
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Academic Affairs, Provost and Vice President

3 Goals     14 Objectives     84 Indicators     122 Criteria     122 Findings     14 Actions

GOAL: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective A: Increase The Variety Of Academic Programs

Associated Goals: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator A: Propose A Doctoral Program In Special Education
Criteria A: Submit a Special Education proposal to the Board of Regents
Finding A: Deferred to 2008-2009
The proposal for the PHD in Special Education is being submitted in the 2008-2009 curriculum cycle. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.a.(1)(a)).
Indicator B: Propose Two Masters Programs
Criteria B: Propose a masters degree in Applied Geography
Finding B: Defer proposal to 2008-2009
The proposal for the master''s degree in Applied Geography is in the 2008-2009 curriculum cycle. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.a.(2)(a)).
Criteria C: Propose a masters degree in Music Therapy
Finding C: Defer to 2008-2009
On hold following consultation with accreditors. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.a.(2)(b)).
Indicator C: Propose New Minors
Propose two new minors: Equine Science and an Interdisciplinary minor in Middle Eastern Studies
Criteria D: Propose minor in Euine Science to Council of Academic Deans
Finding D: Approved
Criteria E: Approval of Interdisciplinary Minor in Middle Eastern Studies
Finding E: Approved
Indicator D: Implement Previously-Approved New Degree Programs
Criteria F: Enroll students in Victim Services Mangement Program
Finding F: Deleted-difficulty in finding qualified faculty
Criteria G: Enrolled Students in MA in Speech Communication Program
Finding G: Students in MA/Speech Comm Program, fall 2008
Criteria H: Enrolled Students in MED in Instructional Technology Program
Finding H: students enrolled in MED in Instructional Tech
Indicator E: Plan For The Development Of The Texas Forensic Science Center
Criteria I: Proposal submitted for the Texas Forensic Science Center to the President
Finding I: Proposal submitted
The preliminary proposal for the Texas Forensic Science Center ws submitted and the process continues. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.a.(5)(a)).
Indicator F: Establish One New Partnership In Europe And One In Central America
Criteria J: Two partnerships signed
Finding J: Agreements signed-Switzerland, Poland, Peru
Indicator G: Approval Of Two Previously-submitted Doctoral Programs
Criteria K: Coordinating Board Approval of PHD in History
Finding K: In process
The proposal is delayed at the Coordinating Board and will be continued next year. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.a.(7)(a).
Criteria L: THECB approval for PHD in Math Education
Finding L: Joint proposal with TSU-San Marcos Approved
Indicator H: Implementation Of BS In History For Pre-medical Students
Criteria M: Prepare online catalog listing
Finding M: BS in History for pre-medical students launched
Completed. Students will be enrolled in 2008-2009 academic year. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.a.(8)(a)).
Indicator I: TSUS Approval For Online Master Of Science In Public Administration
Criteria N: Produce completed proposal for the program
Finding N: In process
Completed proposal will be completed during next year''''s curriculum cycle. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.a.(9)(a)).
Criteria P: Receive SACS approval of substantive change for online program
Finding P: In process
SACS approval for substantive change for online Master of Science in Public Administration with an emphasis on homeland security will be completed during next year''s curriculum cycle. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.a.(9)(c).
Indicator J: Implement MA In Speech Communication At The University Center
Criteria Q: Develop a proposal for consortium approval
Finding Q: Proposal developed
Criteria R: Consortium approval of program proposal
Finding R: Approval received
Actions for Objective:

Action A: Continue to increase variety of academic prog
All indicators were achieved or moved forward to next year''s goals.

