
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Curriculum and Instruction, Department of

3 Goals     12 Objectives     15 Indicators     55 Criteria     57 Findings     58 Actions

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AA Faculty Recruitment
Recruit and hire faculty to fill the four available positions.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A Hire New Faculty
Positions filled with professors who meet or exceed the stipulated job requirements
Criteria A Faculty positions
Hire a tenure track professors with emphais in science.
Finding A. Faculty positions
Position accepted by a qualified science teacher.
Criteria AA Recruit new faculty
Hire three experienced professors with a record of research, strong backgrounds in curriculum and instruction, and grant writing.
Finding A, Hire New Faculty
Two faculty hired as generalist with strong backgrounds in curriculum and instruction and others being interviewed for the third possition.
Criteria B Faculty positions
Hired an experienced associate level professor with a record of research and grant writing who is a gereralis
Finding A. Hire New Faculty
Hired an associate level professor with a reacord of research and grant writing.
Criteria C Faculty position
Hired an experienced professor with a diverse backgroun and strong curriculum and instructional as a generalist
Finding A. Hire New Faculty
Hired an experienced professor with a diverse background in curriculum and instruction and experience in grant writing.
Actions for Objective:

Action A. Hire New Faculty
Provide on-going orientataion and mentoring
Action A. Hire New Faculty
On-going orientation and mentoring of two new faculty and complete hiring for a third.
Action A. Hire New Faculty
On-going orientation and mentoring
Action Hire New Faculty
On-going orientation and mentoring

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AB Adjunct Orientation
Develop and provide orientation sessions for all adjuncts
Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Orientation
Orientation sessions will be held.
Criteria  A Orientation sessions
Have multiple sessions that provide more specific information related to specific unit and SPA assessments by developing CD''s for use by instructors in specific courses.
Finding A. Orientation
Provided one major orientation and mentors along with multiple specific session as needed. CD''s not developed.
Finding A. Orientation
Several sessions were provided however, the CD''s were not created.
Criteria B Orientations sessions
Provide improved guidelines for mentors.
Finding A. Orientation
Mentors provided with ideas
Criteria D Orientation sessions
Develop specific training in the use of TK20, providing student assignments in TK20, scoring student assignments in TK20.
Finding A. Orientation
Written information and powerpoints provided for faculty and students as well as demonstrations in the lab.
Actions for Objective:

Action A. Orientation
Develop written guidelines for that includes specific topics and recommended schedules
Action A. Orientation
Create CD''s and other materials for use by professors and students. Increase the opportunities for hands on training.
Action A. Orientation
Create CD''s or other media explanations for faculty and students. Provide additional training for instructors as needed.
Action A. Orientaton
Create CD''s and video clips for specific program components. Provide multiple sessions on specific topics throughout the year.

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AC Introduce Teacher Work Sample
All C & I faculty actively engaged in implementing TWS in programs and courses.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Faculty Excellence, Increase Visibility

Indicator A Teacher Work Sample
Writing plans for implementing TWS in Interdisciplinary Studies, Academic Studies, Secondary, and Post Bac.
Criteria A TWS
Written Plans in C&I. Procedures Notebook for teaching TWS in a coherent sequences within each program and within each methods block.
Finding A. Teacher Work Sample
Components assigned to courses and overview provided in selected courses
Finding A. Teacher Work Sample
Syllabi have limited information.
Finding A. Teacher Work Sample
No written plans since everything is informal.
Criteria A TWS
Syllabi contain detailed explanations of how TWS will be applied in that course with an assignment and rubric.
Finding A TWS
Syllabi have been redesigned to include a detailed explanation of how TWS will be applied in that course and has an assignment and rubric.
Actions for Objective:

Action A TWS
Candidate products will be analyzed to assist in course and program improvement.
Action A. Teacher Work Sample
Prepare a written plan describing what specifically needs to be taught in each course. Provide CD''s and video to for overview and each component.
Action A. Teacher Work Sample
Develop components for each course syllabus with assignment and rubric
Action A. Teacher Work Sample
Develop specific written guidelines for each course and develop CD''s or videos for each component for student and instructor.

