
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Humanities & Social Sciences, College of

11 Goals     47 Objectives     47 Indicators     47 Criteria     47 Findings     47 Actions

GOAL: Improve Facilities

Objective Expand Psychological Services Clinic
Expand and renovate Psychological Services Clinic.
Associated Goals: Improve Facilities

Indicator Find New Space For Psychological Services Center
Expand and renovate Psychological Services Center.
Criteria Expanded space for Psychological Services Center
Expanded space for Psychological Services Center.
Finding Space Psychological Services
Psychological Services is currently housed in an area with 1272 sq. ft. The new space allocated to them is 4456 sq. ft. They will move in January 2009.
Actions for Objective:

Action Psychological Services Center Space
Psychological Services Center will be moved into the new space in January 2009.

GOAL: Improve Facilities

Objective Find Space For Foreign Languages Department
Identify improved space for the Department of Foreign Languages.
Associated Goals: Improve Facilities

Indicator Identify Space For Foreign Languages Department
Identify improved space for the Department of Foreign Languages.
Criteria New Space for Foreign Languages Department
New space allocated for Foreign Languages Department.
Finding New Space for Foreign Languages Department
The Foreign Languages Department will be moved into space in AB IV after the Psychology and Philosophy Department moves into the new building.
Actions for Objective:

Action Foreign Language Space
Move Foreign Languages in to ABIV January 2009.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Continue Salary Equity Allocations
Continue to allocate raise money to correct salary inequities identified by the Salary Equity Study.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Continue Salary Equity Allocations
Continue salary equity allocations to correct salary inequities identified by the Salary Equity Study.
Criteria Salary Equity Allocations
Salary Equity Allocations from merit pay.
Finding Salary Equity
Allocations made to address disparities. See attached spreadsheet.
Actions for Objective:

Action Salary Equity
More money will be set aside next year to continue addressing inequities. New hires will be carefully analyzed for disparities before final hiring is completed.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Convert Adjunct Positions To Clinical Lecturers
Convert some existing adjunct and pool positions to full-time Clinical Lecturer positions and/or graduate teaching assistantships.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Convert Adjunct Positions To Clinical Lecturers
Convert adjunct or pool positions to Clinical Lecturers.
Criteria Number of conversions
Number of adjunct and pool positions converted to lecturer positions and/or graduate assistantships.
Finding Conversion of Adjunct positions
No positions were converted to Clinical Lecturers, but four adjunct or pool positions were converted to tenure-track positions.
Actions for Objective:

Action Clinical Positions
Continue to decrease reliance on pool faculty by converting positions either to tenure-track or to clinical positions.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Implement A College Promotion And Tenure Committee
Implement a college promotion and tenure committee to serve as advisory to the Dean.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Develop And Implement A College Promotion And Tenure Committee
Develop and implement a college promotion and tenure committee to serve as an advisory body to the Dean.
Criteria CHSS Promotion and Tenure Committee meets
CHSS Promotion and Tenure Committee is formed and meets.
Finding Promotion and Tenure Committee
CHSS Promotion and Tenure Committee was formed. Attached is the membership. The committee met and made recommendations to the Dean on faculty being considered for tenure and promotion.
Actions for Objective:

Action Promotion and Tenure Committee
Continue to refine the duties of the committee.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Improve New Faculty Orientation And Workshops
Improve new faculty workshops and orientation sessions.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Add Additional Information To New Faculty Orientation
Add additional information to new faculty orientation according to requests made by last year's hires.
Criteria New material in new faculty orientation
New material in new faculty orientation.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Added sessions regarding grant writing, surviving the first year, and mentoring. New Chairs were concerned that they were not getting the information needed for their positions.
Actions for Objective:

Action New Faculty Orientation
Add information for new chairs to orientation.

GOAL: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Objective Increase Tenure/tenure Track Faculty
Increase the number of new tenure/tenure-track faculty positions.
Associated Goals: Improve Faculty Quality And Morale

Indicator Increase The Number Of Tenure/tenure-track Faculty Positions
Increase the number of tenure/tenure-track faculty positions.
Criteria Number of tenure/tenure-track positions
Number of tenure/tenure-track positions in the college.
Finding tenure track positions
We had 121 tenure/tenure track positions in the college last year. We have 128 tenure/tenure track positions this year.
Actions for Objective:

Action tenure-track faculty
Continue to increase the percentage of tenure-track faculty and reduce the reliance on pool faculty.