GOAL: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective B: Increase The Quality Of Academic And Support Programs

Associated Goals: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator K: Increase Average SAT Scores For Incoming Students
Criteria S: SAT average raised to 1040
Finding S: SAT average of 1031
The score remained at 1031. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.b.(1)(a).
Indicator L: Increase Average GRE Of Incoming Graduate Students
Criteria T: GRE Score of Incoming Students at 985
Finding T: GRE score of 972, up from last year--below goal
See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.b.(2)(1)).
Indicator M: Increase Freshman-to-sophomore Retention
Criteria U: Freshman-to-Sophomore Retention Rate Increased by 1%
Finding U: Unachieved
The freshman-to-sophomore retention rate decreased by 2 percent. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.b.(3)(a)).
Indicator N: Increase Six-year Graduation Rate
Criteria V: Six-year graduation rate increased by 1 percent
Finding V: Unachieved
The six-year graduate rate decreased by 2 percent. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.b.(4)(a)).
Indicator O: Develop Cycle For Self-study Timelines
Criteria W: Self-study plans for program reviews submitted
Finding W: In process
Postponed to next year''s cycle. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.b.(5)(a)).
Indicator P: Complete Online Assessment-tracking Database
Criteria X: 100 percent entry into OATDB
Finding X: All programs have entered information
Indicator Q: Analyze Content Of Core Courses
The core curriculum will be reviewed to ensure that all components of the core are in compliance with and meet standards of the Texas Higher Education Coordiinating Board.
Criteria Y: Draft Report from Ad Hoc Committee Completed
An ad hoc committee will submit to the Provost a draft report which analyzes the contents of core courses to assure that the general education needs of the academic community are being met.
Finding Y: Draft Report Submitted
Indicator R: Develop More Effective Methods Of Assessing Student Learning Within Current Programs
Criteria Z: Assessment process functioning in all departments
Finding Z: Establishment of OATDB Completed
Indicator S: Secure Accreditation For The Graduate Program In Forensic Science
Criteria ZA: An accreditation visit will be scheduled
Finding ZA: Accreditation Visit Scheduled for August 2008
Indicator T: Obtain APA Accreditation For The PHD Program In Clinical Psychology
Criteria ZB: Final APA accreditation of the PHD in Clinical Psychology
Finding ZB: APA Accreditation received
Indicator U: Plan For Mass Communication Accreditation
Criteria ZC: Hire three new faculty members
Finding ZC: Hiring New Faculty Members Being Reconsidered
The prospect of hiring three new faculty members is being delayed as the result of hiring a new chair.
Criteria ZD: Transition to new MCM curriculum
Transition to the new MCM curriculum is being continued by graduating students enrolled in the old curriculum
Finding ZD: Transition to the New MCM Curriculum done
Indicator V: Modify CJ Undergraduate Programs
Review and modify criminal justice undergraduate programs.
Criteria ZE: Undergraduate curriculum revised
The criminal justice undergraduate programs will be reviewed and approopriate modifications will be proposed to the Academic Affairs Council.
Finding ZE: In process
The changes have been submitted to the University Curriculum Committee.
Indicator W: Expand Research Apprenticeship Training Of CJ Doctoral Students
Criteria ZF: Fund 50 percent of Newly-Admitted Doctoral Students
Finding ZF: Funding of 50% Newly-Admitted Doctoral Std
Funding for a minimum of 50 percent newly-admitted doctoral students with externally-supported research grants was accomplished.
Indicator X: Increase The Number Of Faculty And Students Participating In International Programs
Criteria ZG: At least one tenure/tenure track faculty member in faculty exchange each year
Finding ZG: A tenure/track faculty member is participating
Criteria ZH: 1 undergraduate participating each semester
Finding ZH: Completed
At least one undergraduate student participated in an exchange each semester.
Criteria ZI: 1 graduate student participating each semester
Finding ZI: Completed
Indicator Y: Develop Professional And Academic Center For Excellence (PACE)
Criteria ZJ: Complete architectural design for PACE facility
Finding ZJ: Completed
The location for PACE has been designed and will be included in the new Humanities and Social Sciences Building.
Criteria ZK: Establish committee to form PACE
Finding ZK: Completed
Criteria ZL: Conduct seminars for faculty and chairs on the IDEA system
Finding ZL: In process
In some colleges, annual seminars were conducted for faculty and chairs on the use of the IDEA system. Other colleges are waiting for next year for full completion. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.b.(10)(a).
Criteria ZM: Plan and implement teaching seminars for fall 2008 semester
Finding ZM: In process
Several teaching seminars have been planned and will be implemented for the fall 2008 semester.
Criteria ZN: Formalize the administrative structure of PACE, including selecting a director
Finding ZN: Completed
Criteria ZO: Allocate a permanent budget for PACE
Finding ZO: Funds have been allocated for permanent budget
Indicator Z: Terminal Degree In Dance
Modify the MFA in Dance from a 48- to a 60-hour program to make it a true terminal degree
Criteria ZP: Board of Regents Approval of Modified MFA in Dance
Finding ZP: Proposal was submitted to Board of Regents
Indicator ZA: Modify Food Service Management Program To Hospitality Administration Program
Criteria ZQ: Production of a curriculum change request
Finding ZQ: Delayed due to freeze on new faculty positions
Criteria ZR: University Curriculum Committee approval of Hospitality Admin Program
Finding ZR:Hospitality Admin Program Not Approved
The proposal for a Hospitality Administration program was put on hold because there were no new positions available. The proposal will be put forward when new positions become available.
Indicator ZB: Form Study Committees To Determine The Feasibility Of Offering Additional New Programs
Criteria ZS: Feasibility report for MFA in Creative Writing
Finding ZS: In process
The proposal for a master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing in the Department of English and Foreign Languages will be part of the 2008-2009 curriculum cycle. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.b.(11)(a)).
Criteria ZT: Feasibility report for PHD in English with emphasis in community college pedagogy
A committee report will be produced with analysis and conclusions regarding feability of offering a PHD in English with an emphasis in community college pedagogy in the Department of English and Foreign Languages.
Finding ZT: Proposal for PHD in English Abandoned
The feasibility of offering a PHD in English with an emphasis in community college pedagogy in the Department of English and Foreign Languages was abandoned due to a change in Coordinating Board policy relating to doctoral proposals.
Criteria ZU: Feasibility Report for Offering MA in Spanish
A committee report will be produced with analysis and conclusions regarding feability of offering an MA degree in Spanish in the Department of English and Foreign Languages.
Finding ZU: In process
The report concerning the feasibility of offering an MA degree in Spanish in the Department of English and Foreign Languages will be part of the 2008-2009 curriculum cycle. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.b.(11)(b)).
Indicator ZC: Prepare Pre-proposal For Engineering Physics Program
Criteria ZV: Board of Regents pre-proposal submitted
Finding ZV: Completed
Indicator ZD: Implement And Stabilize Graduate Program In Forensic Science
Criteria ZW: Locate appropriate facilities in which to house the forensic science program
Finding ZW: Completed
Criteria ZX: Allocate funding to acuire necessary equipment for forensic science program
Finding ZX: Forensic science equipment acquired
Using available funds, necessary equipment was acquired for the forensic science program
Criteria ZY: Three new faculty members will be hired in the forensic science program
Finding ZY: Three faculty members hired
Actions for Objective:

