
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Computer Animation BFA

1 Goals     8 Objectives     9 Indicators     9 Criteria     9 Findings     8 Actions

GOAL: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Objective 3D Computer Animation
Students will become skilled in 3D Computer animation software.
Associated Goals: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Indicator 3D Skills
Students completing ART375 and ART376 will be able to model complex objects in a 3D program; effectively rig and animate a character; create believable and aesthetic textures and surfaces; create animations that are effectively lit and rendered; demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document. At the conclusion of ART 376, the student's work in the final portfolio will demonstrate these skills and abilities. This portfolio will be graded by faculty on a scale of 1-100.
Criteria 3D Skills
Computer animation students will successfully complete ART 376. It is expected that at least 80% of the Computer Animation BFA students make a C or higher in the course.
Finding 3D Skills
22 Students completed ART376 during this period. Of these, 19 received a grade of C or higher.
Indicator ART 490 Animation Portfolio
Students in ART 490 will work on a thesis project consisting of an animated work that demonstrates skill and talent in a specific area of expertise. The students will create a Demo Reel (Portfolio) consisting of the thesis project and clips of work that demonstrate expertise in other areas of animation. These clips will be drawn from work done in previous courses in the Computer Animation Program. The demo reel will be evaluated by Computer Animation Faculty and by Professionals in the Animation and Gaming Industry. Professionals in the Gaming and Animation Industry will evaluate the Demo Reel when the students apply for jobs. The Faculty will evaluate the Demo Reel by rating each of the following on a scale of 1-5: 2D Animation- Is the student able to animate 2 dimensional drawings in a way that suggests believable motion of objects governed by the laws of physics? Does the work demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document? Can the student animate graphics and text to effectively communicate the content and purpose of the works? 3D Computer Animation- Is the student capable of modeling complex objects in a 3D program? Can the student effectively rig and animate a character? Does the work indicate that the student creates believable and aesthetic textures and surfaces? Are the animations effectively lit and rendered? Does the work demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document?
Criteria Portfolio
Students will have a professional quality portfolio that will include 2D Animation, 3D Models and environments, with textured surfaces, and character animation with an emphasis on one area of specialization. It is expected that at least 90% of the students receive at least 30 points on a 1-40 point evaluation of their portfolio by two Computer Animation Faculty. It is expected that at least 75% of the students who submit a portfolio to an industry professional or studio are granted a job interview.
Finding Portfolio
At the conclusion of the first year of the program, no students have reached the level of this objective.
Actions for Objective:

Action ART375 and 376
Continue to offer ART375 and 376. As the number of Computer Animation students inrcrease, more sections may be offered.

GOAL: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Objective Computer Labs
Maintain current versions of software applications and upgrade hardware as necessary to meet industry standards.
Associated Goals: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Indicator Assess Hardware And Software Of Labs
An annual evaluation of computer labs and software configurations for comparison with the current industry standards for computer animation.
Criteria Current Software Applications
The Macintosh lab will have 20 workstations with machines with current operating systems capable of running contemporary software. PC lab will have 10 machines with current operating systems. The Mac lab will offer current 2D and 3D software applications. The PC lab will offer 3D applilcations and both labs will have current image editing software.
Finding Computer lab status
PC Computer Animation Lab has current versions 8 Maya on all workstations. Mac lab has versions 6.5-7. 10 of the workstations in the Mac lab are more than 5 years old and should be replaced with machines with faster processors and more RAM.
Actions for Objective:

Action Upgrade Macintosh Lab
Replace the 10 oldest computers in the Macintosh lab. Upgrade all computers to at least Maya version 8.