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AD NCATE & SPA
Faculty will continue NCATE and SPA development training combined with writing SPA reports.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A NCATE & SPA
Attendance of selected faculty at the national conference
Criteria A NCATE & SPAS
Faculty participate in National and specific SPA training.
Finding A NCATE & SPA
All faculty attended seminars on NAEYC
Finding A. NCATE & SPA
Faculty representatives attended National training for NCATE and SPA''s
Criteria B NCATE & SPA
ACS jFaculty attended NAEYC seminars
Criteria C NACATE & SPA
ACS standards incorporated into ACS syllabi
Finding A. NCATE & SPA
ACS faculty attended NAEYC seminars but program changed to ACEI so faculty also attended ACEI seminars
Indicator Writing SPA Reports
Faculty assigned and actively writing SPA reports.
Criteria B SPA reports
Faculty actively engaged in writing SPA reports.
Finding Writing SPA Reports
All SPA reports are currently being written by designated faculty.
Criteria B SPA reports
SPA writers working with faculty in the development of the reports.
Finding B. Writing SPA Reports
SPA writers working with faculty in the development of the reports
Criteria B SPA reports
SPA writing teams collecting and analysing data.
Finding Writing SPA Reports
Initial stages of data collection has occurred
Actions for Objective:

Action A NCATE & SPA
Due to changes in the certification program by the state from EC-4 to EC-6, the program will submit to the ACEI SPA rather than NAEYC.
Action A. NCATE & SPA
Provide training as necessary for SPA writers and other faculty
Action A. NCATE & SPA
NAEYC standards in ACS syllabi; and currently being changed to ACEI
Action A. NCATE & SPA
SPA writers writing reports with input from faculty.
Action A. NCATE & SPA
Continue with the process
Action A. NCATE & SPA
Specific reports will be requested through TK20 and other sources

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AE Assessments
Unit and SPA assessments are being implemented.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A Assessment
Faculty make assignments and score assignments in TK20.
Criteria A Assessment
All students submit expected assignments in TK20.
Finding A. Assessment
The majoriety so students submitted the expected assignments in TK20
Criteria A Assessments
Professors score assignments in TK20.
Finding A Assessments
All faculty where appropriate have attempted to score assignments in TK20.
Criteria B Assessment
Assessments are in, assigned, and scored in TK20.
Finding A. Assessment
The majoriety of professors scored assignments in TK20.
Criteria B Assessments
All faculty are trained or re-trained in the process for using TK20 as an assessment tool.
Finding A. Assessment
All professors are trained in the process of using TK 20 as ann assessment tool.
Criteria C Assessment
Data on student performance on the Unit and SPA assessments are in TK20.
Finding A. Assessment
Increases in data on Unit and SPA assessments are in TK20
Criteria C Assessments
Reports are requested from TK20 and are used in program and course improvement.
Finding A. Assessment
Reports have not been requested from TK20
Actions for Objective:

Action A Assessment
Faculty will receive additional training in how to score assignments in TK20 and all faculty responsible for SPA assessments will be expected to score these assessments in TK20.
Action A. Assessment
Additional training and CD''s for student to assist in submitting assignments in TK20
Action A. Assessment
The number of assessment assigned and scored in TK20 grew during the year.
Action A. Assessment
Faculty are using TK20 for assignments.
Action A. Assessment
Have all Unit and SPA assessments in TK20.
Action A. Assessment
Request reports and use for program improvement.

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AF SACS Expectations
SACS expectations are being met.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A Vitae
All vitae converted to new vita form and submitted.
Criteria AF SACS Expectations
SACS vitae have been submitted
Finding A. Vitae
Vitae have been submitted
Criteria AF SACS Expectations
All Syllabi meet format and content standards
Indicator B Syllabi
All syllabi meet format and content standards.
Criteria B Syllabi
All syllabi meet format and content standards.
Finding B Syllabi
98% of Syllabai meet the format and content standards.
Actions for Objective:

Action A. Vitae
Continue to submit Vitae as necessary
Action B Syllabi
Faculty members will continue to improve syllabi and relate to content standards.

