
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Health and Kinesiology, Department of

3 Goals     7 Objectives     9 Indicators     9 Criteria     9 Findings     8 Actions

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Articulations And Partnerships
Network with community colleges to increase Health and Kinesiology programs awareness and partnerships development
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Partnerships
Completed Health and Kinesiology programs articulation agreement placed on the SHSU official articulation web page.
Criteria Networking
Health and Kinesiology articulation agreements finalized and published on SHSU articulation web page.
Finding Networking
Published department''s articulation of academic programs on the SHSU Articulation Web page.
Actions for Objective:

Action Recruitment Activities
Continue to foster and build multi-level collaborative partnerships for the purposes of recruiting students and faculty.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Increase Faculty Size
Increase the number of tenured track faculty members to teach in the Health academic programs.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Hiring New Faculty
Successful negotiation of contracts with new full-time faculty members.
Criteria Faculty Hiring
New full-time faculty members are successfully hired in the department of Health and Kinesiology.
Finding Faculty Hiring
One new highly qualified full-time tenured track Health faculty was hired for the 2007-2008 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Expanding Faculty
To continue to recruit and hire highly qualified faculty to teach in the Health & Kinesiology Department.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Faculty Scholarship
Increase activity by Health and Kinesiology faculty in presentations, publications, grants submitted, and dollars awarded.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Faculty Presentations
Support and encourage Health and Kinesiology faculty to increase number of presentations and increase funds for travel to professional conferences.
Criteria Presentations
80% of the Health and Kinesiology faculty will make at least one professional presentation during the 2007-2008 academic year. Travel funds will be increased from previous year.
Finding Presentations
All tenured and tenure- track faculty in the department are making an average of two or more professional presentations annually.
Indicator Faculty Publications
Support and encourage Health and Kinesiology faculty to increase number of faculty publications.
Criteria Publications
80% of the Health and Kinesiology faculty will have at least one (1) published publication during the 2007-2008 academic year.
Finding Publications
All tenured and tenure-track faculty in the Department of Health and Kinesiology are actively engaged in producing scholarly products in their sub-disciplines.
Indicator Faculty Service
Increased numbers of Health and Kinesiology faculty are serving and seeking to serve as leaders and committee members in professional organizations.
Criteria Professional Service
70% of Health and Kinesiology faculty will have service engagement in one or more professional organizations.
Finding Professional Service
100% of faculty are assigned to numerous professional committees at the local and state levels.
Actions for Objective:

Action Presentation
Continue to support faculty presentations. Seek additional funds to support faculty travel to present their research. Department increased faculty travel from $1000.00 per faculty, to 1500.00 per faculty for 2008-2009. Presentation data will be used for annual FES and merit consideration.
Action Publications
Continue to support faculty research and publications. Encourage faculty to seek out more Tier I and II journals to have their work published. Data will be used for annual FES, promotions and tenure, and merit consideration.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Student Knowledge
Students will enhance skills and increase knowledge to achieve a successful internship experience.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Student Internship
Students perform successfully at an approved internship site.
Criteria Field Experience
Required hours of the field experience are: health major - 400 hours, health minor - 200 hours, graduate health major - 300 hours, kinesiology (exercise science) - 480 hours, graduate sport management - 6 credit hours.
Finding Internship
All interns received a rating of "above average" or "excellent" from the agency internship supervisors.
Actions for Objective:

Action Internship
Continue to monitor the successful internship experience of students and modify if needed.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Degree Programs
Examine and modify degree programs in the department to comply with state requirements.
Associated Goals: Visibility And Impact

Indicator Undergraduate Degree Program
Reduction in undergraduate degree requirements for graduation as a result of state mandate.
Criteria Degree Plans Reduction
Undergraduate degree programs meet the 120 hours state mandate.
Finding Degree Plans Reduction
All degree plan options in the Department of Health and Kinesiology are reduced to the 120 hour state mandate.
Actions for Objective:

Action Degree Plans Reduction
Inform students of this change. Include 120 degree plans in the 2008-2010 undergraduate catalog. Adjust the articulation agreement to reflect 120 degree plans. Continue to update course content in each of the 120 degree plans as needed.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Increase Enrollments
Implement recruitment plan to increase enrollment in undergraduate and graduate Health and Kinesiology programs.
Associated Goals: Visibility And Impact

Indicator Recruitment Of Students
Log all recruitment activities and numbers of brochures used to recruit undergraduate and graduate students.
Criteria Recruitment Activities
Department will participate in at least five recruitment events during 2007-2008.
Finding Recruitment Activities
The Department had visibility at the following recruitment events: SHSU Destination Graduation – Spring 07, Fall 07, Spring 08, Fall 08 Saturday @ SAM – Spring 07, Fall 07, Spring 08, Fall 08 Five;(5) off-campus visits - Spring 07, Fall 07, Spring 08, Fall 08 [(2) Off campus visits were in Harris and Leon counties.]
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Recruitment
Department faculty will be encouraged to participate in numerous events on campus for the purpose of recruiting undergraduate and graduate students to the various program tracks in the Department of Health and Kinesiology Academic programs.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Professional Service
Increased numbers of Health and Kinesiology faculty serving and seeking to serve as leaders and committee members in professional organizations
Associated Goals: Visibility And Impact

Indicator Professional Service
Count the number of committee assignments reported on FES and compare to previous year.
Criteria Professional Service
70% of faculty will have service activity in one or more professional organizations.
Finding Professional Service
100% of full-time faculty were engaged in one or more professional organizations during the 2007-2008 academic year. (Source: FES)
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Service
To continue to seek support for faculty who provide external scholarly service.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111