
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Arts & Sciences, College of

5 Goals     13 Objectives     13 Indicators     13 Criteria     13 Findings     14 Actions

GOAL: To Bring Visibility To Programs In The College

Objective Develop Brochures For Special Projects
Brochures will be developed for projects including: The Performing Arts Complex, PhD in Mathematics Education, and Latin American Music Studies
Associated Goals: To Bring Visibility To Programs In The College, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Brochures For Special Projects
Brochures will be developed for Perfoming Arts Complex, PhD in Mathematics Education, Latin American Music Studies
Criteria Brochures for Special Projects
Design and production should be completed
Finding Brochures for special projects
Actions for Objective:

Action Brochures for special projects
Develop a distribution plan and coordinate with fund raising efforts

GOAL: To Bring Visibility To Programs In The College

Objective Develop New Recruiting Materials For Graduate Programs
Detailed, attractive brochures will be developed for graduate programs in COAS. Brochures should indicate active research within departments
Associated Goals: To Bring Visibility To Programs In The College, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Graduate Recruiting Materials
Brochures will be designed, produced, and distributed
Criteria Graduate Recruiting Materials
Brochures are produced and distributed.
Finding Graduate Recruiting Materials
New brochures were created and produced for for Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. Brochures in the Arts are still in design.
Actions for Objective:

Action Graduate Recruiting Materials
Develop a distribution plan for sciences and complete design and production of arts brochures.

GOAL: To Bring Visibility To Programs In The College

Objective Publish A Common Calendar Of Fine Arts
A common calendar of fine arts performances in COAS will be developed and published.
Associated Goals: To Bring Visibility To Programs In The College, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Calendar Of Fine Arts
Each fine arts program COAS will develop a calendar of performances.From this, a college-wide Arts calendar will be created and distributed en masse.
Criteria Calendar of Fine Arts
General calendar for fine arts programs in COAS will be created and published.
Finding Calendar of Fine Arts
Each program did develop a calendar for their area and these were published individually. The Office of COAS gathered all calendars and arranged them into a common calendar. The common calendar was deemed to be too bulkly and cumbersome for traditional print media. The office staff feel that we need to investigate other venues for publishing the calendar.
Actions for Objective:

Action Calendar of Fine Arts
The office will continue to collect calendars from individual departments. A new calendar system will be investigated to determine if the common calendar can be produced more efficiently and succinctly. New monitors and software have been purchased and will be installed in key areas within the college to publish, electronically, daily and weekly events in the arts.

GOAL: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College

Objective Funding For Capital Equipment
The college will request, acquire, and allocate appropriate funding for capital equipment purchases for programs within the college
Associated Goals: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College, To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Capital Equipment Funding
The college will collect capital equipment requests from faculty and departments in the college, prioritize requests and request an appropriate amount to facilitate growth and development in the teaching and research missions of the college.
Criteria Capital Equipment
The college will acquire 60% of request equipment funding and allocate such to the programs.
Finding Capital Equipment Funding
Departments in the college requested $2,844,951 in capital equipment. COAS Office reprioritized and modified the resut to approximately $1,200,000. The college received $632,223 (50%)of the requested funds. This represents 22% of the desired capital equipment funds from the departments. Allocations were made based on the original prioritized requests from the departments.
Actions for Objective:

Action Capital Equipment Funding
The budgeting process established by the COAS seems to be working efficiently. The process will be utilized again next year, but the office may identify a few special projects to fund within the college next year prior to departmental allocations.

GOAL: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College

Objective Provide Adequate Assistantships For Graduate Students
The college will allocate competitive assistantships in manner that allows each program to recruit the quality and quantity graduate students necessary to offer a viable graduate program.
Associated Goals: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College

Indicator Percentage Of Graduate Students On Assistantship
The college will produce a TA report that includes the percentage of full time graduate students who are receiving assistantships in COAS
Criteria Percentage of Graduate Students on Assistantships
30% of all full time graduate students will receive assistantships from COAS
Finding Percentage of Graduate Students on Assistantships
The COAS supported 40 graduate students on Teaching Assistantships during the 2007-2008 academic year. There were no summer TA positions awarded. With a total graduate enrollment of 153, this represents a rate of 26% of graduate students on assistantships.
Actions for Objective:

Action Percentage of Graduate Students on Assistantship
The college will attempt to increase the number of avaliable teaching assistantships during the next fiscal year by proposing new initiatives that require the use of TA''s.