Action B: Quality of Acad and Support Prog were increased
All indicators were completed or forwarded to next year except the PHD in English, which was abandoned because of a change in state policy.

GOAL: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective C: Improve Organizational Structure Of Academic Affairs
Reorganize overly large departments and create/reorganize academic support units/resources.
Associated Goals: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator ZE: Restructure Department Of Agricultural And Industrial Sciences
Restructure Department of Agricultural and Industrial Sciences to emphasize the synthesis of the formerly autonomous programs in Industrial Technology and Agriculture.
Criteria ZZ: Plan for restructuring Ag and Industrial Sciences
Develop and submit plan to the Provost for the restructuring of the Department of Agricultural and Industrial Sciences
Finding ZZ: Informal plan submitted
A plan for restructuring the Department of Agricultural and Industrial Sciences has been developed informally. A formal proposal will be submitted to the Provost as part of a proposal to create a Department of Integrated Engineering and Technology.
Indicator ZF: Develop A Policy For Course Release For Assistant Chairs And/or Coordinators
Criteria ZZA: Submit policy to Academic Policy Council
Finding ZZA: Changes were small and informally approved
Indicator ZG: Consider Dividing Of Department Of Theatre And Dance Into Separate Departments
Criteria ZZB: White paper submitted to Provost
Finding ZZB: Plan for Splitting Theatre & Dance Postponed
The proposal to split the Department of Theatre and Dance into two separate departments has been set aside until the completion of the new performing arts complex. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.c.(1)(a)).
Indicator ZH: Consider Dividing College Of Criminal Justice Into Departments
Criteria ZZC: Submit white paper to the Provost
Finding ZZC: Deleted Proposal to Reorganize College of CJ
The proposal to reorganize the College of Criminal Justice into three or four major departments was determined to be unnecessary.
Indicator ZI: Review Job Assignments Of Associate Deans
The roles/job assignments of associate deans will be reviewed and appropriate adjustments, if necessary, will be made.
Criteria ZZD: Council of Deans consideration
Finding ZZD: Adjustments made informally in each college
Indicator ZJ: Appoint A Liaison For International Programs In Each College
Criteria ZZE: Liaisons Appointed
Appointment of college liaisons of international programs should be made to begin by fall 2008.
Finding ZZE: College Liaison Appointments Made
All colleges, except the College of Education, have appointed college liaisons to begin by fall 2008.
Actions for Objective:

Action C: Improvements Made in Organizational Structure
All indictors were achieved or moved forward to next year''s goals except 1.c.(4)(a), which was deleted as a low priority.

GOAL: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective D: Increase Research And Scholarly Activity
Increase activity by faculty and staff in presentations, publications, grants submitted, and dollars received.
Associated Goals: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator ZK: Increased Number Of Faculty Publications
Criteria ZZF: 2 percent increase in number of faculty publications
Finding ZZF: Faculty pubs increased from 719 to 807--12%
Indicator ZL: Increase Number Of Faculty Publishing
Criteria ZZG: Increase number of faculty publishing by 1%
Finding ZZG: Number of faculty publishing increased by _%
Indicator ZM: Increase Quality Of Publications
Criteria ZZH: An Increase in quality of publications
Each college will establish criteria to ensure that publications are of high quality.
Finding ZZH: In process
Indicator ZN: Increase Number Of Faculty Presentations
Criteria ZZI: 2% increase in number of faculty presentations
Finding ZZI: Presentations increased from 926 to 1102--19%
Indicator ZO: Increase In External Grant Dollars Received
Criteria ZZJ: 2% increase in federal grant dollars received
Finding ZZJ: Grant/contract funding increasing
The figure for external grant/contract funding is not available at this time, but the increase appears to be on track to reach the target.
Indicator ZP: Develop Scholarship Criteria For The Arts
Criteria ZZK: Provost approval of criteria for scholarly work in the arts
Finding ZZK: Criteria being developed
Criteria for scholarly work in the arts are being developed by the College of Arts and Sciences and will be brought forward when ready (2009-2010).
Indicator ZQ: Implement Institute For Legal Studies In Criminal Justice
Criteria ZZL: A location and staffing plan adopted
Finding ZZL: Completed
Indicator ZR: Plan A Center/Institute Of Criminal Justice Policy Research
Criteria ZZM: Location and staffing plan approved
Finding ZZM: Plans for Center/Inst of CJ Pol Research
The plans to develop a Center/Institute of Criminal Justice Policy Resaerch have been moved to next year. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.d.(4)).
Indicator ZS: Develop Interdisciplinary Interest Areas
Criteria ZZN: Survey faculty and identify an Ethics and Society interest group
Finding ZZN:Proposal for Ethics & Society Interest Group
The possibility of developing a faculty interest group in Ethics and Society was discussed in the Council of Academic Deans and a subcommittee of the Deans of Business Administration and of Education are working on a proposal.
Criteria ZZO: Meetings to discuss Ethics and Society Interest Group
Meetings will be initiated to discuss the potential development of an Interdisciplinary interest area in Ethics and Society.
Finding ZZO: Mtgs About Ethics & Society interest group
The possibility of developing a faculty interest group in Ethics and Society was discussed in the Council of Academic Deans and a subcommittee of the Deans of Business Administration and of Education are working on a proposal.
Criteria ZZP: Faculty surveyed to identify interest in Social Consequences of Medical/Bio-Medical Advancement
The faculty will be surveyed in order to identify an interest group in Social Consequences of Medical and Bio-Medical Advancements.
Finding ZZP: Proposal for interest group postponed
The plan to identify a faculty interest group in Social Consequences of Medical and Bio-Medical Advancements was postponed.
Criteria ZZQ: Meetings About Social Consequences of Medical and Bio-Medical Advancements Interest Group
Meetings will be held to explore the possibility of developing an interdisciplinary interest area in Social Consequences of Medical and Bio-Medical Advancements.
Finding ZZQ: Postponement of interest area
The development of an interdisciplinary interest are in Social Consequences of Meical and Bio-Medical Advancements has been postponed indefinitely.
Indicator ZT: Create Assessment Module
An assessment module will be created to encourage undergraduate involvement in research, scholarship, and creative activities.
Criteria ZZR: Baseline for students enrolled in research practica
A baseline will be developed for the number of undergraduate students enrolled in research practica.
Finding ZZR: Development of baseline postponed
The development of a baseline for the number of students enrolled in research practica has been postponed to next year. See the 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.d.(6)(a).
Criteria ZZS: Baseline for number of undergrad students attending professional conferences
A baseline will be developed for the number of undergraduate students attending professional conferences.
Finding ZZS: Development of baseline postponed
The development of a baseline for the number of undergraduate students attending professional conferences has been postponed to next year. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.d.(6)(b)).
Criteria ZZT: Baseline for students presenting or co-authoring on conference presentation
A baseline will be developed for the number of undergraduate students presenting or co-authoring on conference presentation.
Finding ZZT: Development of baseline postponed
The development of a baseline for the number of undergraduate students presenting or co-authoring on conference presentation has been postponed to next year. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.d.(6)(c)).
Criteria ZZU: Baseline for students authoring or co-authoring publications
A baseline will be developed for the number of undergraduate students authoring or co-authoring publication.
Finding ZZU: Development of baseline postponed
The development of a baseline for the number of undergraduate students authoring or co-authoring publication has been postponed to next year. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 1.d.(6)(d)).
Actions for Objective:

Action D: Indicators met or forwarded to next year
All indicators were completed or forwarded to next year except 1.d.(3)(a), (9)(c), and (9)(d), which proved not to be worth the effort which would be required to complete them.

GOAL: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective E: Complete Preparation For SACS Accreditation Visit
Work to complete self-study and make arrangements for SACS accreditation visit.
Associated Goals: A: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator ZU: SACS Self-study
Criteria ZZV: Completed self-study
Finding ZZV: Self-study completed
Indicator ZV: Quality Enhancement Plan
Criteria ZZW: Select QEP Project
Finding ZZW: QEP Project Selected
Criteria ZZX: Establish baseline
Finding ZZX: Baseline to be established by fall 2008
Indicator ZW: Improved Syllabi To Align With SACS Requirements
Course syllabi will be reviewed to ensure that the content is aligned with SACS requirements
Criteria ZZY: Course syllabi aligned with SACS requirements
Finding ZZY: All course syllabi reviewed
Actions for Objective:

Action E: Indicators were completed or forwarded
All indicators were completed or forwarded to next year.

GOAL: B: University's Image And Public Exposure

Objective F: Increase Public Relations Activities Aimed Toward Increasing Enrollment
In order to attract prospective students, increase the number and type of public relations activities.
Associated Goals: B: University's Image And Public Exposure