GOAL: Increase College Diversity

Objective Develop A Minority Faculty Committee
Develop a minortiy faculty committee to explore and make recommendations regarding diversity issues in the college.
Associated Goals: Increase College Diversity

Indicator Develop A Minority Faculty Committee
Develop a CHSS minority faculty committee to explore and make recommendations regarding diversity issues in the college.
Criteria Minority Faculty Committee
Minority Faculty Committee formed and meeting.
Finding Minority Faculty Committee
We were unable to get enough faculty and administrative support to begin the committee.
Actions for Objective:

Action Minority Faculty Committee
Will meet with minority faculty individually to discuss issues and decide on new plan of action.

GOAL: Increase College Diversity

Objective Develop New Minority Faculty Mentoring Program
Develop a new minority faculty mentoring program to improve recruitment, transition, and retention of minority faculty.
Associated Goals: Increase College Diversity

Indicator Develop A Mentoring Program For New Minority Faculty
Develop a mentoring program for new minority faculty to improve recruitment, transition, and retention of minority faculty.
Criteria New Minority Faculty Mentoring Program active
New Minority Faculty Mentoring Program implemented.
Finding Minority Mentoring
Attempted to get volunteers for informal mentoring program. Not enough volunteers responded.
Actions for Objective:

Action Minority Faculty Mentoring
Will talk with minority faculty about best way to proceed with mentoring program.

GOAL: Increase College Diversity

Objective Support CHSS Women's Caucus
Support CHSS Women's Caucus in exploring and making recommendations regarding family and gender issues in the college.
Associated Goals: Increase College Diversity

Indicator Provide Support For The Women's Caucus
Provide financial support and follow up on recommendations made by CHSS Women's Caucus.
Criteria Women''s Caucus Support
Recommendations from Women''s Caucus acted on and financial support given.
Finding Women's Caucus
Took forward to CAD recommendation for an administrative internship from the Women''s Caucus. Discussed draft of Family Leave Policy with Women''s Caucus. Provided financial support for meetings.
Actions for Objective:

Action Women's Caucus
Continue work on Family Leave policy.

GOAL: Increase College Diversity

Objective Support Diversity Grants
Support the McNair grant and other grants submitted form our college that address diverse students.
Associated Goals: Increase College Diversity

Indicator Provide Support For Diversity Grants
Provide faculty and administration support for McNair Grant.
Criteria Diversity Grants
Faculty serve as mentors, associate dean provides support for grant.
Finding Diversity Grant
10 of the 13 McNair faculty mentors are from CHSS. Associate Dean Tayebi serves as instructor and represents the college at McNair functions.
Actions for Objective:

Action Diversity Grants
Continue support. Inform new faculty of McNair program.

GOAL: Increase Development And Alumni Activities

Objective Create CHSS Newsletter
Create and distribute CHSS Newsletter.
Associated Goals: Increase Development And Alumni Activities, Increase PR Activities

Indicator Produce A CHSS Newsletter
Produce a CHSS newsletter for faculty, staff, students, and alumni.
Criteria CHSS Newsletter
CHSS Newsletter produced and mailed out.
Finding CHSS Newsletter
The first CHSS Newsletter was produced and mailed to faculty, staff, and alumni. The second newsletter is in production.
Actions for Objective:

Action Newsletter
No further action necessary.

GOAL: Increase Development And Alumni Activities

Objective Mail Thank You Letters To All Donors
Implement the mailing of personalized thank you letters to all external contributors to the college and its programs.
Associated Goals: Increase Development And Alumni Activities

Indicator Mail Thank You Letters To Donors
Mail thank you letters to all external donors to the college and its programs.
Criteria Thank you letters mailed
Number of thank you letters mailed to donors.
Finding Donor mailings
We now have a partial list of donors. We have not sent any letters out yet.
Actions for Objective:

Action Mailing materials
Create an alumni board that will help identify donors and draft thank you letters for donors.

