
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Education, College of

5 Goals     5 Objectives     8 Indicators     12 Criteria     12 Findings     9 Actions

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective Candidate Preparedness
Assure candidate preparedness for the field through benchmark assessments at entry, clinical experience and at exit.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator Admission To Educator Preparation
Candidates meeting criteria for admission to the educator preparation program should meet or exceed the mean scores of the rising junior population of the University on overall GPA.
Criteria GPA Overall
Upon initial application for program entry, overall GPA will exceed that of the rising junior population of the University.
Finding GPA of EP against SHSU juniors non EP
The GPA of EP candidates against the GPA of the rising junior population of the University (excluding EP) is not yet available
Indicator Pass Rates On Certification Exams
TExES Pass Rates for all demographic groups, by test
Criteria Final Pass Rates
Final pass rates on ALL Tests will exceed 80%. Final pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31 of the year following the last graduation date. Final pass rates for the 2007-2008 cohort will be calculated on Dec. 31, 2009.
Finding TExES Pass RAtes
Preliminary review of results for all TExES tests administered between Sept. 1, 2007 and June, 2008 indicates an overall pass rate of 89.7.
Criteria Initial Pass Rates
Inital pass rates on ALL Tests TExES Exams will exceed 80%. Initial pass rates are calculated for each completer cohort on Dec 31 of the year in which the last graduation date occurs. For 2007-2008, initial pass rates are calculated on Dec. 31, 2008.
Finding TExES Pass Rates
Preliminary indication of initial pass rates for all TExES exams administered between Sept. 1, 2007 and June 2008 provides an overall pass rate of 89.6. Initial pass rates are calculated each year by SBEC in December following the last graduation date for that year.
Indicator Teacher Work Sample Performance
Candidate performance on the Teacher Work Sample, a capstone assessment
Criteria Teacher Work Sample Scores
85 % of candidates in the 2007-2008 cohort will achieve a score of 3 on the Teacher Work Sample.
Finding TWS Perfromance
The % of candidates achieving a score of 3 was 74.8 for the cohort in 2007-2008
Actions for Objective:

Action GPA of EP Candidates against Rising Juniors
Ed Prep Leadership Team will review undergraduate recruiting plan and improve communication regarding program admission requirements. This is intended to increase diversity of candidates at entry and to assure that candidate who apply are prepared to progress toward completion successfully.
Action TExES Pass Rates
Continued monitoring of candidate mastery of domains and competencies within programs. Faculty will review practice exam results in the Content Methods Block for all elementary and secondary candidates
Action Teacher Work Sample Performance
Review of coursework alignment with Teacher Work Sample standards should include new activities and formative assessment to promote additional success among candidates

GOAL: Constituency Satisfaction

Objective Candidate Satisfaction
Improve candidate satisfaction with educator preparation services
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction

Indicator Satisfaction With Ed Prep Services
Student satisfaction with three services provided for undergraduates: advising services, certification and testing services and field experience services as indicated by annual survey responses.
Criteria Ed. Prep. Services Satisfaction Survey
Upon completion of student teaching, candidate satisfaction ratings for six areas of Ed. Prep. Services will exceed 2.5 on a five point Likert scale.
Finding Satisfaction with Ed Prep Services
Candidate satisfaction ratings for six areas of Ed Prep service was 3. 65 on a 5 point scale
Actions for Objective:

Action Candidate Satisfaction with Ed Prep Services
While satisfaction scores for each area exceeded target, each service area will develop additional evaluation instruments to provide additional and more specific information regarding candidate and family requirements.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Faculty Excellence
Increase faculty productivity through contributions to the field in publications, presentations, service and professional development.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Faculty Production
Annual professor to publication ratio and professor to presentation ratio for COE compared to University.
Criteria Faculty Presentations
Ratio of COE faculty to presentations will exceed SHSU faculty to presentations ratio
Criteria Faculty Publications
COE Professor to publication ratio will exceed the SHSU ratio
Finding Faculty Production: Presentations
Ratio of COE Faculty presentations to SHSU FAculty presentations is not yet available
Finding Faculty Productivity: Publications
Ratio of COE faculty publications to SHSU faculty is not yet available
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Productivity
System for reporting faculty presentations and publications for merit awards will be developed within the TK20 data management system to permit reporting on demand for various University and College needs.

GOAL: Operational Excellence

Objective Productivity Of The College
Increase semester credit hour production in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs.
Associated Goals: Operational Excellence

Indicator SCH Production
Semester Credit Hour production for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs.
Criteria Doctoral SCH Production
Growth in Doctoral level SCH Production should meet or exceed 2%
Finding Growth in Doctoral SCH Production
Growth in Doctoral SCH Production for the college is not yet available
Criteria Master''s Level SCH Production
Master''s level growth in SCH production should meet or exceed 2%
Finding SCH Production in COE Masters' Programs
SCH Credit Hour production compared to 2006-2007 is not yet available
Criteria Undergraduate SCH Production
Growth in Undergraduate SCH Production should meet or exceed 2%
Finding UG Credit Hour Production
% Growth in UG Credit Hour production for the academic year is not yet available
Actions for Objective:

Action Alignment of Strategic Goals, Objectives, Criteria
The leadership team, upon reviewing the strategic plan for the college, determined that objectives and criteria would be assigned to one specific goal in order to improve focus and accountability for continuous improvement efforts. Dr. Smith will review objectives for each department and provide an alignment matrix to be used by each department for goal setting in the coming year.
Action SCH Production
System for monitoring SCH production within the college should be developed and or disseminated to provide for added agility and responsiveness

GOAL: Visibility and Impact

Objective New Program Development
Develop new graduate programs in Special Education and Sports Management
Associated Goals: Visibility and Impact

Indicator New Doctoral Program In Special Education
Progress toward implementation of new doctoral program
Criteria Progress for PHD in SPED
Timely completion to permit Fall 2008 submission to the University Curriculum Committee
Finding Progress on Ph. D .in SPED
Proposal complete and ready for submission to Univeristy Curriculum Committee in Fall, 2008
Indicator New Master's Program In Sports Managment
Progress toward implementation of new master's program in Sports Management
Criteria Progress toward Master's in Sports Management
Progress toward implementation of a master''s degree in Sports Management
Finding Progress toward Masters in Sports Management
Masters program in Sports Management approved at all levels of the University and by the Board of Regents for implementation in Fall, 2008
Actions for Objective:

Action Implementation of Masters' Program in Sports Manag
Implementation of recruiting plan and new courses will commence with the Fall 2008 semester.
Action PH. D in SPED
College of Education review of new proposal is scheduled for August 8.

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