Indicator ZX: Kiosks On Campus
Establish kiosks on campus in order to increase public relation activities.
Criteria ZZZ: Locate kiosk and operate as a pre-test
Locate and operate one kiosk on campus as a pre-test
Finding ZZZ: Use of kiosks postponed
The use of kiosks to increase public relations activities has been postponed to next year. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 2.a.(1)(a).
Indicator ZY: Improved Advertising Of Fine Arts Performances
Criteria ZZZA: List performing arts activities on college and university web sites
Finding ZZZA: Completed
They will also be listed on flat screen monitors in the Lee Drain Building.
Criteria ZZZB: Increased attendance at fine arts performances
Increased advertising of fine arts events in Huntsville and The Woodlands.
Finding ZZZB: Advertising initiated
Advertising in Huntsville and in The Woodlands was initiated without a formal proposal.
Indicator ZZ: Increased National Ranking Of The CJ Doctoral Program
Criteria ZZZC: Two-rank improvement over 2006 ranking for CJ doctoral program
Efforts will be made to improve the national ranking of the CJ doctoral proram two ranks over the 2006 ranking.
Finding ZZZC: Current national rankings not yet available
Indicator ZZA: Recuit Nationally-recognized Faculty
Criteria ZZZD: Hire nationally-recognized faculty
Finding ZZZD: No new faculty lines were added
Nationally-known figures were hired in Sociology, Foreign Languages, Mass Communication, Mathematics (2), and Criminal Justice (2).
Indicator ZZB: Redesigned College And Departmental Web Pages
Criteria ZZZE: Departments will redesign their websites
Finding ZZZE: Updated web sites
The College of Criminal Justice and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences have updated their web sites.
Indicator ZZC: Updated Departmental Program Materials
Criteria ZZZF: Updated brochures and descriptive program materials
Finding ZZZF: Updated brochures available
Departments developed and made available updated brochures and descriptive program materials.
Actions for Objective:

Action F: Continue activity in this area
Continue activity in this area as outlined in the 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 2.a).

GOAL: B: University's Image And Public Exposure

Objective G: Increase Articulation Activities
Work with community colleges to increase the number and kinds of articulation activities
Associated Goals: B: University's Image And Public Exposure

Indicator ZZD: Articulation Programs In Math, Math Ed, And Theatre
Develop articulation programs in Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and Theatre.
Criteria ZZZG: Ariculation agreements will be signed with community colleges
Finding ZZZG: Articulation agreements signed
Articulation agreements in Mathematics, mathematics Education, and Theatre have been signed with several community colleges.
Indicator ZZE: Align Computer Systems Between SHSU And Community Colleges
Criteria ZZZH: Compatibility of computer systems
Efforts will be made to make computer systems at community college compatible with SHSU computer system
Finding ZZZH: Computer systems compatible
Several community colleges have become compatible with SHSU; but as a result of possible computer system changes, this compatibility may be lost.
Actions for Objective:

Action G: Continue activities
Continue activities as outlined in the 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 2.b.).

GOAL: B: University's Image And Public Exposure

Objective H: Increase Public Service Activities
Develop, communicate, and make students aware of public service activities
Associated Goals: B: University's Image And Public Exposure

Indicator ZZF: Provide Orchestra Concerts In Out-of-town Locations
Criteria ZZZI: Conduct four orchestra concerts in The Woodlands
Finding ZZZI: 4 orchestra concerts held in The Woodlands
Criteria ZZZJ: International tour
Plan and complete an international orchestra tour
Finding ZZZJ: Completed tour of China
Indicator ZZG: Develop Science Help Facilities
Develop science help facilities, similar to the mathematics tutoring lab, would assist students having trouble in the science content areas
Criteria ZZZK: Establish science help lab
Finding ZZZK: Science help facility not established
The development of a science help faclity similar to the mathematics tutoring lab was not accomplished. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 2.c.(2)).
Indicator ZZH: Increased Involvement Of Faculty As Journal Editors
Criteria ZZZL: Add editorships of two journals
Finding ZZZL: Journal editorships increased by 5
New journal editorships were added in Education (2), and Arts and Sciences (3).
Indicator ZZI: Expand Faculty Participation In Governance Of External CJ Organizations
Criteria ZZZM: Expand participation in the Academic of Criminal Justice Sciences by 5%
Finding ZZZM: Completed
Criteria ZZZN: Expand participation in the American Society of Criminology by 5%
Finding ZZZN: Completed
Indicator ZZJ: Develop A Writers Speaker Series
Develop a writers' speaker series which will bring nationally-recognized writers to campus will enhance university-community relations.
Criteria ZZZO: Baseline established for number of writers' speakers
A baseline will be established for the number of writers'' speakers presenting on campus.
Finding ZZZO: Writers' speaker series deferred
The development of a writers'' speaker series has been deferred to next year. See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 2.c.(3)).
Actions for Objective:

Action H: 2008-2009 Strategic Plan
Continue to expand activities as outlined in the 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 2.c.).