GOAL: Increase Enrollments

Objective Develop Marketing Strategy For Each Graduate Program
Develop marketing strategy for graduate student recruitment for each department.
Associated Goals: Increase Enrollments

Indicator Marketing Strategies For Graduate Programs
Develop marketing plans for each graduate program.
Criteria Marketing plans completed
Marketing plans completed for each graduate program.
Finding Recruitment Plans
Recruitment plans completed for each program. Sample attached.
Actions for Objective:

Action Graduate program recruitment
Give necessary financial support to fulfill plans.

GOAL: Increase Enrollments

Objective Increase Class Sizes
Increase class sizes by better utilizing and sharing of large classrooms.
Associated Goals: Increase Enrollments

Indicator Increase Average Class Sizes
Increase average class sizes in the college by utilizing large classrooms.
Criteria Increased class size
Increased average class size in the college.
Finding Class Size
The average class size increased from 33.66 to 34.28, an increase of 1.83%.
Actions for Objective:

Action Class Size
Continue to increase class sizes as larger classrooms come online in the new building.

GOAL: Increase Enrollments

Objective Increase The Number Of Graduate Students
Increase the enrollment of graduate students in the programs in the College.
Associated Goals: Increase Enrollments

Indicator Increase Enrollments In Graduate Programs
Increase enrollments in graduate programs
Criteria Number of graduate students in graduate programs
Number of graduate students enrolled in graduate programs.
Finding graduate students
There were a total of 341 graduate students last year. There are now 353 students. FCS had 31; ENG 45; HIS 87; MPA 13; POL 33; SOC 7; PSY School 26; PSY General 16; PSY Clinical MA 56; PSY Doctoral 39.
Actions for Objective:

Action Graduate student enrollment
Although we are increasing steadily, we still are having trouble getting the number of students accurately, so we are continuing to build the graduate student database.

GOAL: Increase PR Activities

Objective Continue Redesigning And Updating Departmental Web Pages.
Continue redesigning and updating college and departmental web pages.
Associated Goals: Increase PR Activities

Indicator Continue Redesigning Webpages
Continue redesigning and updating college and departmental web pages.
Criteria Redesigned and updated web pages
Redesigned and updated web pages for the college and departments.
Finding Web page revision
The English Department and Political Science Department have begun revising and updating their websites. The College is continuing to revise the webpage.
Actions for Objective:

Action webpages
Complete updating other department webpages. Continue to update College site.

GOAL: Increase PR Activities

Objective Continue To Improve Program Materials
Continue to develop improved and updated program description materials for the departments.
Associated Goals: Increase PR Activities

Indicator Continue Updating Program Materials
Continue to improve and update program materials.
Criteria New Program Materials
New program materials developed and ready to use.
Finding Program materials
The marketing person left her position leaving materials for Communications Studies Graduate Program not completed. Psychology updated brochures.
Actions for Objective:

Action Program materials
Encourage other departments to work with new Public Relations person.

GOAL: Increase PR Activities

Objective Create CHSS Newsletter
Create and distribute CHSS Newsletter.
Associated Goals: Increase Development And Alumni Activities, Increase PR Activities

Indicator Produce A CHSS Newsletter
Produce a CHSS newsletter for faculty, staff, students, and alumni.
Criteria CHSS Newsletter
CHSS Newsletter produced and mailed out.
Finding CHSS Newsletter
The first CHSS Newsletter was produced and mailed to faculty, staff, and alumni. The second newsletter is in production.
Actions for Objective:

Action Newsletter
No further action necessary.

GOAL: Increase PR Activities

Objective Recruit A Dan Rather Chair In Mass Communication
Recruit a "name" public figure for the Dan Rather Chair in Mass Communication.
Associated Goals: Increase PR Activities

Indicator Hire A Dan Rather Chair In Mass Communication
Hire a "name" public figure for the Dan Rather Chair in Mass Communication.
Criteria Dan Rather Chair hired
Dan Rather Chair hired.
Finding Dan Rather Chair
Recruitment was unsuccessful.
Actions for Objective:

Action Dan Rather Chair
Continue recruitment for Dan Rather Chair.

