
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Special Education MED (Educational Diagnostician)

4 Goals     5 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     4 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: Constituency Satisfaction

Objective Expand Mentorships
Mentor base in SPD 679 will be expanded to include an increased number of mentor who are program area alumni.
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction

Indicator Mentorships
Allow students in SPD 679 to select mentors on the campus level. Encourage use of alumni to take on these roles.
Criteria New Mentorships
All SPD 679 interns will select campus based mentors in leiu of district wide mentor.
Actions for Objective:

Action Mentorships
Campus level mentors proved to be more available to interns. Future interns will use only campus level mentors or floating mentors.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Faculty Presentations
Increase number of faculty presentation at the local and state level within the field of assessment and special education.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Presentations
Submit proposals for presentations at HouMet and TEDA conferences.
Criteria Faculty Presentations
Each faculty member will submit proposal to present at one conference per year. Presentions at assessment oriented conferences are recommended.
Finding Instructional and Assessment Strand
Faculty members presented at several national, state and local area conferences with assessment offerings including Texas Educational Diagnostician Conference, HOUMET conference, CCBD conference, and CEC conferences.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty presentions
Although intent of conference presentions was to increase visability of SHSU, confernece proved effective for recruiting purposes. Future presentations by faculy will include embedding possible recruting during conferences.

GOAL: Institutional Effectiveness

Objective Continuing Education Opportunities
Increase continuing education opportunities for Alumni of SHSU within the Special Education Program area.
Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness

Indicator Meeting Needs Of All Learners
Offer Assessment Strand for graduate and alumni at the SCEC/SHSU Annual Conference
Criteria Professional Development
SCEC and the Special Education department will collaborate with other departments at SHSU to offer assessment strand/Autism at Meeting Needs of All Learners Conference with goal of 200 non-students in attendance.
Finding Meeting Needs of All Learners
Instructional and Assessment strand offered at 3rd Annual "Meeting the Needs of All Learners" Spring Conference on April 6, 2006. Approx. 280 educators and educational diagnosticians were in attendance. Faculty presented information on Upcoming LIDA program.
Actions for Objective:

Action Conference
Conference attendees feedback indicated need for further training in autism. Next years conference will offer Autism Assessment breakouts and possible keynote in Autism.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Leadership Skills
graduate students will perform needs assessment in SPD 679 and then present inservice training to campus as a means od demonstrating one element in leadership skills.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Leadership Skills
Graduate students conduct needs assessment and conduct and present staff development campus wide.
Criteria Staff Development Presentations
New asignment added to SPD 679 designed for studnets to demonstrate leadership in role of educational diagnostican. All student enrolled in SPD 679 will conduct campus wide staff development.
Finding Needs Assessment
1. Graduates successfully completing SPD 679 all conducted needs assessment and performed inservice training at designated campus. Examples of inservice trainings included referral information, RTI, new federal laws, and disability awareness.
Actions for Objective:

Action Needs Assessment
Feedback from adminstrators of campuses and students indicated a need to implement this assignment beyond pilot into a regular classroom assignment. Many students found that this assignment coorelated with district level job responsibility.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Standards Of Proficiency
Graduate Diagnostician candidates will meet or exceed the established standards of proficiency in the knowledge and skills required for Texas Diagnostician Certification
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Proficiency With State Standards
1. Scores above the state mean including all domains on the TExES Educational Diagnostician Certification examination.
Criteria Student Scores
1. Candidates will successfully complete all required coursework prior to taking the TExES Educational Diagnostician exam. 2. 90% or more test-takers will pass the TExES exam for Educational Diagnostician certification at the initial administration. 3. Candidates will meet or exceed state mean scores on the Diagnostician examination.
Finding Results of TExES
SHSU students exceeded state mean on TExES exam and obtained 100% pass rate on educational diagnostician TExES exam.
Actions for Objective:

Action Analysis of TExES Scores
Analyze of individual profiencies on TExES exam was used to modify exsisting content area qulifiying exam and to exand onlegal issues during practicum semester.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111