GOAL: B: University's Image And Public Exposure

Objective I: Increase Enrollments
Seek ways to recruit students, enroll those students, and thereby increase enrollment
Associated Goals: B: University's Image And Public Exposure

Indicator ZZK: Increased Undergraduate Enrollment
Criteria ZZZP: 2% increase in undergraduate enrollment
Finding ZZZP: Enrollments increased by 3%
Indicator ZZL: Increased Graduate Enrollment
Criteria ZZZQ: Increase graduate enrollment by 2%
Finding ZZZQ: Enrollment increased by 8%
Indicator ZZM: Expanded Summer Offerings And Enrollments
Criteria ZZZR: Increase number of credit hours offered in summer 2008
Finding ZZZR: These data are not final
Partial data appear to be up between 1% and 2%
Indicator ZZN: Use Honors Program Students Used To Recruit Top High School Students
Criteria ZZZS: Use 20 SHSU students to recruit top high school students
Finding ZZZS: 16 SHSU Honors ambassadors were used
Indicator ZZO: Increased Number Of Students In Honors Program
Criteria ZZZT: Increase number of Honors Program students to 2.1% of total student enrollment
Finding ZZZT: Honors students increased by 5.4% to 330
The number increased by 5.4% to 330 students, exceeding the 297 needed to reach 2.1%.
Actions for Objective:

Action I: 2008-2009 Strategic Plan
Continue activity as outlined in the 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 2.d.).

GOAL: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective J: Increase Student Civic Engagement
Make students aware of importance of civic engagement and help them become involved
Associated Goals: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator ZZP: Increase Student Organization Activities Relating To Civic Engagement
Criteria ZZZU: Political Science Junior Fellows support
Publicize and support activities of the Political Science Junior Fellow.
Finding ZZZU: Completed
Political Science Junior Fellows publicize at Board of Regents and AASCU.
Criteria ZZZV: Distribute t-shirts
Distribute t-shirts with University motto "The measure of a life is its service" to students engaged in community service.
Finding ZZZV: Over 1,000 t-shirts distributed
Criteria ZZZW: Palawan State University instrument project
Conduct project to acquire musical instruments for Palawan State University in the Philippines.
Finding ZZZW: 45 instruments delivered to Palawan State
Criteria ZZZX: Student participation in ADP
Send student group to AASCU American Democracy Project national meeting.
Finding ZZZX: 5 students sent
Criteria ZZZY: Engage students in alcohol awareness initiative
Finding ZZZY: Over 10,000 student participations
Indicator ZZQ: College Of Arts And Sciences Activity Promoting Civic Engagement
Conduct a College of Arts and Sciences activity involving all students organization within the college to promote civic engagement.
Criteria ZZZZ: Activity held
Finding ZZZZ: Koanaka Project was completed
The Koanaka Project, which supplied toys for youth in Botswana, was completed.
Actions for Objective:

Action J: Expand activity of Political Engagement Project
Expand activity of Political Engagement Project, service learning, and American Democracy Project as indicated in 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 3.a.).

GOAL: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective K: Initiate A First-Year Common Reader Program
Develop a common reader program for incoming students.
Associated Goals: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator ZZR: Establish University Common Reader Program For Incoming Freshmen
Criteria ZZZZA: Approve book selected for Common Reader Program
Finding ZZZZA: Completed
Criteria ZZZZB: Approve plan for supporting extraccuricular activities
Finding ZZZZB: Completed
Criteria ZZZZC: Approve plan for integrating common reader into the curriculum
Finding ZZZZC: Completed
Criteria ZZZZD: Appoint Director of First-Year Experience
Finding ZZZZD: Director appointed
Actions for Objective:

Action K: Expand to entire campus for the next year
See 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 3.b.).