GOAL: Increase Public Service Activities

Objective Continue A Writers' Speakers Series
Continue and strengthen the writers' speakers series for the public that brings nationally recognized writers to campus.
Associated Goals: Increase Public Service Activities

Indicator Continue A Writers' Speakers Series
Continue a Writers' Speakers Series that will bring nationally recognized writers to campus.
Criteria Writers'' Speakers Series brings writers to campus
The Writers'' Speakers Series brings nationally recognized writers to campus.
Finding Speakers' Series
7 speakers were brought to campus to discuss their writing.
Actions for Objective:

Action Speakers' Series
Continue to bring speakers to campus to discuss their writing.

GOAL: Increase Public Service Activities

Objective Expand Participation In Constitution Day Celebrations
Improve and expand comapus-wide participation in Constitution Day celebrations.
Associated Goals: Increase Public Service Activities

Indicator Increase Participation In Constitution Day Celebration
Increase campus-wide participation in Constitution Day Celebrations.
Criteria Increased participation in Constitution Day Celebration
Increased participation by faculty and students in Constitution Day celebrations.
Finding Constitution Day
There was no change in the participation in Constitution Day. There were 16 faculty involved like last year with 5 events. Attendance remained steady.
Actions for Objective:

Action Constitution Day
Increase involvement of the Political Engagement Project Committee in promoting events for Constitution Day.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Develop Internet Studies Area
Develop an interdisciplinary interest area in Internet Studies.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Appoint Committee To Pursue The Idea Of An Internet Studies Area
Appoint an interdisciplinary committee to pursue the idea of Internet Studies and the possibilities for research in the area.
Criteria Committee Appointed
Interdisciplinary committee appointed for Internet Studies.
Finding internet studies
Internet Studies Committee Appointed. Proposal for the Internet Studies began.
Actions for Objective:

Action Internet Studies
Submit proposal and await funding.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Improve FES System Linking Faculty Research And Activities To Salary Increases
Continue to improve the empirical system linking faculty research and activities to salary increases.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Develop New Ways To Link Faculty Research To Merit Increases
Develop new ways to measure faculty research and link it to merit increases using the FES empirical system.
Criteria New method for linking research to merit increases
Refined methods for linking research and faculty activities to merit increases.
Finding FES merit system
Added categories of research, including online publishing and chapbooks to spreadsheet measuring faculty research production for merit.
Actions for Objective:

Action merit system
No Further Action Necessary.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Increase Conference Presentations
Increase number of professional conference presentations.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Increase Number Of Conference Presentations
Increase the number of professional conference presentations in the college by faculty.
Criteria Number of conference presentations
Number of professional conference presentations by faculty in the college.
Finding presentations
Last year faculty presented 246 times at professional conferences. This year they presented 227 times.
Actions for Objective:

Action Presentations
Attempt to secure more travel funds for faculty.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Increase Extramural Funding
Increase the number of competitive grants submitted and funded in the College.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Increase Grants Submitted And Funded
Increase the number of competitive grants submitted and funded in the college.
Criteria Number of grants submitted and number of grants funded
Number of competitive grants submitted in the college and the number of competitive grants funded in the college.
Finding Grants
Last year, 46 grants were submitted with 19 funded. This year 49 were submitted with 23 funded.
Actions for Objective:

Action Grants
Continue to increase extramural funding. Continue to have staff member work with faculty to complete grant process.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Increase Peer-Reviewed Publications
Increase the number of peer-reviewed publications.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Increase The Number Of Peer-reviewed Publications
Increase the number of peer-reviewed publications produced by faculty in the college.
Criteria Number of peer-reviewed publications
Number of peer-reviewed publications.
Finding Publications
Last year, faculty published 158 peer-reviewed publications. This year, faculty published 181 peer-reviewed publications.
Actions for Objective:

Action publications
Continue to encourage faculty publications by rewarding publication with merit, providing developmental leaves, and funding travel.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Increase Undergraduate Student Research
Increase the number of undergraduate students involved in research, scholarship, and creative activities.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Increase Number Of Undergraduate Students Presenting And Publishing
Increase the number of undergraduate students presenting at professional conferences or publishing research.
Criteria Number of undergraduate students presenting or publishing
Number of undergraduate students presenting at professional conferences or publishing research.
Finding Undergrad student research
Last year 33 undergraduate students presented and one published. This year 31 undergraduate students presented and 11 published.
Actions for Objective:

Action Undergraduate student research
Continue to find travel support for students to conferences and continue to encourage faculty to get students involved in the research.

