
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Health BS

3 Goals     5 Objectives     6 Indicators     6 Criteria     6 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Faculty Scholarship
Increase activity by Health faculty in presentations, publications, grant applications, and dollars awarded.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Faculty Presentations
Count number of presentations and grant applications reported on 2006 FES and compare to 2005 FES presentations/grant data.
Criteria Presentations
80% of the Health Faculty will make at least one professional presentation during the 2006-2007 academic year.
Finding Presentations
Target met. The entire Health faculty made two or more professional presentations during the 2006-07 academic year. Travel funds were increased from $600 to $1,000 per faculty member.
Indicator Faculty Publications
Count the number of publications reported on 2006 FES and compare to 2005 FES reported publications.
Criteria Publications
80% of the Health faculty will have at least one professional publication during the 2006-2007 academic year.
Finding Publications
All full-time tenure track Health faculty are actively engaged in producing scholarly products. 100% of health faculty had at least one publication during the 2006-2007 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Presentations
Continue to support faculty presentations and to seek additional funds to support faculty travel to present their research. Data will be used for annual FES, promotion/ tenure, and merit consideration.
Action Publications
Continue to promote and encourage faculty excellence in scholarships. Encourage faculty to seek publishing in tier 1 & 2 journals. Data will be used for annual FES, promotion/tenure, and merit consideration.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Professional Service
Increased number of Health faculty service contributions at the University and in the profession.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Faculty Service
Count number of committee assignments reported on 2006 FES and compare to previous year.
Criteria Professional Service
70% of Health faculty will have an increase in their committee assignments.
Finding Professional Service
Target met. All Health faculty members are serving on two or more university and/or professional committee.
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Service
Continue to support and encourage service contributions by all Health faculty. Seek meaningful incentives for faculty that are highly engaged in service activities. Data will be used for annual FES, promotion/tenure, and merit consideration.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Teaching Effectiveness
Full-time tenure-track Health faculty will score at or above the national average on the IDEA teacher evaluation instrument.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Faculty Teaching
Faculty teaching scores obtained from IDEA will be evaluated to determine if scores are at or above the national average.
Criteria IDEA Scores
80% of full-time Health faculty will score at or above the national average on the IDEA teacher evaluation instrument.
Finding IDEA Score
Target met. All full-time Health tenure-track faculty scored at or above the national average on the IDEA teacher evaluation instrument.
Actions for Objective:

Action IDEA Scores
Continue to support faculty excellence in teaching. Data will be used for annual FES, promotion/tenure, and merit consideration.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Health Education Course
Students will think critically about their own health perspectives, behaviors, and experiences.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Health Course
Students enrolled in HED 166 will develop a personal health narrative.
Criteria Requirements
Students will receive a grade of "B" or better or narrative.
Finding Health Narrative Results
All students developed a personal health narrative and received a grade of "B" or better.
Actions for Objective:

Action Health Education Course
Continue to monitor student success and make modifications as needed.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Collaborative Partnerships
Networking with community colleges and other constituencies to increase Health BS program awareness and cultivate multi-level collaborative partnerships.
Associated Goals: Visibility And Impact

Indicator Partnerships
Finalized Health BS articulation agreements are published on SHSU web-page.
Criteria Networking
Health BS articulation agreements are finalized and published on SHSU web-page.
Finding Community Colleges
Community college partners reported positive and favorable remarks regarding the published articulation agreement.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collaboration
Continue to increase visibility and impact of Health BS program by building multi-level collaborative partnerships.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111