
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Research :

4 Goals     8 Objectives     11 Indicators     14 Criteria     14 Findings     14 Actions

GOAL: Environmental Research

Objective Faculty Research
Incorporate SHSU faculty and students in conducting externally funded reasearch at TRIES.
Associated Goals: Environmental Research

Indicator Faculty Participation
Number of SHSU faculty and students who conduct research with TRIES.
Criteria Faculty Research
Get two new faculty members or their students working on projects associated with TRIES.
Finding Faculty Research
One faculty member and one student research group used TRIES facilities.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Research
Maintain goal of having two faculty or student researcher working on projects associated with TRIES each year.

GOAL: Environmental Research

Objective TRIES Research
Initiate new research projects taht will be conducted by TRIES personel.
Associated Goals: Environmental Research

Indicator Research Projects
Number of externally funded reasearch projects being conducted by TRIES personel.
Criteria TRIES Research
Successfully bring one new, externally funded research project to TRIES.
Finding TRIES Research
There were two externally funded projects, one was new.
Actions for Objective:

Action TRIES Research
The goal of adding one newly funded research project will be maintained for the next year.

GOAL: Faculty Research

Objective Faculty Research Support
Provide access to TRIES equipment and expertise to aid SHSU faculty and students in their research.
Associated Goals: Faculty Research

Indicator Research Support
Number of SHSU researchers who are supported by TRIES equipment, facilities, or expertise.
Criteria Research Support
Provide support in the form of expertise or equipment for two faculty or student projects at SHSU.
Finding Research Support
Provided supervision for 8 chemistry students in instrumental analysis.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Research
TRIES will maintain this goal for another year.

GOAL: Service To Community

Objective Community Environmental Education
Provide environmental awareness to civic groups, schools, and citizens of Texas.
Associated Goals: Service To Community

Indicator Community Awareness
Number of public notices that are delivered through media sources to make citizens aware of environmental issues and activities of TRIES.
Criteria Media Exposure
Get at least two articles or notices in public media sources to highlight the activities of TRIES or make citizens aware of environmental issues.
Finding Media Exposure
One article in the Huntsville Item about the bioreactor project.
Indicator Community Outreach
Number of educational outreach events to educate the east Texas community about environmental issues.
Criteria Community Outreach
Participate in at least two community functions where TRIES presents environmental materials.
Finding Community Outreach
Staff gave a presentation at the Trade Expo.
Criteria Educational Outreach
Give at least one presentation at an east Texas school concerning TRIES or environmental issues.
Finding Educational Outreach
Gave presentations to two school groups that visited TRIES.
Actions for Objective:

Action Community Outreach
TRIES will again attempt to make two community presentations.
Action Educational Outreach
TRIES will again plan to give at least one presentation ot a school group.
Action Media Exposure
We will revise our goal to a more realistic one article per year.

GOAL: Service To Community

Objective Environmental Monitoring And Analysis
Provide environmental service to evaluate environmental conditions and problems in east Texas.
Associated Goals: Service To Community

Indicator Environmental Analysis
Number of clients for which TRIES provides technical environmental analysis.
Criteria Sellf Sufficiency
Make analytical lab financially self-supporting.
Finding Self sufficeincy
Lab brought in less than $16,000 with personell and lab expenses at nearly $60,000.
Criteria analysis services
Provide environmental analytical services for at least 6 clients.
Finding Analysis Services
Tries provided services to 54 clients.
Indicator Environmental Monitoring
Number of environmental monitoring projects conducted to assess environmental health of a given area.
Criteria Environmental Monitoring
Establish at least one environmental monitoring project in east Texas.
Finding Environmental Monitoring
TRIES did not conduct any environmental monitoring projects.
Actions for Objective:

Action Analysis Services
Tries will increase its goal. The initial goal was based on engaging large clients, with big projects. The reality of this year was that we had many clients with small projects. Still, we will be working to get more larger projects, thus we will not increase our goal as high as might be expected based on this year''s results.
Action Environmental monitoring
We will again try to start a TRIES sponsored environmental monitoring project, possibly by incorporating a faculty member of student researcher.
Action Self Sufficiency
TRIES will work towards the goal of making its analytical lab financially self-sufficient. The lab is currently far from that goal and we realize that it could take more than one year to reach the goal. We will try to work with external entities to try to speed the progress toward this goal.


Objective Community Image
Improve awareness of the research expertise and activity by the east Texas community.
Associated Goals: TRIES Image

Indicator Visibility
Number of positive exposures of TRIES through community media and outreach events.
Criteria Positive Image
Have two positive citations of TRIES by community media.
Finding Positive Image
One article in the Huntsville Item favorably overviewing TRIES research.
Actions for Objective:

Action Positive Image
The criteria of having two media citations will be revised to a more realistic one.


Objective SHSU Awareness
Improve awareness of research activities and opportunities to the SHSU faculty and students.
Associated Goals: TRIES Image

Indicator SHSU Exposure
Number of presentations by TRIES associates to the SHSU community or mention of TRIES activities in the SHSU media.
Criteria SHSU Presentation
Give one presentation to an on campus Department or SHSU organization.
Finding SHSU Presentation
Gave an instrumental analysis demonstration to a chemistry class.
Criteria SHSU Press
Be mentioned in a positive manner by one SHSU press release or internal news article.
Finding SHSU Press
Two articles were posted on the SHSU web page concerning research at TRIES.
Actions for Objective:

Action SHSU Presentation
TRIES will again have the same goal for next year.
Action SHSU Press
TRIES will maintain the same goal next year.


Objective Scientific Image
Improve the stature of research being conducted at TRIES
Associated Goals: TRIES Image

Indicator Grants
Amount of external funding coming to TRIES and its researchers.
Criteria Funding Level
Achieve a 1.5 million dollar yearly external funding level at TRIES.
Finding Funding Level
Two externally funded projects brought in over $1.6 million.
Indicator Publications
Number of scientific publications related to research activities associated with TRIES.
Criteria Research Publications
Have two scientific, peer-reviewed publications with a TRIES by-line.
Finding Research Publications
No externally funded publications were produced.
Actions for Objective:

Action Funding Level
TRIES will maintain the same funding level goal.
Action Research Publications
TRIES will stress to its employees that peer-reviewed publications are a goal of TRIES and we will try to reach this goal in the next year.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111