
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Health Services

4 Goals     12 Objectives     12 Indicators     12 Criteria     12 Findings     12 Actions

GOAL: Healthy Lifestyles

Objective Collaborative Outreach Activities
Collaborate with the campus and local communities to conduct at least 40 health-related outreach activities.
Associated Goals: Healthy Lifestyles

Indicator Collaborative Outreach Activities
The number of collaborative activities.
Criteria Collaborative Outreach Activities
The criterion for achievement is participation in at least 40 collaborative health-related activities.
Finding Collaborative Outreach Activities
The department participated in 22 collaborative outreach programs. The department fell short of its objective to conduct 40 collaborative outreach programs due to the vacancy of the Health Programming Coordinator position from 01/02/08 to 07/15/08.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collaborative Outreach Activities
1. The department filled the Health Programming Coordinator position on 07/16/08. 2. The department will continue to conduct independent as well as collaborative outreach activities. The goals and objectives for independent and collaborative outreach activities will likely be combined for FY 2009.

GOAL: Healthy Lifestyles

Objective Independent Outreach Activities
Independently conduct at least 30 health-related outreach activities.
Associated Goals: Healthy Lifestyles

Indicator Independent Outreach Activities
The number of independent outreach activities conducted by the department.
Criteria Independent Outreach Activities
The criterion for achievement is conducting at least 30 independent health-related outreach activities.
Finding Independent Outreach Activities
The department conducted 36 independent outreach activities.
Actions for Objective:

Action Independent Outreach Activities
The department will continue to conduct independent as well as collaborative outreach activities. The goals and objectives for independent and collaborative outreach activities will likely be combined for FY 2009.

GOAL: Healthy Lifestyles

Objective Patient Education
At least 90% of patients will perceive that they educated regarding their condition during the course of their visit.
Associated Goals: Healthy Lifestyles

Indicator Patient Education
The percentage of patients that they were educated during their visit and understood about their illness or condition.
Criteria Patient Education
The criteria for achievement are that at least 90% of the patients will indicate on the post-visit survey that "yes" they were educated during their visit and understand at least "some" about their illness or condition.
Finding Patient Education
The combined results of the Post-Visit Satisfaction Surveys from the fall and spring semesters indicate that 98% of the patients received patient education during their visit and that 94% indicated that they at least knew some about their condition by the end of their visit.
Actions for Objective:

Action Patient Education
Continue to conduct the Post-Visit Patient Satisfaction Survey and include assessment of patient education during the clinical visit.

GOAL: Quality Of Services

Objective Electronic Medical Records
Further assess the feasibility of EMR implementation through vendor presentations and user feedback.
Associated Goals: Quality Of Services

Indicator Electronic Medical Record
The receipt of vendor information and user feedback.
Criteria Electronic Medical Record
Vendor information and user feedback that allows the department to make a decision whether or not to proceed with EMR implementation.
Finding Electronic Medical Record
User and vendor information was obtained. Information provided from the primary vendor led the department to indefinitely defer the implementation of electronic medical records.
Actions for Objective:

Action Electronic Medical Records
In light of information received from the primary vendor under consideration, the Health Center is indefinitely deferring the transition to medical records.

GOAL: Quality Of Services

Objective Emergency Generator
Complete installation of emergency power generator.
Associated Goals: Quality Of Services

Indicator Emergency Power Generator
Whether or not the generator is installed.
Criteria Emergency Power Generator
The criterion for achievement is the actual presence of an operational emergency power generator by August 31, 2008.
Finding Emergency Generator
The generator was installed and fully operational the week of August 24th.
Actions for Objective:

Action Emergency Generator
The installation of the generator is complete; There is no further action required at this time. The department will continue to evaluate its facility and make necessary enhancements to support its operations.

GOAL: Quality Of Services

Objective Patient Satisfaction
Maintain at least a 90% patient satisfaction rate.
Associated Goals: Quality Of Services

Indicator Patient Satisfaction
The overall satisfaction rate indicated on the Post-Visit Patient Satisfaction Survey.
Criteria Patient Satisfaction
At least 90% of the patients surveyed will rate the quality of their visit as "good" or "excellent".
Finding Patient Satisfaction
The combined results from the fall and spring Post-visit Satisfaction Survey indicate that 97% of the patients rate the quality of their visit as "good" or "excellent".
Actions for Objective:

Action Patient Satisfaction
Continue to conduct the Post-visit Satisfaction Survey to support efforts to sustain a high level of satisfaction.

