
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Support :
Computer Services

3 Goals     9 Objectives     9 Indicators     9 Criteria     9 Findings     9 Actions

GOAL: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective Learning Management System
UCS will provide students and faculty with a learning management system to meet their pedagogical needs for web-enhanced or online courses.
Associated Goals: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator LMS Participation
Increase Learning Management Participation to 75%
Criteria LMS participation survey
Review participation to see if goal was achieved
Finding LMS participation achieved
66 % of classes used the LMS
Actions for Objective:

Action LMS participation actions
Continue to work with academic affairs to provide LMS resources that will increase participation

GOAL: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective NLR Participation
UCS will provide connectivity to the National Lambda Rail(NLR)research computing network
Associated Goals: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator NLR Connectivity
Connectivity to NLR will be accomplished
Criteria NLR connected
verify SHSU is able to send and receive data with the NLR network
Finding NLR connectivity achieved
SHSU has established connectivity with the NLR network
Actions for Objective:

Action NLR goal achieved

GOAL: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective Pleasant Lab Environment
Provide a comfortable, convenient, professional atmosphere for student lab work.
Associated Goals: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator Lab Environment Satisfaction
Target satisfaction level with lab atmosphere of 90%
Criteria Lab environment
survey student satisfaction with the lab
Finding Lab satisfaction
Survey data reported 88% satisfaction
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to survey
Increase survey pool

GOAL: Academic Standards And Programs

Objective Training
Provide students and faculty with resources and education on new technologies.
Associated Goals: Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator Training Participation
Increase participation in UCS offered training by 5%
Criteria Track Training Participation
Track the number of hours of training offered
Finding No increase in training
Training of 919 hours is the same as FY06
Actions for Objective:

Action Encourage training
Focus on finding resources to support the time and effort to add additional training time

GOAL: Campus Community And Atmosphere

Objective Convenient Resources
provide technology resources at campus locations convenient to students and faculty.
Associated Goals: Campus Community And Atmosphere

Indicator WAP's Provided
Increase the number of wireless access points on campus to 140
Criteria Increase WAP count
Count the number of wireless access points on campus and show a net increase over the previous year.
Finding WAP count increased
31 WAP''s installed
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue expansion
Continue to increase the number of campus WAP''s

GOAL: Campus Community And Atmosphere

Objective Events Publicity
Provide increased publicity of University events and calendar
Associated Goals: Campus Community And Atmosphere

Indicator Event Highlight
UCS will track the number of event and calendar highlights provided on the University web site
Criteria Track event highlights
Track the number of events highlighted on the SHSU main website
Finding Event highlight count NA
Cumulative data was not available.
Actions for Objective:

Action Track highlight
Continue to track event highlights and ensure the records are retained.

GOAL: University Image And Exposure

Objective Conference Participation
Encourage UCS staff to network and collaborate with other technological staff at conferences and other universities.
Associated Goals: University Image And Exposure

Indicator Conference Attendance
Increase attendance to 12 conferences yearly
Criteria Number of Conferences attended
Sum the number of conferences atteneded by UCS staff
Finding Number of conferences attended
UCS staff attened 18 conferences
Actions for Objective:

Action Conference attendance
goal achieved, will continue this for next year.

GOAL: University Image And Exposure

Objective Conference Presentations
UCS will set a target for presentations made by UCS staff at state, regional, or national conferences.
Associated Goals: University Image And Exposure

Indicator Conference Presentations
UCS will target presenting at 3 conferences during the year.
Criteria Number of conference presentations
sum the number of presentations given by UCS staff
Finding Number of conference presentations
sum the number of conferences UCS staff present at.
Actions for Objective:

Action Conference presentations
will work with Directors to identify key areas of oportunity to achieve this goal next year

GOAL: University Image And Exposure

Objective Web Site Search Ranking Improvements
Assist University departments with web page design to help increase the Internet search ranking of SHSU
Associated Goals: University Image And Exposure

Indicator Web Site Visits
Increase number of visits to web site to 20,000,000 for the year
Criteria Web site visits
compare visits counter with previous year and identify the increase.
Finding Web sit visits increased
Calculations determined the number of visits was increased
Actions for Objective:

Action Determine a new objective
This objective does not accurately reflect operations of computer services

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111