GOAL: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Objective Demonstrate The Basic Principles And Skills In 2D Animation
Students will demonstrate knowledge, proficiency, and skill in the Principles of Animation and acquire the skills to create 2D Animation.
Associated Goals: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Indicator ART 490 Animation Portfolio
Students in ART 490 will work on a thesis project consisting of an animated work that demonstrates skill and talent in a specific area of expertise. The students will create a Demo Reel (Portfolio) consisting of the thesis project and clips of work that demonstrate expertise in other areas of animation. These clips will be drawn from work done in previous courses in the Computer Animation Program. The demo reel will be evaluated by Computer Animation Faculty and by Professionals in the Animation and Gaming Industry. Professionals in the Gaming and Animation Industry will evaluate the Demo Reel when the students apply for jobs. The Faculty will evaluate the Demo Reel by rating each of the following on a scale of 1-5: 2D Animation- Is the student able to animate 2 dimensional drawings in a way that suggests believable motion of objects governed by the laws of physics? Does the work demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document? Can the student animate graphics and text to effectively communicate the content and purpose of the works? 3D Computer Animation- Is the student capable of modeling complex objects in a 3D program? Can the student effectively rig and animate a character? Does the work indicate that the student creates believable and aesthetic textures and surfaces? Are the animations effectively lit and rendered? Does the work demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document?
Criteria Portfolio
Students will have a professional quality portfolio that will include 2D Animation, 3D Models and environments, with textured surfaces, and character animation with an emphasis on one area of specialization. It is expected that at least 90% of the students receive at least 30 points on a 1-40 point evaluation of their portfolio by two Computer Animation Faculty. It is expected that at least 75% of the students who submit a portfolio to an industry professional or studio are granted a job interview.
Finding Portfolio
At the conclusion of the first year of the program, no students have reached the level of this objective.
Indicator Demonstration Of 2D Techniques And Basic Principles
Students in ART 231 and ART 331 will demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of animation and the ability to complete 2D animations. At the completion of ART 331 the student should be able to animate 2 dimensional drawings in a way that suggests believable motion of objects governed by the laws of physics; demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document; animate graphics and text to effectively communicate the content and purpose works made for video or film. The portfolio of work done in art 331 will be submitted as a final project in this course and will be used to asses these skills and abilities. Faculty will score the work on a scale of 1-100.
Criteria 2D Animation Skills
Computer Animation Students will pass ART 331 by completing a portfolio that demonstrates 2D Animation techniques and an understanding of the principles of animation. It is expected that at least 80% of the students make a grade of C or higher in the course.
Finding 2D Skills
19 Students were enrolled in ART 331 in the Fall of 07. One of these was a declared Computer Animation major and received a grade of B.
Actions for Objective:

Action ART 231 and 331
Continue to offer ART231 and 331. Offer ART231 in the fall instead of the spring. As the number of Computer Animation students increase, more sections may be offered.

GOAL: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Objective Enhance The Reputation Of The Computer Animation Program
Increase the visibility of the Computer Animation Program in the Academic and Professional Community
Associated Goals: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Indicator ART 490 Animation Portfolio
Students in ART 490 will work on a thesis project consisting of an animated work that demonstrates skill and talent in a specific area of expertise. The students will create a Demo Reel (Portfolio) consisting of the thesis project and clips of work that demonstrate expertise in other areas of animation. These clips will be drawn from work done in previous courses in the Computer Animation Program. The demo reel will be evaluated by Computer Animation Faculty and by Professionals in the Animation and Gaming Industry. Professionals in the Gaming and Animation Industry will evaluate the Demo Reel when the students apply for jobs. The Faculty will evaluate the Demo Reel by rating each of the following on a scale of 1-5: 2D Animation- Is the student able to animate 2 dimensional drawings in a way that suggests believable motion of objects governed by the laws of physics? Does the work demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document? Can the student animate graphics and text to effectively communicate the content and purpose of the works? 3D Computer Animation- Is the student capable of modeling complex objects in a 3D program? Can the student effectively rig and animate a character? Does the work indicate that the student creates believable and aesthetic textures and surfaces? Are the animations effectively lit and rendered? Does the work demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document?
Criteria Portfolio
Students will have a professional quality portfolio that will include 2D Animation, 3D Models and environments, with textured surfaces, and character animation with an emphasis on one area of specialization. It is expected that at least 90% of the students receive at least 30 points on a 1-40 point evaluation of their portfolio by two Computer Animation Faculty. It is expected that at least 75% of the students who submit a portfolio to an industry professional or studio are granted a job interview.
Finding Portfolio
At the conclusion of the first year of the program, no students have reached the level of this objective.
Indicator Advertising
An annual count of the number of advertisements and articles about the Computer Animation Program in Trade Journals and Industry Websites.
Criteria Industry Journals and Publications
The animation program will be advertised or described in at least 2 major industry journals or publlications.
Finding Industry Publications
The BFA in Computer Animation was advertised in a Banner on the "Gamasutra" website and the program was described in their listings. The program was listed in "Game Developers" issue devoted to University animation programs.
Actions for Objective:

Action Advertise and Promote
Continue to advertise the program in journals and publications. Send Computer Animation faculty to conferences to promote the program among other professionals. Encourage computer animation faculty to exhibit and publish work. Encourage students to enter student competitions.

GOAL: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Objective Fine Art Foundations
Students will enter the program with basic skills in drawing and design, and have an awareness of comtemporary art.
Associated Goals: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Indicator BFA Review
All BFA Candidates participate in BFA Review after completion of Sophomore level art foundation courses to assess their retention and integration of skills learned. Students bring work from these classes to the review and are assessed by a panel of faculty. Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to make sophisticated compositions using the elements of line, shape, color, form, texture, value and scale and the principles of balance, movement, symmetry, organization, and figure-ground relationships. Students will be evaluated on their ability to keep a sketchbook and to creatively solve problems by exhibiting works that are unique examples of harmonious design. Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to convey concepts through the use of the elements of design. To successfully pass the BFA review, students must 1) earn a grade of B or higher in all foundation courses and 2) receive a "pass" from the faculty reviewers. Faculty evaluators will recommend that each student pass, fail, or resubmit work to the BFA review.
Criteria Passing the BFA review
Students will pass the BFA review before enrolling in upper level Computer Animation courses. It is expected that at least 80% of Computer Animation BFA students pass the BFA review.
Finding BFA Review
No Computer Animation students have been through the BFA review at this time.
Actions for Objective:

Action Require BFA review
Currently the BFA review is not required for admission to upper level classes. Computer Animation students should be required to pass the BFA review before taking ART 331.