GOAL: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Objective Target Proportion Of HEAF To Support Faculty And Student Research
Target a portion of the annual HEAF allocation to equipment purchases in support of faculty and student research.
Associated Goals: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity

Indicator Allocate A Proportion Of HEAF To Support Faculty And Student Research
Allocate a proportion of HEAF funds to equipment purchases to support faculty and student research.
Criteria HEAF funds allocated
HEAF funds allocated to faculty and student research.
Finding HEAF Funds
$20,022.60 in HEAF Funds was allocated for support of faculty and student research.
Actions for Objective:

Action HEAF Funds
We will continue to allocate some HEAF Funds each year for support of faculty and student research. No further action is necessary.

GOAL: Increase Student Civic Engagement

Objective Increase Involvement In American Democracy Project
Increase involvement in American Democracy Project.
Associated Goals: Increase Student Civic Engagement

Indicator Increase Faculty Involvement In American Democracy Project
Increase faculty involvement in American Democracy Project.
Criteria Number of faculty involved in American Democracy Project and number of activities
Number of faculty involved in American Democracy Project and the number of activities faculty participate in.
Finding American Democracy Project
The Project was under the Political Engagement Committee''s charge. Attached are the faculty on the committee. Four of the faculty are from CHSS. The year before only 2 faculty members from CHSS were involved on the committee. Faculty participated in at least 3 projects, including Teaching with the New York Times, Constitution Day, and Voter Registration. The number of projects remained stable from last year.
Actions for Objective:

Action American Democracy Project
Continue involvement in the American Democracy Project.

GOAL: Increase Student Civic Engagement

Objective Support Voter Registration On Campus
Actively promote student voter registration on campus.
Associated Goals: Increase Student Civic Engagement

Indicator Provide Support For The Voter Registration Drive
Provide advertisement, finances, and faculty volunteers for the student voter registration drive on campus.
Criteria Voter Registration support
Advertisements placed, financial support given, and faculty volunteers active in the voter registration drive.
Finding Voter Registration
5 faculty were involved, 6 students involved, and 215 students registered. 100 fliers were used for advertisements and $200 was allocated for support for the project.
Actions for Objective:

Action Voter Registration
No further action necessary.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Continue IDEA Seminars
Continue annual seminars for faculty and chairs on the use of the IDEA system in faculty development.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Continue IDEA Seminars
Continue to offer IDEA Seminars for faculty and chairs on the use of the IDEA system in faculty development.
Criteria Conduct IDEA Seminars
IDEA Seminars conducted for faculty and chairs.
Finding IDEA Seminars
Two IDEA Seminars were conducted. IDEA system was also discussed in a faculty meeting, and individual faculty met with an associate dean about the IDEA system and how to use it effectively.
Actions for Objective:

Action IDEA seminars
No further action necesary.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Continue Strategic Planning
Continue strategic planning process for each department in the college.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Continue Strategic Planning
Continue strategic planning for each department in the college.
Criteria Strategic Plans from departments
Strategic plans from each department in the college.
Finding Strategic Plans
5-year plans are in the draft stage for all departments.
Actions for Objective:

Action strategic plan
Finalize 5-year strategic plans for each department.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Develop And Support PACE Center
Participate in the development and support of the new Professional and Academic Center for Excellence (PACE).
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Faculty Participation On The PACE Committee
Faculty participation on the PACE committee to develop the teaching center.
Criteria Faculty participation on PACE Committee
Faculty participation on PACE Committee.
Finding Faculty participation on PACE Committee
Departments provided feedback to committee, CHSS students are participating on the committee, and the PACE Director will be a CHSS faculty member. PACE information was delivered to all new faculty members and a seminar on the PACE was delivered to faculty.
Actions for Objective:

Action PACE Center
Continue support for PACE by encouraging faculty participation. Have PACE present at the new faculty orientation.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Improve Graduate Student Credentials
Increase the quality of credentials of incoming graduate students.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Increase GRE And GPA Scores Of Incoming Graduate Students
Increase GRE and GPA scores of incoming graduate students.
Criteria Increase average GPA and GRE scores of incoming graduate students
Increased average GRE and GPA scores of incoming graduate students.
Finding GRE and GPA
7 programs improved GRE scores. 5 programs improved GPAs. See attached document.
Actions for Objective:

Action GRE and GPA scores
Continue to work with departments to improve graduate student recruitment and selection.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Increase Financial Support For Graduate Students
Increase financial support for graduate students through stipends and/or scholarships.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Increase Stipends And/or Scholarships For Graduate Students
Increase the amount of stipends and/or the number of scholarships for graduate students.
Criteria Amount of stipends and number of scholarships for graduate students
Amount of stipends and number of scholarships for graduate students.
Finding Scholarships for Graduates
We have very sketchy records kept for who received what scholarship for what amount and if they were a graduate or not. Attached is the information we do have. It is clear that for scholarships and stipends overall for undergraduates and graduates that we have increased the amount.
Actions for Objective:

Action graduate scholarships and stipends
We will begin a database with all information about scholarships and stipends awarded.

GOAL: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Objective Increase Scholarships For Undergraduate Students
Increase scholarship support for undergraduate students.
Associated Goals: Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs

Indicator Increase The Number Of Undergraduate Student Scholarships
Increase the number of scholarships for undergraduate students.
Criteria Number of undergraduate scholarships
Number of scholarships for undergraduate students.
Finding Undergrad scholarships
We have very sketchy records kept for who received what scholarship for what amount and if they were a graduate or not. Attached is the information we do have. It is clear that for scholarships and stipends overall for undergraduates and graduates that we have increased the amount.
Actions for Objective:

Action Undergraduate scholarships
We will begin a database with all information about scholarships and stipends awarded.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Apply For Permission To Create An MA Spanish
Apply to the Coordinating Board for permission to propose an MA in Spanish.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Produce A Proposal For THECB Requesting Permission For MA In Spanish
Produce a proposal to the Coordinating Board requesting permission to offer an MA in Spanish.
Criteria Coordinating Board gives permission for MA in Spanish
The Coordinating Board gives permission for Foreign Languages to offer an MA in Spanish.
Finding MA Spanish
Preliminary Approval Proposal being sent to Board of Regents in July. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board will receive the proposal in October if approved by Regents.
Actions for Objective:

Action MA in Spanish
Continue process for preliminary approval.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Create A Minor In Middle Eastern Studies
Develop and receive approval for an interdisciplinary minor in Middle Eastern Studies
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Produce Curriculum Proposal For Middle Eastern Studies Minor
Produce a curriculum proposal for an interdisciplinary minor in Middle Eastern Studies.
Criteria Approval of Middle Eastern Studies Minor
Receive approval from the University Curriculum Committee for the Middle Eastern Studies interdisciplinary minor.
Finding Middle Eastern Studies Minor
CHSS Curriculum Committee approved the minor. The Provost now has the minor to approve and is taking it to the Academic Deans Council. All courses for the minor have been approved and will be offered in the fall.
Actions for Objective:

Action Middle Eastern Studies Minor
No further action necessary.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Create A Ph.D. Program In History
Obtain final approval and initiate the Ph.D. program in History.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Obtain Final Approval Of Ph.D. In History
Work with the Coordinating Board for final approval of the Ph.D. in History.
Criteria Final approval for Ph.D. in History
Obtain final approval of the Ph.D. in History from the Coordinating Board.
Finding Ph.D. History
The final approval for the Ph.D. in History is still on hold while we are revising it working with the Coordinating Board.
Actions for Objective:

Action Ph.D History
Continue to work with Coordinating Board on final approval.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Develop An MA-LLSP Program In School Psychology
Develop a proposal for a MA-LLSP program in School Psychology.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Develop A MA-LLSP In School Psychology
Develop a proposal for a MA-LLSP program in School Psychology to go forward through the Curriculum Committee to the Coordinating Board.
Criteria Proposal for MA-LLSP in School Psychology
Proposal completed for MA-LLSP in School Psychology and sent through the CHSS Curriculum Committee, and eventually the University Committee and THECB.
Finding LLSP in School Psychology
Proposal has been completed and sent to the CHSS College Curriculum Committee. It is still in the curriculum process.
Actions for Objective:

