
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Kinesiology BS (Sports Medicine)

3 Goals     5 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     5 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Faculty Teaching
Faculty will have a teaching rating/score at or above the College of Education average.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator IDEA Teaching Score
BS Sports Medicine students and the Department Chair will annually evaluate the teaching effectiveness of each faculty member.
Criteria Teaching Effectiveness
80% of the faculty teaching courses in the BS Sports Medicine program will have a teaching score at or above the College of Education average.
Finding Teaching Effectiveness
All faculty teaching courses in the BS Sports Medicine program obtained a teaching score at or above the College of Education average (FES data).
Actions for Objective:

Action Teaching Effectiveness
Identify and implement creative mechanisms in an effort to assist faculty with sustaining teacher effectiveness.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Hiring New Faculty
Recruit and hire qualified faculty to teach in BS Sports Medicine program.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator Increased Faculty Size
Successful negotiations of contracts with new full-time faculty.
Criteria Increase Faculty Size
Successfully recruited and hired two highly qualified full-time faculty to teach in kinesiology.
Finding Increase Faculty Size
Successfully recruited and hired two highly qualified full-time faculty to teach Kinesiology department. Target met.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase Faculty Size
Continue to recruit and maintain highly qualified faculty to teach in the Kinesiology Department.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Instructional Resources
Purchase additional equipment and supplies support instruction in the BS Sports Medicine program.
Associated Goals: Visibility And Impact

Indicator Instructional Support
Bids and purchased orders processed for the selected equipment and instructional supplies to the purchased.
Criteria Equipment/Supplies Purchased
Purchased the following equipment to support instruction in the BS Sport Medicine program: Bod Pod, four manikins replacement parts, one complete skeleton, five joint models.
Finding Equipment/Supplies Purchased
Purchased major equipment and supplies to support in structure in the BS Sports Medicine program.
Actions for Objective:

Action Resources Support
Purchase additional equipment and supplies support instruction in the BS Sports Medicine program.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Reduction In Degree Requirement
Reduce BS Sports Medicine degree requirements.
Associated Goals: Visibility And Impact

Indicator Refine Curriculum
Reduced BS Sports Medicine degree requirements to 120 Hour Degree Plan.
Criteria 120 Hour Degree Plan
BS Sports Medicine is a 120 Hour Degree Plan, per state mandate.
Finding 120 Hour Degree Plan
BS Sports Medicine curriculum meets the 120 Hour Degree Plan state mandate.
Actions for Objective:

Action 120 Hour Degree Plan
BS Sports Medicine curriculum will continue to be reviewed and modified to keep content relevant and current.
Action Reduction In Degree Requirement
Kinesiology faculty will advise students of the new 120 hour degree plan for a B.S in Sports Medicine.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Visibility
Revise and update BS Sports Medicine web-page.
Associated Goals: Visibility And Impact

Indicator Heighten Visibility
Redesign and update kinesiology web-page to heighten visibility and recruitment efforts for the BS Sports Medicine program.
Criteria Enhanced Visibility
Kinesiology web-page has been updated and promotes enhanced visibility of the BS Sports Medicine program.
Finding Enhanced Visibility
Kinesiology web-page has been revised and promotes a greater visibility of the BS Sports Medicine program.
Actions for Objective:

Action Enhance Visibility
Continue to monitor and update all Kinesiology academic program via department web-page.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111