GOAL: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College

Objective Provide Adequate Graduate Scholarships
The college will provide an adequate number of $1500 scholarships to assist in the recruitment and retention of high caliber graduate students.
Associated Goals: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College

Indicator Percentage Of Graduate Students On Scholarship
The college will produce a report of scholarship recipients that includes the percentage of full time graduate students who receive scholarships through the COAS office
Criteria Percentage of Graduate Students on Scholarship
The college will have 50% of all full time graduate students on scholarship.
Finding Percentage of Graduate Students on Scholarship
The number of summer scholarships was reduced only 8 so that more long semester scholarships could be awarded. There were 30 long-semester scholarships awarded during the academic year. The percentage of full-time grad students on scholarships is now 20%. It was noted that a lower number of Arts students receive scholarships. This is probably due to the use of GRE scores in determining scholarship awardees. The COAS Graduate Council will investigate alternative selection procedures this year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Percentage of Graduate Students on Scholarship
The COAS will request additional funding for scholarships during the annual budgeting process. In addition, the COAS Graduate Council will develop new selection critieria to be implemented in Fall 2009. The new criteria should enhance opportunities fro graduate students in the fine and performing arts.

GOAL: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College

Objective Provide Adequate Travel Funds For Graduate Students
The college will provide or assist in the acquisition of travels funds for graduate students presenting research or performing in external venues.
Associated Goals: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College

Indicator Graduate Travel Funds
The college will provide a report of travel funds provided to our graduate students
Criteria Graduate Travel Funds
The college will allocate or acquire $10,000 in travel funds for graduate students.
Finding Graduate Travel Funds
The COAS Office acquired and distributed $9,927.96 in travel funds for graduate students to attend conferences and seminars.
Actions for Objective:

Action Graduate Travel Funds
Continue with current process.

GOAL: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College

Objective Provide Appropriate Faculty Travel Funds
The college will solicit travel requests from faculty members, then request, acquire and allocate appropriate funding for proposed travel.
Associated Goals: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College, To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Faculty Travel Funds
The college will soilicit travel requests from faculty members, prioritize these requests, and acquire the necessary funds to facilitate the research and developmental goals of the faculty.
Criteria Faculty Travel Funds
The college will acquire and allocate 50% of the faculty requests for travel.
Finding Faculty Travel Funds
The departments in COAS requested approximately $290,000 in faculty travel funds. Total travel allocations were $225,463 for a 77% funding rate.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Travel Funds
COAS will propose a 4% increase in travel funding, but the process for allocation and budgeting will continue in the same manner.

GOAL: To Further Excellence in Teaching

Objective Funding For Capital Equipment
The college will request, acquire, and allocate appropriate funding for capital equipment purchases for programs within the college
Associated Goals: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College, To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Capital Equipment Funding
The college will collect capital equipment requests from faculty and departments in the college, prioritize requests and request an appropriate amount to facilitate growth and development in the teaching and research missions of the college.
Criteria Capital Equipment
The college will acquire 60% of request equipment funding and allocate such to the programs.
Finding Capital Equipment Funding
Departments in the college requested $2,844,951 in capital equipment. COAS Office reprioritized and modified the resut to approximately $1,200,000. The college received $632,223 (50%)of the requested funds. This represents 22% of the desired capital equipment funds from the departments. Allocations were made based on the original prioritized requests from the departments.
Actions for Objective:

Action Capital Equipment Funding
The budgeting process established by the COAS seems to be working efficiently. The process will be utilized again next year, but the office may identify a few special projects to fund within the college next year prior to departmental allocations.

GOAL: To Further Excellence in Teaching

Objective Provide Appropriate Faculty Travel Funds
The college will solicit travel requests from faculty members, then request, acquire and allocate appropriate funding for proposed travel.
Associated Goals: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College, To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Faculty Travel Funds
The college will soilicit travel requests from faculty members, prioritize these requests, and acquire the necessary funds to facilitate the research and developmental goals of the faculty.
Criteria Faculty Travel Funds
The college will acquire and allocate 50% of the faculty requests for travel.
Finding Faculty Travel Funds
The departments in COAS requested approximately $290,000 in faculty travel funds. Total travel allocations were $225,463 for a 77% funding rate.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Travel Funds
COAS will propose a 4% increase in travel funding, but the process for allocation and budgeting will continue in the same manner.

GOAL: To Further Excellence in Teaching

Objective Provide Faculty Development Opportunties
The college will provide funding for faculty development activities and organize faculty development activities.
Associated Goals: To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Faculty Development Activities
The college will sponsor/support at least one development activity in the Arts and one development activity in the Sciences.
Criteria Faculty Development Activities
At least two sponsored/supported developmental activities during the year by the college with appropriate faculty participation.
Finding Faculty Development Activities
COAS sponsored faculty participation in an NSF Grant Writing Seminar hosted by UT-Dalls and a recruiting in the Arts seminar in Florida. Several faculty participated in both.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Development Activities
COAS will continue sponsor/support participation in developmental activities. In addition, COAS will attempt to offer at least one activity that addresses effective teaching.

