
Final SPA reports from appropriate program areas will be finalized and and readied for submission by August 2008.
Finding SPA reports
Faculty are currently writing and revising SPA reports for CEC (Diagnostician and undergraduate SPD) and IRA (Reading Master''s). These reports will be completed by August 15, 2008 for submission to the SPA organizations.
Actions for Objective:

Action NCATE

GOAL: Visibilty And Impact

Objective Program Efectiveness
Monitor and maintain program effectiveness.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness, Visibilty And Impact

Indicator Course Data
Faculty receive additional training on using TK20 for course data management.
Criteria Course Data
Faculty incorporate TK20 assignments into coursework and can teach students to use the system
Finding TK20
98% of LLSP faculty were trainied on using TK20 and 50% currently use TK20 for their courses. A faulty member''s student developed a PowerPoint on how to use TK20 for students to learn it''s use.
Indicator Data Monitoring
The Accreditation & Accountability Committee monitors, collects, and distributes to program area faculty the data they need to make programmatic decisions.
Criteria Committee Report
A data report is given to each program area.
Finding Data
The Accreditation & Accountability Committee has requested and received some necessary program information. However, we are not yet able to get reports from TK20. TExES data has also been hard to receive in a timely fashion. The committee is working with the individuals in the associate dean''s office to speed up the data gathering process.
Indicator Employer Satisfaction Survey
Survey is given to graduates and their employers to ascertain program effectiveness and satisfaction.
Criteria Employer Satisfaction Survey
90% of graduates and employers will indicate that our programs are effective and satisfactory.
Finding Employer/graduate satisfaction survey
The associate dean''s office was going to send this form out last year, combining it with a survey of their own. However, this did not happen. This office subsequently lost our surveys and had to retype them. This task was just completed last week. These surveys will be mailed early summer and we should have results back in late June.
Indicator Syllabi Alignment
Syllabi are aligned with state and professional organization standards and are on the learning outcomes matrix.
Criteria Syllabi Alignment
All learning outcome matrices on all course syllabi are aligned with appropriate standards.
Finding Syllabi Alignment
All syllabi are aligned with the state and SPA standards. All syllabi objectives are written in learner-outcome format.
Actions for Objective:

Action Program Effectiveness
We are going to work carefully with the Associate Dean''s Office so that we can get the data we need in a timely fashion in order to make programmatic decisions.

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