
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Family and Consumer Sciences BS (Fashion Merchandising)

3 Goals     8 Objectives     8 Indicators     8 Criteria     8 Findings     8 Actions

GOAL: Employer Satisfaction

Objective Employer Rating
Employers will rate fashion merchandising inters as "above average" or higher on the business supervisor evaluation forms.
Associated Goals: Employer Satisfaction

Indicator Evaluation Rating Data  
The supervisor evaluation form for fashion merchandising interns includes a supervisor rating of the intern that will be extracted and averaged.
Criteria Evaluation Rating Data
80% of business supervisors of fashion merchandising interns would give the intern a rating of 3.5 or higher on a 5.0 scale. Business supervisors were asked to rate interns on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being exceptional.
Finding Business Supervisors'' Ratings of Interns
Business supervisors were asked to rate interns on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being poor and 5 being exceptional. 87.5% of business supervisors rated interns at least 3.5 on this scale; the average rating was 3.94; therefore this indicator was met.
Actions for Objective:

Action Employer Rating
Continue current course.

GOAL: Employer Satisfaction

Objective Employer Satisfaction With FMD Interns
Employers of Fashion Merchandising interns will view them as worthy of recruitment for entry-level management employment in their companies.
Associated Goals: Employer Satisfaction

Indicator Evaluation Data  
The supervisor evaluation form contains a question regarding the intern's potential as an employee of the business that will be extracted and reported as a percentage.
Criteria Evaluation Data
70% of business supervisors of fashion merchandising interns will indicate that they would hire the intern given the availability of a suitable entry-level management position in the company.
Finding Business Supervisors'' Assessment of Hirability
Internship business supervisors were asked whether they would hire the intern for a suitable opening in their business. 100% of business supervisors indicated that they would hire the intern; therefore this indicator is met.
Actions for Objective:

Action Employer Satisfaction with Interns
Continue current course.

GOAL: Student Knowledge Of Content Area

Objective Knowledge And Skills
Students graduating from the fashion merchandising program will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary for entry-level management in fashion retailing/merchandising positions.
Associated Goals: Student Knowledge Of Content Area

Indicator Survey Data  
The Exit Survey for fashion merchandising majors includes a section that tests retention of course material and a case study that applies directly to retail apparel merchandising; it is graded on a pass/fail basis.
Criteria Survey Data
80% of students who complete the fashion merchandising program''s Exit Survey will score a grade of Pass or High Pass according to the standardized grading rubric.
Finding Score on Exit Survey Exam
An exam over general content area is administered at the end of students'' program. Scores are given as fail, low pass, pass, high pass. 100% of students scored pass or high pass; therefore, this indicator is met.
Actions for Objective:

Action Knowledge and Skills
Continue current course.

GOAL: Student Satisfaction

Objective Building/Facilities
The faculty and staff will provide a department viewed by the students as satisfactory in regard to the building/facilities
Associated Goals: Student Satisfaction

Indicator Survey Data - Building  
Exit Survey data that includes ratings of the facility that will be extracted and analyzed.
Criteria Student Rating Score - building
80% of graduating seniors will rate the facility used by the department with a score of 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale.
Finding Student Survey Results - building
Students were asked whether building facilities were excellent, good, fair, or poor. 63% of students indicated that building facilities were excellent or good; there this indicator was not met.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Survey - Building/Facilties
Survey students to determine what aspects of the building are considered inadequate.

GOAL: Student Satisfaction

Objective Faculty
The faculty will provide a department viewed by the students as satisfactory in regard to the faculty.
Associated Goals: Student Satisfaction

Indicator Survey Data - Faculty  
Exit survey data that includes a rating of the faculty in the program that will be extracted and analyzed.
Criteria Student rating score - faculty
80% of graduating seniors will rate the faculty in the program with a score of 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale. Students were asked whether faculty was very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or very unsatisfactory.
Finding Student survey results - faculty
Students were asked whether faculty in the program were very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or very unsatisfactory. 100% of students indicated that faculty was very satisfactory (62.5%) or satisfactory (37.5%); thus this criterion was met.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student survey results - faculty
Continue current course.

GOAL: Student Satisfaction

Objective Opportunities For Networking
The faculty will provide a department viewed by the students as satisfactory in regard to opportunities for networking.
Associated Goals: Student Satisfaction

Indicator Survey Data - Networking  
Exit survey data that includes a rating of the opportunities for networking providing to the student will be extracted and analyzed.
Criteria Student rating score - networking
80% of graduating seniors will rate the opportunities for networking with a score of 3.0 or greater on a 4.0.
Finding Student survey results - networking
Students were asked whether opportunities for networking were very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or very unsatisfactory. 75% of students indicated that networking opportunities were very satisfactory (12.5%) or satisfactory (62.5%). 25% indicated that networking opportunities were unsatisfactory; therefore, this criterion was not met.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student survey results - networking opportunities
Survey students for suggestions on how to improve networking opportunities.

GOAL: Student Satisfaction

Objective Professional Organizations
The faculty will provide a department viewed by the students as satisfactory in regard to professional organizations.
Associated Goals: Student Satisfaction

Indicator Survey Data - Professional Organizations  
Exit survey data that includes a rating of the professional organizations will be extracted and analyzed.
Criteria Student rating score - organizations
80% of graduating seniors will rate professional organizations in the department with a score of 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale. Students were asked whether professional organizations within the department were very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or very unsatisfactory.
Finding Student survey results - organizations
Students were asked whether the professional organization for the program was very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or very unsatisfactory. 87.5% of students reported that professional organizations were very satisfactory (37.5%) or satisfactory (50%). Therefore, this criterion was met.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Survey Results - organizations
Continue current course.

GOAL: Student Satisfaction

Objective Program Content For FMD Major
The faculty will provide a department viewed by the students as satisfactory in regard to the program content for the major.
Associated Goals: Student Satisfaction

Indicator Survey Data - Program Major  
Exit survey data that includes a rating of the program content in the major that will be extracted and analyzed.
Criteria Student rating score - program content
80% of graduating seniors will rate the program content in the major with a score of 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale. Students were asked whether program content in the major was very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or very unsatisfactory.
Finding Student survey results - program content
Students were asked whether program content in the major was very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or very unsatisfactory. 100% of students reported that program content was very satisfactory (67.5%) or satisfactory (37.5); therefore, this criterion was met.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student survey results - program content
Continue current course.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111