GOAL: To Further Excellence in Teaching

Objective Provide State-of-the-art Classroom And Performance Facilities
The college will provide adequate funding for classroom facilities and leadership in the acquisition of appropriate teaching, laboratory, and performance space.
Associated Goals: To Further Excellence in Teaching

Indicator Capital Equipment Funding
The college will collect capital equipment requests from faculty and departments in the college, prioritize requests and request an appropriate amount to facilitate growth and development in the teaching and research missions of the college.
Criteria Capital Equipment
The college will acquire 60% of request equipment funding and allocate such to the programs.
Finding Capital Equipment Funding
Departments in the college requested $2,844,951 in capital equipment. COAS Office reprioritized and modified the resut to approximately $1,200,000. The college received $632,223 (50%)of the requested funds. This represents 22% of the desired capital equipment funds from the departments. Allocations were made based on the original prioritized requests from the departments.
Actions for Objective:

Action Funding for Capital Equipment - Classrooms
COAS will encourage departments to increase the amount of funding from capital equipment going to classroom facilities

GOAL: To Further Excellence in Teaching

Objective Recruit Highly Credentialed Faculty
The college will strive to hire faculty who posses the terminal degree from R1 universities.
Associated Goals: To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Highly Credentialed Faculty
New faculty hires will posses the the terminal degree from R1 institutions
Criteria Highly Credentialed Faculty
100% of faculty hires will possess the terminal degree from R1 institutions
Finding Highly Credentialed Faculty
There were 19 new faculty hired into tenure track positions during the academic year. All had terminal degrees from R1 institutions. The terminal degree in Music has officially become the PhD or DMA. Previously, the MFA or MM was consider to be the terminal degree in the department.
Actions for Objective:

Action Highly Credentialed Faculty
Review terminal degrees in all programs

GOAL: To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Objective Develop Brochures For Special Projects
Brochures will be developed for projects including: The Performing Arts Complex, PhD in Mathematics Education, and Latin American Music Studies
Associated Goals: To Bring Visibility To Programs In The College, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Brochures For Special Projects
Brochures will be developed for Perfoming Arts Complex, PhD in Mathematics Education, Latin American Music Studies
Criteria Brochures for Special Projects
Design and production should be completed
Finding Brochures for special projects
Actions for Objective:

Action Brochures for special projects
Develop a distribution plan and coordinate with fund raising efforts

GOAL: To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Objective Develop New Recruiting Materials For Graduate Programs
Detailed, attractive brochures will be developed for graduate programs in COAS. Brochures should indicate active research within departments
Associated Goals: To Bring Visibility To Programs In The College, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Graduate Recruiting Materials
Brochures will be designed, produced, and distributed
Criteria Graduate Recruiting Materials
Brochures are produced and distributed.
Finding Graduate Recruiting Materials
New brochures were created and produced for for Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. Brochures in the Arts are still in design.
Actions for Objective:

Action Graduate Recruiting Materials
Develop a distribution plan for sciences and complete design and production of arts brochures.

GOAL: To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Objective Funding For Capital Equipment
The college will request, acquire, and allocate appropriate funding for capital equipment purchases for programs within the college
Associated Goals: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College, To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Capital Equipment Funding
The college will collect capital equipment requests from faculty and departments in the college, prioritize requests and request an appropriate amount to facilitate growth and development in the teaching and research missions of the college.
Criteria Capital Equipment
The college will acquire 60% of request equipment funding and allocate such to the programs.
Finding Capital Equipment Funding
Departments in the college requested $2,844,951 in capital equipment. COAS Office reprioritized and modified the resut to approximately $1,200,000. The college received $632,223 (50%)of the requested funds. This represents 22% of the desired capital equipment funds from the departments. Allocations were made based on the original prioritized requests from the departments.
Actions for Objective:

Action Capital Equipment Funding
The budgeting process established by the COAS seems to be working efficiently. The process will be utilized again next year, but the office may identify a few special projects to fund within the college next year prior to departmental allocations.

GOAL: To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Objective Provide Appropriate Faculty Travel Funds
The college will solicit travel requests from faculty members, then request, acquire and allocate appropriate funding for proposed travel.
Associated Goals: To Enhance The Quality Of Graduate Programs In The College, To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Faculty Travel Funds
The college will soilicit travel requests from faculty members, prioritize these requests, and acquire the necessary funds to facilitate the research and developmental goals of the faculty.
Criteria Faculty Travel Funds
The college will acquire and allocate 50% of the faculty requests for travel.
Finding Faculty Travel Funds
The departments in COAS requested approximately $290,000 in faculty travel funds. Total travel allocations were $225,463 for a 77% funding rate.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Travel Funds
COAS will propose a 4% increase in travel funding, but the process for allocation and budgeting will continue in the same manner.