Action LLSP School Psychology
Get approval from the Coordinating Board for the LLSP in School Psychology.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Develop An MS Public Administration Online With Emphasis In Homeland Security
Propose an online MS in Public Administration with an emphasis in homeland security.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Develop An MS Public Administration With An Emphasis In Homeland Security Online
Propose an online MS in Public Administration with a Homeland Security emphasis to the Curriculum Committee and the THECB.
Criteria Proposal for MS in Public Administration
Proposal sent to Curriculum Committee and THECB for an MS in Public Administration with a Homeland Security Emphasis to be online.
Finding MPA Homeland Security
Proposal is still being revised by the faculty committee in the department.
Actions for Objective:

Action MPA Homeland Security
Encourage Political Science Department to complete proposal for MPA in Homeland Security.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Develop Hospitality Administration Program
Modify Food Service Management program to become a Hospitality Administration Program.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Develop Hospitality Administration Program
Modify the Food Service Management Program to become a Hospitaligy Administration Program.
Criteria Hospitality Administration Proposal
Hospitality Administration Proposal to Curriculum Committee and THECB.
Finding Hospitality Administration
New courses were submitted to the Curriculum Committee to begin the transition to a Hospitality Administration degree. Proposal for the change in degree will still be two years down the road.
Actions for Objective:

Action Hospitatlity Administration
Complete all curriculum changes necessary and write proposal for Hospitatlity Management Program.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Develop Language Across The Curriculum Program
Study the feasibility of developing a Language Across the Curriculum program.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Appoint Committee For Language Across The Curriculum
Appoint a committee to study the feasibility of Language across the curriculum.
Criteria Committee Appointed for Language Across the Curriculum
Committee appointed for Language Across the Curriculum feasibility study. Report to be written.
Finding Language Across the Curriculum
Foreign Languages is working on writing a proposal for Languages across the curriculum. Currently, only the chair has been working on the proposal.
Actions for Objective:

Action Languages across the curriculum
Have faculty review the proposal when it is finished.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Interior Design Accreditation
Achieve accreditation for Interior Design Program.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Obtain Accreditation For Interior Design Program
Obtain accreditation for Interior Design Program.
Criteria Interior Design Accredited
Interior Design Program Accredited.
Finding Accredit Interior Design
New curriculum was approved through the Board of Regents and Coordinating Board in order to make the changes necessary for accreditation. Brought in a consultant to review changes.
Actions for Objective:

Action Interior Design Accreditation
We brought in a consultant to review the program changes. We will respond to consultant recommendations. We will also hire one new faculty member.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Launch The MA In Communication Studies
Enroll the first students in the MA in Communication Studies.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Enroll Students In The MA In Communications Studies
Enroll students in the MA in Communication Studies.
Criteria Enrollment of students in MA in Communication Studies
Enrolled students in MA in Communication Studies.
Finding MA Communication Studies
Currently 4 students are enrolled in the brand new MA in Communication Studies for the fall semester. Recruitment is continuing.
Actions for Objective:

Action MA Speech Communication
No further action necessary.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Mass Communication Accreditation
Continue efforts toward accreditation in Mass Communication.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Obtain Mass Communication Accreditation
Continue efforts toward Obtaining Mass Communication Accreditation
Criteria Mass Communication accreditation obtained
Mass Communication accreditation obtained.
Finding Mass Communication Accreditation
Two new faculty have been hired, including a chair. More faculty are needed and other changes to the curriculum will be needed to move toward accreditation.
Actions for Objective:

Action Mass Communication Accreditation
Continue to hire personnel and revamp curriculum to move toward accreditation.

GOAL: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Objective Plan For An MFA In Creative Writing
Study the feasibility of initiating a MFA in creative writing.
Associated Goals: Increase Variety Of Academic Programs

Indicator Form Study Committee In English Department
Form a study committee in the English department to study the feasibility of a MFA in creative writing.
Criteria Report of feasibility for MFA
Produce a report with analysis and conclusions regarding the feasibility of a MFA in creative writing.
Finding MFA in English
Hiring for senior creative writer was cancelled due to budgetary issues. Department is looking into the MFA through the graduate studies committee and the strategic plan. Actual report will be postponed until next fall when budget will be known.
Actions for Objective:

Action MFA in Creative Writing
Will begin writing actual request for an MFA program in Creative Writing. Postpone decision on hiring until budget constraints are clear.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111