GOAL: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Objective History Of Animation
Students will learn the History of Animation.
Associated Goals: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Indicator ART 473 History Of Animation
ART 473 History of Animation was offered as a writing enhanced class in the Summer 2007 and will be offered in subsequent summer sessions. This course is required for Computer Animation BFA students. Students in the course are tested on factual knowledge and write a research paper on a topic in Animation history. Students are graded on their ability to identify styles, trends and techniques in animation from 1900-the present. Students will be able to recognize the time period associated with these styles and their cultural significance. Students will be given multiple choice and short answer examinations that will be graded on a scale of 1-100. Students will write a research paper on a specific topic in the History of Animation. In this paper, the student will describe in detail the work of a particular animator or studio, give a history of this, and describe the relationship of the work to the culture to which it belongs. The papers will be graded on a scale of 1-100.
Criteria History of Animation
Computer Animation students will pass the exams in ART 473 and make a passing grade on the research paper in this course. It is expected that at least 80% of the students make a grade of C or higher in the course.
Finding History of Animation
ART 473, the History of Animation was offerred in the Summer of 2007. 10 Students successfully completed the course. One of these was was a computer animation major.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to offer ART 473
ART 473 will be taught at least once per year. As the number of Computer Animation students increases, it may be taught more often.

GOAL: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Objective Portfolio
At the completion of the program, students will have a portfolio that will enable to them to compete for jobs in the animation and gaming industries.
Associated Goals: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Indicator ART 490 Animation Portfolio
Students in ART 490 will work on a thesis project consisting of an animated work that demonstrates skill and talent in a specific area of expertise. The students will create a Demo Reel (Portfolio) consisting of the thesis project and clips of work that demonstrate expertise in other areas of animation. These clips will be drawn from work done in previous courses in the Computer Animation Program. The demo reel will be evaluated by Computer Animation Faculty and by Professionals in the Animation and Gaming Industry. Professionals in the Gaming and Animation Industry will evaluate the Demo Reel when the students apply for jobs. The Faculty will evaluate the Demo Reel by rating each of the following on a scale of 1-5: 2D Animation- Is the student able to animate 2 dimensional drawings in a way that suggests believable motion of objects governed by the laws of physics? Does the work demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document? Can the student animate graphics and text to effectively communicate the content and purpose of the works? 3D Computer Animation- Is the student capable of modeling complex objects in a 3D program? Can the student effectively rig and animate a character? Does the work indicate that the student creates believable and aesthetic textures and surfaces? Are the animations effectively lit and rendered? Does the work demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Animation described in the attached document?
Criteria Portfolio
Students will have a professional quality portfolio that will include 2D Animation, 3D Models and environments, with textured surfaces, and character animation with an emphasis on one area of specialization. It is expected that at least 90% of the students receive at least 30 points on a 1-40 point evaluation of their portfolio by two Computer Animation Faculty. It is expected that at least 75% of the students who submit a portfolio to an industry professional or studio are granted a job interview.
Finding Portfolio
At the conclusion of the first year of the program, no students have reached the level of this objective.
Actions for Objective:

Action ART490
Offer ART 490 by the Fall of 2009. Students who reach the end of the Computer Animation program before then will be offered an independent study to complete the portfolio.

GOAL: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Objective Recruitment
Increase the number of motivated, dedicated and talented students persuing a degree in computer animation.
Associated Goals: Provide A Quality Program In Computer Animation

Indicator Class Enrollment
An annual count of the number of students enrolled in each Computer Animation course and a comparison of this count with that of the previous year.
Criteria Increasing Enrollment
The number of students enrolled in animation courses and the number of animation majors is expected to increase annually for the next five years. An annual increase of at least 20% is desired.
Finding Animation Course Enrollment
9 Animation courses were offered in 2006-07 with an average of 12.8 students enrolled in each course. This is the first year of the program, so this is baseline data for comparison with data from next year.
Indicator Number Of Majors
An annual count of the number of official and unofficial majors declaring a BFA Computer Animation and a comparison of this count with that of the previous year.
Criteria Increasing Majors
The number of declared and undeclared animation majors will increase annually for the next five years. An annual increase of at least 20% is desired.
Finding Number of Majors
At the beginning of the assesment period, there were no declared or undeclared majors in Computer Animation. Since this is the first year of the program there is no other data for this period.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Recruitment efforts
Continue to participate in Saturday at Sam. Publish a brochure for distribution to local high schools and community colleges. Visit these schools to recruit. Continue to advertise in Journals and Publications. Send out press release describing the program.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111