GOAL: Quality Of Services

Objective Quality Improvement Studies
Complete at least four formal quality improvement studies.
Associated Goals: Quality Of Services

Indicator Quality Improvement Studies
The number of quality improvement studies completed in FY 2008.
Criteria Quality Improvement
The criterion for achievement is the completion of four quality improvement studies by August 31, 2008.
Finding Quality Improvement Studies
The department completed seven QI studies.
Actions for Objective:

Action Quality Improvement Studies
The department will continue to conduct QI studies as part of its formal QI program.

GOAL: Service Utilization

Objective Evening Hours
Institute evening hours for the fall and spring.
Associated Goals: Service Utilization

Indicator Evening Hours
The published materials listing the hours of operation.
Criteria Evening Hours
The criterion for achievement is the department''s extension of its evening hours Monday - Thursday until 6:00 p.m.
Finding Evening Hours
The Student Health Center successfully implemented evening hours in the fall semester and continued them through the spring semester. The department''s hours of operation in the fall and spring semester are now M-Th, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Fri, 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.
Actions for Objective:

Action Evening Hours
Continue operational hours from 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., on Fridays.

GOAL: Service Utilization

Objective Pharmacy Marketing Activities
Conduct at least six marketing activities highlighting pharmacy actvities.
Associated Goals: Service Utilization

Indicator Pharmacy Marketing Activities
The number of marketing activities highlighting pharmacy services.
Criteria Market Pharmacy Services
The criterion for achievement is that the department conducts at least six marketing activities highlighting pharmacy services.
Finding Pharmacy Marketing Activities
The department conducted six marketing activities for the pharmacy. These activities included advertisements in The Houstonian, coupon promotions, website features, promotional items, and the information tables featuring pharmacy activities.
Actions for Objective:

Action Pharmacy Marketing Activities
The Pharmacist position is currently vacant. Upon the resumption of the pharmacy operations, the department will aggressively market the pharmacy.

GOAL: Service Utilization

Objective Practitioner FTEs
Increase medical practitioner FTEs by .20 for the fall and spring semesters.
Associated Goals: Service Utilization

Indicator Increase Practitioner FTEs
The number of medical practitioner FTEs for fall 2007 and spring 2008.
Criteria Increase Practitioner FTEs
At least 2.80 practitioner FTEs for fall 2007 and spring 2008.
Finding Practitioner FTEs
The Health Center had 2.83 FTEs during the fall and spring semesters.
Actions for Objective:

Action Practitioner FTEs
The Health Center will maintain at least 2.8 practitioner FTEs and seek to further increase them in upcoming years as part of the department''s strategic plan.

GOAL: Staff Development

Objective Intradepartmental Development Activities
Conduct at least four intradepartmental development sessions.
Associated Goals: Staff Development

Indicator Intradepartmental Staff Development
The number of intradepartmental staff development sessions.
Criteria Intradepartmental Staff Development
The criterion for achievement is that at least four intradepartmental development sessions will be conducted in FY 2008.
Finding Intradepartmental Staff Development
Various staff members participated in five departmental staff development activities.
Actions for Objective:

Action Staff Development
The department will continue to facilitate staff development activities for individual staff members as well as the whole group.

GOAL: Staff Development

Objective Staff Development
At least 80% of the staff will attend divisional staff development sessions.
Associated Goals: Staff Development

Indicator Staff Development
The percentage of staff members that attend divisional staff development sessions.
Criteria Staff Development
The criterion for achievement is that at least 80% of the full-time staff members will attend divisional staff development sessions.
Finding Staff Development
The department had an approximate 86% attendance rate at the divisional staff development sessions held during FY 2008. The only ones that did not attend either had already requested leave prior to the date being announced or had to serve as the sole staff member that remained behind to man the department.
Actions for Objective:

Action Staff Development
Continue to encourage/require attendance at divisional staff development sessions.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111