
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :

2 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Consumer Satisfaction

Objective Consumer Friendly Vending Machines
Vending will provide consumer friendly vending machines.
Associated Goals: Consumer Satisfaction

Indicator Vending Machine Replacement Table
A written time table on the replacement of vending machines determined by years of service will be developed.
Criteria Implementation of replacement
Implementation of vending machine replacement will begin in FY 2009 following the schedule developed in fy 2008.
Finding Schedule of Vending Replacement Machine
Vending supervisor is working on the timetable and will have it completed before fiscal year close.
Actions for Objective:

Action Timetable of replacement
Timetable of replacement is still in process and scheduled for FY 2009.

GOAL: Consumer Satisfaction

Objective On-line Survey
The vending office will develop an on-line survey.
Associated Goals: Consumer Satisfaction

Indicator Survey Accessible
Survey will be accessible from Vending web page.
Criteria Products desired
Survey will provide feedback on products desired by students, faculty, staff, and other consumers.
Finding Vending Survey
Business Office accountant I is working with the vending supervisor and they are currently polishing the survey before it is placed online.
Actions for Objective:

Action Survey
The on-line survey is a work in process.

GOAL: Efficiency in the Vending Operations

Objective Maximize Income
The Vending Office will maximize income through vending sales.
Associated Goals: Efficiency in the Vending Operations

Indicator Break Even Point
The Vending Office will not have expenditures in excess of income.
Criteria End of Year Income Measure
At the end of the fiscal year, Vending account will either show a net profit or expenditures will not exceed income. (Capital expenditures may be paid from fund balance and are not included in this analysis.)
Finding Income versus expenditures
This finding will be completed after fiscal year end.
Actions for Objective:

Action Breakeven point
No action needed at this time.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111