GOAL: To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Objective Provide Faculty Development Opportunties
The college will provide funding for faculty development activities and organize faculty development activities.
Associated Goals: To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Faculty Development Activities
The college will sponsor/support at least one development activity in the Arts and one development activity in the Sciences.
Criteria Faculty Development Activities
At least two sponsored/supported developmental activities during the year by the college with appropriate faculty participation.
Finding Faculty Development Activities
COAS sponsored faculty participation in an NSF Grant Writing Seminar hosted by UT-Dalls and a recruiting in the Arts seminar in Florida. Several faculty participated in both.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Development Activities
COAS will continue sponsor/support participation in developmental activities. In addition, COAS will attempt to offer at least one activity that addresses effective teaching.

GOAL: To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Objective Publish A Common Calendar Of Fine Arts
A common calendar of fine arts performances in COAS will be developed and published.
Associated Goals: To Bring Visibility To Programs In The College, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Calendar Of Fine Arts
Each fine arts program COAS will develop a calendar of performances.From this, a college-wide Arts calendar will be created and distributed en masse.
Criteria Calendar of Fine Arts
General calendar for fine arts programs in COAS will be created and published.
Finding Calendar of Fine Arts
Each program did develop a calendar for their area and these were published individually. The Office of COAS gathered all calendars and arranged them into a common calendar. The common calendar was deemed to be too bulkly and cumbersome for traditional print media. The office staff feel that we need to investigate other venues for publishing the calendar.
Actions for Objective:

Action Calendar of Fine Arts
The office will continue to collect calendars from individual departments. A new calendar system will be investigated to determine if the common calendar can be produced more efficiently and succinctly. New monitors and software have been purchased and will be installed in key areas within the college to publish, electronically, daily and weekly events in the arts.

GOAL: To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Objective Recruit Highly Credentialed Faculty
The college will strive to hire faculty who posses the terminal degree from R1 universities.
Associated Goals: To Further Excellence in Teaching, To Promote Excellence in Creative Activities and Research

Indicator Highly Credentialed Faculty
New faculty hires will posses the the terminal degree from R1 institutions
Criteria Highly Credentialed Faculty
100% of faculty hires will possess the terminal degree from R1 institutions
Finding Highly Credentialed Faculty
There were 19 new faculty hired into tenure track positions during the academic year. All had terminal degrees from R1 institutions. The terminal degree in Music has officially become the PhD or DMA. Previously, the MFA or MM was consider to be the terminal degree in the department.
Actions for Objective:

Action Highly Credentialed Faculty
Review terminal degrees in all programs

GOAL: To Provide A Rigorous, Current Curriculum

Objective Accreditation Of Programs
The college will identify all programs that eligible for accreditation through professional organizations and inititiate the accreditation or reaccreditation in each case.
Associated Goals: To Provide A Rigorous, Current Curriculum

Indicator Program Accreditation
Criteria Program Accreditation
100% of programs eligible for accreditation from outside agencies will seek or renew accreditation.
Finding Program Accreditation
Seven programs are eligible for accreditation from external agencies. Four programs have been accredited or partially accredited. These are: Music - NASM Computer Science - ABET Chemistry - ACS Math Education - NCTM via NCATE
Actions for Objective:

Action Program Accreditation
Programs in Dance, Art, and Indistrial Technology should continue pursuing accreditation.

GOAL: To Provide A Rigorous, Current Curriculum

Objective Restructure College Curriculum Process
The college will established fixed deadlines for submission of materials to the college curriculum committee and review items thoroughly in a timely manner.
Associated Goals: To Provide A Rigorous, Current Curriculum

Indicator Approval Of Submitted Curriculum Proposals
Curriculum proposals approved by the COAS committee will be approved by the University curriculum committee.
Criteria Approval of Submitted Curriculum Proposals
100% of proposals submitted to the University curriculum will be approved.
Finding Approval of Submitted Curriculum Proposals
There was one proposal from COAS that was withdrawn after it was apparent that the university curriculum committee would not approve. The active participants in the curriculm process indicated that these problems could be alleviated if the importance of college-level curriculum review was emphasized from the COAS office.
Indicator College Curriculum Calendar
The calendar for the college curriculum process will be modified and strictly enforced.
Criteria College Curriculum Calendar
A calendar will be published. The calendar will be adhered to and all proposals will be submitted to the University committee in a timely manner.
Finding College Curriculum Calendar
The calendar was modified and all reviews were completed during the Spring 2008 semester. This gave departments time to revise and resubmit to the committee. The college curriculum proposal was submitted ina timely manner to the university committee.
Actions for Objective:

Action Approval of Submitted Curriculum Proposals
The COAS will formally publish a committee handbook and announce the members of the curriculum committee. In addition, each member will receive a letter of appointment from the Dean with a description of duties and responsibilities.
Action College Curriculum Calendar
The deadlines for COAS Curriculum Committee should be published in early Fall so departments can prepare in a timely manner.

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