GOAL: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective L: Increase University Ethnic Diversity
Recruit minority faculty, staff, and students in order to form a more diverse campus environment
Associated Goals: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator ZZS: Increased Minority Enrollment
Criteria ZZZZE: Increase minority enrollment by 3%
Finding ZZZZE: Minority enrollment increased 6.8%
Indicator ZZT: Added Programs And Course Oferings That Improved The Diversity Of Students And Faculty
Criteria ZZZZF: Develop two minority-focused courses
Finding ZZZZF: Minority-focused courses were developed
Minority-focused courses were developed in History (1), Sociology (1), Political Science (1), and Foreign Languages (1).
Indicator ZZU: Increased Number Of Minority Faculty
Criteria ZZZZG: Increase number of minority faculty
Finding ZZZZG: 15 additional minority faculty were hired
Indicator ZZV: Establish College Of Humanities And Social Sciences Women's Caucus
Criteria ZZZZH: Organize and hold meeting of CHSS women faculty members
Finding ZZZZH: Completed
Indicator ZZW: Mentoring Program For New Minority Faculty
Criteria ZZZZI: Implement mentoring program for new minority faculty
Finding ZZZZI: Completed in three colleges
Mentoring programs for new minority faculty have been implemented in Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
Actions for Objective:

Action L: Continue to expand efforts
Continue to expand efforts on this objective as outlined in the 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 3.c.).

GOAL: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective M: Housing Activities
Integrate housing activities into academic activities programs.
Associated Goals: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator ZZX: Expanded Learning Communities
Criteria ZZZZJ: Number of learning communities will increase
Finding ZZZZJ: Number of communities increased from 4 to 7
The number was increased from 4 to 7 for a 75% increase, but the total number remains small.
Actions for Objective:

Action M: Continue to expand learning communities
Continue to expand learning communities as indicated in the 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 3.d.).

GOAL: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective N: Enhance Campus Academic Facilities
Work with campus master planners in planning and developing academic facilities to accommodate growth
Associated Goals: C: Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator ZZY: Construct AB5 (Humanities And Social Sciences Building)
Criteria ZZZZK: Complete planning of Humanities and Social Sciences Building (AB5)
Finding ZZZZK: Completed
Indicator ZZZ: Move Performing Arts Complex Toward Construction
Criteria ZZZZL: Board of Regents approval of funding source and preliminary architects drawings
Finding ZZZZL: Completed
Indicator ZZZA: Increased Number Of Large Lecture Auditoriums
Criteria ZZZZM: Increase number of large lecture halls by 4
Finding ZZZZM: Number of large lecture halls increased--9
Spring 2009
Indicator ZZZB: Increase Social Science Lab Space
Criteria ZZZZN: Meet one-third of faculty demand for additional social science lab space
Finding ZZZZN: In process
To be done at the completion of Humanities and Social Sciences Building.
Indicator ZZZC: Expanded And Renovated Psychology Clinic
Criteria ZZZZO: Place Psychology Clinic expansion on CIP list
Finding ZZZZO: In process
As an alternate solution to their space needs, they will be relocatd to a much larger space in 2008-2009.
Criteria ZZZZP: Obtain detailed estimate costs for Psychology Clinic expansion
Finding ZZZZP: Unnecessary because of new space
Indicator ZZZD: Develop Master Plan For Faculty Office Space
Criteria ZZZZQ: Submit plan to Council of Academic Deans for review
Finding ZZZZQ: Plan subsumed into campus master plan
The faculty office master plan has been subsumed into the campus master physical facilities plan, which is due for completion in December 2008.
Indicator ZZZE: Construction And Development Of The University Center
Criteria ZZZZR: Provide data to the President related to needs
Finding ZZZZR: Completed
The President has been provided data from the county commissioners about possible locations.
Indicator ZZZF: Develop Academic Plan For Research Space
Criteria ZZZZS: Plan reviewed by Council of Academic Deans
Finding ZZZZS: Plan subsumed into campus master plan
Actions for Objective:

Action N: Develop physical facilities
Develop physical facilities as outlined in the campus physical facilities master plan and 2008-2009 Strategic Plan (Section 3.e.).

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(936) 294-1111