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AG Field Experience
Appropriate field experiences will be designed that are highly structured and connect practice (field experience) to theory (what is being taught) with a considerable increase in the total number of hours of field experience.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A Field Experience
Extended field experience along with highly structured, focused field experiences
Criteria A Field Experience
All Level 1 field experiences being placed by the Office of Field Experience.
Finding A. Field Experience
All Level I field experience is being scheduled by the office of Field Experience
Criteria B Field Experience
Training in reading the AEIS Report campus reports rather than 5 year embedded in appropriate courses.
Finding A. Field Experience
Level I courses assigned responsibility for teaching students to "read" the AEIS Campus Report (annual)
Criteria C1 Field Experience
Each Syllabi contains clear and specific assignments for field experience which represents a part of the course grade.
Finding A. Field Experience
All syllabi have reference to field experience but many lack the details needed.
Finding A. Field Experience
Course documents indicate that although there is an improvement in the quality of assignments, there are individual courses where improvement is still needed.
Criteria C2 Field Experience
Each course has improved assignments, directions, and rubrics for field experience.
Finding A. Field Experience
Foundation for coordination among sections and courses is in place however, this needs to be refined and in some cases revisited.
Criteria C3 Field Experience
Coordination for field experiences among sections and course is in place.
Finding A. Field Experience
Courses have varying degrees of specificity with improvement needed in some sections.
Criteria D Field Experience
Field experience activities and expectations are clearly explained.
Finding A Field Experience
Field experience activities and expectatons are not clearly explained in many of the syllabi and assignments.
Criteria D Field Experience
Shift in responsibility for monitoring the field experience from the Office of Field Experience to individual instructors.
Finding A. Field Experience
All course instructors are monitoring their individual course field experience.
Actions for Objective:

Action A Field Experience
Program Coordinators and the Leadership Team will work with faculty members to improve the quality and clarity of the field experience activities.
Action A. Field Experience
Improve communications with faculty and students on the process.
Action A. Field Experience
Provide training and modules for each instructor who teaches Level I courses.
Action A. Field Experience
Course syllabi reviewed by program coordinators with necessary corrections made as needed.
Action A. Field Experience
Chair and program coordinators will work with programmatic teams to improve and the quality of field experience communications and documents.
Action A. Field Experience
Provide specific meeting times by course for training and agreement on procedures.
Action A. Field Experience
Provide specific training for all instructors by course and across the program and improve the quality of the written information provided to students.
Action A. Field Experience
Continue with current procedure

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective AB Adjunct Orientation
Develop and provide orientation sessions for all adjuncts
Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Orientation
Orientation sessions will be held.
Criteria  A Orientation sessions
Have multiple sessions that provide more specific information related to specific unit and SPA assessments by developing CD''s for use by instructors in specific courses.
Finding A. Orientation
Provided one major orientation and mentors along with multiple specific session as needed. CD''s not developed.
Finding A. Orientation
Several sessions were provided however, the CD''s were not created.
Criteria B Orientations sessions
Provide improved guidelines for mentors.
Finding A. Orientation
Mentors provided with ideas
Criteria D Orientation sessions
Develop specific training in the use of TK20, providing student assignments in TK20, scoring student assignments in TK20.
Finding A. Orientation
Written information and powerpoints provided for faculty and students as well as demonstrations in the lab.
Actions for Objective:

Action A. Orientation
Develop written guidelines for that includes specific topics and recommended schedules
Action A. Orientation
Create CD''s and other materials for use by professors and students. Increase the opportunities for hands on training.
Action A. Orientation
Create CD''s or other media explanations for faculty and students. Provide additional training for instructors as needed.
Action A. Orientaton
Create CD''s and video clips for specific program components. Provide multiple sessions on specific topics throughout the year.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective AC Introduce Teacher Work Sample
All C & I faculty actively engaged in implementing TWS in programs and courses.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Faculty Excellence, Increase Visibility

Indicator A Teacher Work Sample
Writing plans for implementing TWS in Interdisciplinary Studies, Academic Studies, Secondary, and Post Bac.
Criteria A TWS
Written Plans in C&I. Procedures Notebook for teaching TWS in a coherent sequences within each program and within each methods block.
Finding A. Teacher Work Sample
Components assigned to courses and overview provided in selected courses
Finding A. Teacher Work Sample
Syllabi have limited information.
Finding A. Teacher Work Sample
No written plans since everything is informal.
Criteria A TWS
Syllabi contain detailed explanations of how TWS will be applied in that course with an assignment and rubric.
Finding A TWS
Syllabi have been redesigned to include a detailed explanation of how TWS will be applied in that course and has an assignment and rubric.
Actions for Objective:

