
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Academic Affairs, Associate Vice President

2 Goals     5 Objectives     6 Indicators     12 Criteria     12 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: Promote Academic Quality

Objective Attract Quality Undergraduate Students
To improve the academic reputation of the institution, it is imperative that a higher quality of student be recruited and retained. The higher quality students will also the University to recruit and retain a higher quality faculty.
Associated Goals: Promote Academic Quality

Indicator Enrollment Rates
If the University is successful in targeting and enrolling quality undergraduate students, there should be an increase in SAT scores for entering students, an increase in the number of honor students and international students.
Criteria Increase in Honors Program
To the extent that the Honors Program increases in size without lowering its standards, it can be assumed that growth of the Honors Program is correlated with the University''s ability to attract and enroll higher quality students.
Finding Honors Students
There was a slight decrease in the number of honor students for academic year 2008. The 343 students enrolled was below the target of 370 and the previous year total of 350.
Criteria Increased SAT Scores
It is assumed that the increased SAT scores of incoming freshmen is indicative of an overall higher quality student body.
Finding Increase in SAT Scores
The average SAT score for the 2007 entering class was 1032. This score was roughly equivalent to the 2006 average of 1031. The score was significantly higher than the state and national average.
Criteria Increased number of International Students
It is assumed that any increase in enrollment by international students is associated with an increase in the academic reputation of SHSU.
Finding Increased number of international students
In the Fall of 2007, 244 international students enrolled at SHSU. The represented an increase of four students over the fall of 2006.
Actions for Objective:

Action Attract Quality Students
The Office of International Program will take a more proactive role in recruiting transfer students from Lone Star College, Blinn College, and Houston Community College.
Action Quality Students
Although the Honors Program did not meet its goal of increasing in size, the quality of its students remained high. The same goal will be kept for the coming year to determine if this year''s downturn was an exception.

GOAL: Promote Academic Quality

Objective Increase Access To SHSU
As the college market becomes more competitive, it is necessary to be proactive in recruiting students. This may entail examining and reducing some of the difficulties potential students face in the admission process.
Associated Goals: Promote Academic Quality

Indicator Articulation Agreements
With competition increasing between universities, efforts need to be made to make the transition from either high school or community college easier. Thus the university has been active in developing articulation agreements with potential feeder schools or institutions.
Criteria Access to Advisors
SHSU needs to support to feeder community colleges in the form of regularly scheduled advisement sessions.
Finding Access to Advisors
SHSU, through the SAM Center assigns an advisor to each of the five campuses of Lone Star College, and the three colleges associated with Blinn Community College. In addition, SHSU hosts advising workshops for its feeder schools.
Criteria Articulation Agreements
SHSU will maintain and expand articulation agreements with community colleges across Texas.
Finding Articulation Agreements
SHSU has one person assigned to develop articulation agreements. This person interacts with local community colleges and has presented at state conferences to increase awareness of opportunities.
Actions for Objective:

Action Articulation Agreements
SHSU will continue to seek out new community college partnerss. SHSU will need to merge articulation efforts with the P-16 initiatives. This will entail having meetings with local school districts and community colleges.

GOAL: Promote Academic Quality

Objective Promote Effective Academic Support
Students are best served by having a variety of support centers.
Associated Goals: Promote Academic Quality

Indicator Graduation Rates
If the academic support programs are successful, it should result in increased graduation rates.
Criteria Increased graduation rates
If the graduation rates increase, it is reasonable to assume that the Academic Support Centers have been effective.
Finding Graduation Rates
The six-year graduation rate for the cohort that entered SHSU in the Fall of 2001 was 40%. This was down 4% from the 2000 cohort.
Indicator Retention Rates
If the academic support programs are successful, it should result in increased retention rates.
Criteria Increase retention rates
If the retention rates increase, it is reasonable to assume that the Academic Support Centers have been effective.
Finding Retention Rates
The fall-to-fall retention rate for 2006 entering class was 70%
Actions for Objective:

Action Support Programs
The retention and graduation rates have remained fairly constant for the last two years. To improve graduation rates, it will be necessary to expand the scope of the First Year Experience program to serve the needs of all students. Specific attention will be given to improving the retention rates from sophomore to junior year. Programs will be devised to identify and intervene with critical retention periods. The FYE director will assume the role of Assistant Vice President for Success Programs.

GOAL: Promote Effective Administrative Support For Provost

Objective Promote Communication Between University Components
The division of Academic Affairs must coordinate its efforts with other components of the University to be effective and consistent. By examining how a decision in one component affects other components is essential to the functioning of the University.
Associated Goals: Promote Effective Administrative Support For Provost

Indicator Communication Within University
The Division of Academic Affairs must work with the other divisions within the University to make sure that each other's responsibilities are understood and supported. Cooperative efforts will increase the likelihood that the objectives of Academic Affairs are met.
Criteria Regularly scheduled meetings
To facilitate communicate effectively with the other divisions, there will be regularly scheduled meetings with other divisional personnel to discuss any ongoing issues or future initiatives.
Finding Communication within University
The Office of Academic Affairs meets with representatives from Enrollment Management, Finance and Operations, Student Life, at least once a month. Weekly meetings are held with the Vice President for Enrollment Management and to a lesser extent with the Associate VP for Informational Resources.
Actions for Objective:

Action Communication
Planning Impact Meeting will continue to meet on a monthly basis. Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management will meet on a weekly basis.

GOAL: Promote Effective Administrative Support For Provost

Objective Represent SHSU At The University Center
SHSU is one of six partners that operate a muti-institute teaching center in The Woodlands. To promote the smooth operation of this MITC, representatives from all six schools meet at regular intervals to discuss problems, policies, and finances.
Associated Goals: Promote Effective Administrative Support For Provost

Indicator Presence At The University Center
Given that a large percentage of SHSU students come from the north Houston area, the University's presence at The University Center is vital to the vitality of the University. Thus, maintaing a high enrollment at the Center is indicative that SHSU interests are being served.
Criteria Largest number of Degree Offerings
Compared to the other partner institutions, SHSU will have the largest number of degree programs offered at TUC.
Finding Percentage of Degree Offered
For Academic Year 2007-2008, Texas Souther offered 3 degree programs (4.8%), Texas A&M offered 7 programs (11.5%),University of Houston-Downtown and Prairie View A&M both offered 8 degree programs(12.9%), the University of Houston offered 11 programs (17.7%) and SHSU offeredd 24 programs (39%). SHSU also received approval to offer a master''s in Communication Studies to begin in Fall 2008.
Criteria Largest number of scholarships
SHSU will provide the greatest amount and number of scholarships to its students at TUC.
Finding Largest number of Scholarships
For Academic Year 2007-2008, Lone Star College offered 8 scholarships valued at $500 for a total of $4,000. The Follett Bookstore offered three $500 scholarships valued at $1500. A local home association offered a single $1000 scholarship. SHSU offered sixteen (16) $1000 scholarships valued at $16000.
Criteria Largest support staff
Compared to the other partner institutions, SHSU will have the largest on-site support staff.
Finding Largest Support Staff
SHSU employs two (2) full-time employees to handle student demands at The University Center. None of the other partners have more than one employee at TUC.
Criteria Majority student enrollment
SHSU will have at least 50% of the student credit hours at TUC.
Finding Majority Student Enrollment
For the Academic Year 2007-2008, SHSU again had the majority of student credit hours (69%)at the University Center. SHSU had the majority of both graduate and undergraduate enrollments at TUC.
Actions for Objective:

Action Presence at University Center
We will continue with the scholarship program. In addition, we will try to add a new master''s program.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111