
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Special Education MA (Low Incidence Disabilities and Autism)

3 Goals     4 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: Constituency Satisfaction

Objective Develop A Special Education Master's Program
Develop a special education master's program strand focusing on Low-Incidence Disabilities and Autism (LIDA).
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Prepare And Submit A Proposal
1. Prepare and submit a proposal to the university curriculum committee, and subsequently to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), for the LIDA program.
Criteria Approves the proposed program
LIDA program was appoved and offers a Masters of Arts with emphasis on Low Incidence Disabilities.
Finding LIDA program
LIDA program was developed and 15 students enrolled in the first two courses offered in the Fall of 2006.
Actions for Objective:

Action Masters Program Offered
Use the approved program as leveraged to get one additional SPD graduate ABA board certified faculty member who will assist with teaching the new courses.

GOAL: Constituency Satisfaction

Objective Doctoral Program Proposal
Propose a special education doctoral program proposal that offers opportunity to take BCBA course sequence on the doctoral level (elective choices).
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness, Visibility And Impact

Indicator Planning Authority Granted
1. Obtain Planning authority by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).
Criteria Doctoral Program Proposal
Submit preliminary program discription to the THECB.
Finding Doctoral proposal submitted
Preliminary program approval granted by THECB.
Actions for Objective:

Action Doctoral Program Proposal
1. Planning authority for this proposal was granted. We made a strategic decision to go forward first with the reading proposal because we had more resources in place. This has allowed us build program, faculty and staff (the LIDA program, two new special education faculty, and a graduate secretary) before making our special education proposal for a doctoral program.

GOAL: Constituency Satisfaction

Objective Graduate Special Education Faculty Member
Seeks the addition of at least one full-time faculty member whose expertise will allow for expanded course offerings to students. In particular, the program seeks an individual who is a board certified behavior analyst.
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator New Faculty Member
Successful negotiation of a contract with a new full-time faculty member who holds BCBA.
Criteria New Faculty Member Hired
New faculty member hired with BCBA certification and begins employment by Spring 2007.
Finding New Hire
Dr. Barbara Metzger hired. Dr. Metzger is a Board Certified behavior Analyst.
Actions for Objective:

Action New Hire
Dr. Metzger will submit a request to BCBA for SHSU to be recognized as a BCBA course offering institution as well as support the hiring of one additional faculty member to assist in this endeavor.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Develop A Special Education Master's Program
Develop a special education master's program strand focusing on Low-Incidence Disabilities and Autism (LIDA).
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Prepare And Submit A Proposal
1. Prepare and submit a proposal to the university curriculum committee, and subsequently to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), for the LIDA program.
Criteria Approves the proposed program
LIDA program was appoved and offers a Masters of Arts with emphasis on Low Incidence Disabilities.
Finding LIDA program
LIDA program was developed and 15 students enrolled in the first two courses offered in the Fall of 2006.
Actions for Objective:

Action Masters Program Offered
Use the approved program as leveraged to get one additional SPD graduate ABA board certified faculty member who will assist with teaching the new courses.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Doctoral Program Proposal
Propose a special education doctoral program proposal that offers opportunity to take BCBA course sequence on the doctoral level (elective choices).
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness, Visibility And Impact

Indicator Planning Authority Granted
1. Obtain Planning authority by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).
Criteria Doctoral Program Proposal
Submit preliminary program discription to the THECB.
Finding Doctoral proposal submitted
Preliminary program approval granted by THECB.
Actions for Objective:

Action Doctoral Program Proposal
1. Planning authority for this proposal was granted. We made a strategic decision to go forward first with the reading proposal because we had more resources in place. This has allowed us build program, faculty and staff (the LIDA program, two new special education faculty, and a graduate secretary) before making our special education proposal for a doctoral program.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Graduate Special Education Faculty Member
Seeks the addition of at least one full-time faculty member whose expertise will allow for expanded course offerings to students. In particular, the program seeks an individual who is a board certified behavior analyst.
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator New Faculty Member
Successful negotiation of a contract with a new full-time faculty member who holds BCBA.
Criteria New Faculty Member Hired
New faculty member hired with BCBA certification and begins employment by Spring 2007.
Finding New Hire
Dr. Barbara Metzger hired. Dr. Metzger is a Board Certified behavior Analyst.
Actions for Objective:

Action New Hire
Dr. Metzger will submit a request to BCBA for SHSU to be recognized as a BCBA course offering institution as well as support the hiring of one additional faculty member to assist in this endeavor.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Increase Continuing Education Opportunities
Increase continuing education opportunities for Alumni of SHSU within the Special Education Program area.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness, Visibility And Impact

Indicator Professional Development
Offer Autism Strand at 3rd Annual "Meeting the Needs of All Learners" Spring Conference.
Criteria Offer Instructional and Assessment Strand
Offer Autism Strand at 3rd Annual "Meeting the Needs of All Learners" Spring Conference.
Finding Professional Development
Meeting needs of all learners conference included autism strand with over 300 in attendance.
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Development
Create new database with those individuals attending Meeting Needs of All Learners Conference to use as a recruiting tool for LIDA program.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Doctoral Program Proposal
Propose a special education doctoral program proposal that offers opportunity to take BCBA course sequence on the doctoral level (elective choices).
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness, Visibility And Impact

Indicator Planning Authority Granted
1. Obtain Planning authority by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).
Criteria Doctoral Program Proposal
Submit preliminary program discription to the THECB.
Finding Doctoral proposal submitted
Preliminary program approval granted by THECB.
Actions for Objective:

Action Doctoral Program Proposal
1. Planning authority for this proposal was granted. We made a strategic decision to go forward first with the reading proposal because we had more resources in place. This has allowed us build program, faculty and staff (the LIDA program, two new special education faculty, and a graduate secretary) before making our special education proposal for a doctoral program.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Increase Continuing Education Opportunities
Increase continuing education opportunities for Alumni of SHSU within the Special Education Program area.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness, Visibility And Impact

Indicator Professional Development
Offer Autism Strand at 3rd Annual "Meeting the Needs of All Learners" Spring Conference.
Criteria Offer Instructional and Assessment Strand
Offer Autism Strand at 3rd Annual "Meeting the Needs of All Learners" Spring Conference.
Finding Professional Development
Meeting needs of all learners conference included autism strand with over 300 in attendance.
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Development
Create new database with those individuals attending Meeting Needs of All Learners Conference to use as a recruiting tool for LIDA program.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111