Action A TWS
Candidate products will be analyzed to assist in course and program improvement.
Action A. Teacher Work Sample
Prepare a written plan describing what specifically needs to be taught in each course. Provide CD''s and video to for overview and each component.
Action A. Teacher Work Sample
Develop components for each course syllabus with assignment and rubric
Action A. Teacher Work Sample
Develop specific written guidelines for each course and develop CD''s or videos for each component for student and instructor.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective BA Conferences
Each tenured, tenure-track professor will attend and present at a minimum of two conferences per year
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Conferences
Records demonstrating that each professor has made a minimum of two conference presentations.
Criteria A Conferences
Record of faculty conferences attendance based on improved reporting on travel requests.
Finding A. Conferences
There is an accurate record of conferences attended by faculty members.
Criteria B Conferences
Record of presentations based on improved reporting on travel requests.
Finding A. Conferences
The record of conference presentations is present but not in a single document.
Criteria C Orientation sessions
Improve the development of guidelines for specific courses expectations.
Criteria C1 Conferences
Plan developed for sharing information room conferences, presentation, publications.
Finding A. Conferences
Plan not developed for sharing conference presentations, publications and conference information.
Criteria C2 Conferences
Plan for recognition of accomplishments at conferences.
Finding A. Conferences
No plan for recognization of conference or other accomplishments.
Criteria C3 Conferences
Plan for supporting translation of presentations into publications.
Finding A. Conferences
No formal plan for supporting translation of presentations into publications.
Actions for Objective:

Action A. Conferences
Continue to keep accurate records of faculty travel for conferences.
Action A. Conferences
Develop a plan for sharing information related to conference presentations, publications, and conference information.
Action A. Conferences
Plan a process for r ecognition of faculty accomplishments.
Action A. Conferences
Develop a formal plan for translating presentations into publications.
Action A. Conferences

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective BB Publications
Each tenure, tenure track professor will submit at least one article for publication.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Publishing Articles
Copies of published articles in Departmental office.
Criteria A Publication
Plan for sharing and recognizing professors with newly published articles.
Finding A. Publishing Articles
No formal plan for sharing and recognizing profesors with newly published articles. An informal process is present.
Criteria B Publication
Plan for support services for research and writing from department.
Finding A. Publishing Articles
Support is present in the form of teams and committees.
Actions for Objective:

Action A. Publishing Articles
Develop a plan for sharing and recognizing professors with newly published articles.
Action A. Publishing Articles
Develop more structured support for research and writing.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective BC Writing/research Group
A research/writing group will be formed to stimulate and suport faculty in developing research projects, collecting data and submitting articles for publication.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Committee Reports
Reports from committee.
Criteria A Writing Group reports
Reports from group at faculty meetings.
Finding A. Committee Reports
Opportunities provided at faculty meetings for committee reports but reports were limited in scope.
Criteria B Writing/ Research Group
Submissions of research projects.
Finding A. Committee Reports
Group interacted within the group but did not share with the faculty of chair.
Criteria B Writing/ Research Group
Submissions of research projects.
Criteria C Writing/Research Groups
Finding A. Committee Reports
The writing groups were very effective in encouraging writing and submissions.
Actions for Objective:

Action A. Committee Reports
Continue the group meetings but expand the interaction to the entire faculty.
Action B. Writing /Research Groups
Develop plan for sharing research projects.

GOAL: Increase Visibility

Objective AC Introduce Teacher Work Sample
All C & I faculty actively engaged in implementing TWS in programs and courses.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Faculty Excellence, Increase Visibility

Indicator A Teacher Work Sample
Writing plans for implementing TWS in Interdisciplinary Studies, Academic Studies, Secondary, and Post Bac.
Criteria A TWS
Written Plans in C&I. Procedures Notebook for teaching TWS in a coherent sequences within each program and within each methods block.
Finding A. Teacher Work Sample
Components assigned to courses and overview provided in selected courses
Finding A. Teacher Work Sample
Syllabi have limited information.
Finding A. Teacher Work Sample
No written plans since everything is informal.
Criteria A TWS
Syllabi contain detailed explanations of how TWS will be applied in that course with an assignment and rubric.
Finding A TWS
Syllabi have been redesigned to include a detailed explanation of how TWS will be applied in that course and has an assignment and rubric.
Actions for Objective:

Action A TWS
Candidate products will be analyzed to assist in course and program improvement.
Action A. Teacher Work Sample
Prepare a written plan describing what specifically needs to be taught in each course. Provide CD''s and video to for overview and each component.
Action A. Teacher Work Sample
Develop components for each course syllabus with assignment and rubric
Action A. Teacher Work Sample
Develop specific written guidelines for each course and develop CD''s or videos for each component for student and instructor.

GOAL: Increase Visibility

Objective CA Recruitment
Schedule recruitment sessions targetng both graduate and undergraduate students
Associated Goals: Increase Visibility

Indicator A Recruitment Sessions
Records of Recruitment sessions
Criteria A Recruitment
Recruitment sessions at school districts.
Finding A. Recruitment Sessions
Active recruitment was focused primarily on the graduate programs with presentations in several school districts.
Criteria B Recruitment displays
Recruitment sessions at university events.
Finding A. Recruitment Sessions
Recruitment displays are being used at a number of events but by limited number of faculty.
Finding A. Recruitment Sessions
Recruitment displays have been developed but need to be expanded.
Criteria C Recuritment Strategies
Additional recruitment strategies.
Finding A. Recruitment Sessions
New strategies have not been developed. Random process without plan
Finding A. Recruitment Sessions
Strategies are limited and need to be expanded.
Criteria D Distribution and Arranging
Plan for distribution of materials and arranging for presentation opportunities.
Finding Recruitment Sessions
Materials need to be updated and a plan developed for distribution of information and materials. Promotional materials are excellent.
Indicator B Undergraduate Recruitment
Record of undergraduate recruitment activities.
Criteria A Participation
Participation at Community College advising
Finding B. Undergraduate recruitment
Contiued with current advisement procedures.
Criteria B Improvement
Improved Secondary advising in SED 374 and SED 383.
Finding B. Undergraduate recruitment
Advising occcurred in SED 374 and SED 383.
Criteria C Improved Materials
Improved materials for distribution.
Finding B. Undergraduate recruitment
Materials still need to be redesigned.
Criteria D Planning
Plan for distribution of materials, plan of determining presentation opportunities, and follow-up of presentations.
Actions for Objective:

Action A. Recruitment
Develop a plan for extending recruitment of undergraduates to more community colleges, freshman orientation, career days. Expand recruitment of potential post bac students.
Action A. Recruitment
Increase the styles/numbers of displays, the number of faculty members involved and the sites where presentations are done
Action A. Recruitment
Develop a plan for recruitment at both graduate and undergraduate levels.
Action A. Recruitment Sessions
New materials need to be developed along with a distribution plan.
Action A. Recruitment Sessions
Expand recruitment materials, displays and events where displayed.
Action A. Recruitment Sessions
Limited plan for distribution of materials and plan for presentations.
Action A. Recruitment Sessions
Plan more opportunities for prsentations.
Action A. Recruitment Sessions
Redesign distribution materials and increase promotional materials.
Action B. Undergraduate recruitment
Need to expand the scope of the community colleges visited and the type of advisement.
Action B. Undergraduate recruitment
Analyze effectiveness of current plan and plan improvement accordingly.
Action B. Undergraduate recruitment
Plan still needs to be developed.

GOAL: Increase Visibility

Objective CB Campus Site Methods
Develop ACS and SEcondary Methods Block programs on campuses (school sites) in Conroe and Willis ISDs
Associated Goals: Increase Visibility

Indicator A School Sites Methods
Record of meetings and minutes demonstrating the development of partnerships.
Criteria A School Sites Methods
Presence of programs being taught on school campuses.
Finding A. School Sites Methods
4-8 and 8-12 have sites on campuses.
Criteria B School Site Methods
Record of interactions, presentations with District liaisons.
Finding A. School Sites Methods
Meetings occurred at all sites but the records of the meetings are inadequate.
Criteria C Advisory Committee
Advisory Committees in districts serving as hosts for methods students field experience.
Finding A. School Sites Methods
Advisory Committees were not established.
Criteria D Assessments
Assessments indicating student satisfaction with the methods program. evaluation of mentor teachers, and faculty supervision.
Finding A School Sites Methods
Assessments of student satisfaction were given in the spring but have not been analyzed.
Actions for Objective:

Action A. School Sites Methods
Increase the number of secondary sections that meet on campus and add at least one section of EC-4 on a school site.
Action A. School Sites Methods
Maintain better records/minutes/agenda/ materials for all site meetings.
Action A. School Sites Methods
Establish advisory committees in each district where sites are located.
Action A. School Sites Methods
Programs redesign surveys and develop a plan for completion, analysis, and use for improvement.

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