
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Criminal Justice, Forensic Science MS

3 Goals     4 Objectives     13 Indicators     13 Criteria     13 Findings     13 Actions

GOAL: 1. Quality Education, Scholarship And Service

Objective 3. Oriented In Professional Qualities
Students will be oriented in professional values, concepts, ethics and problem solving.
Associated Goals: 1. Quality Education, Scholarship And Service, 2. Develop Specific Knowledge Base

Indicator 3(a) Essay, Oral/Case Presentation Or Written Project
Students will demonstrate competence and understanding in courses pertinent to professional values, concepts, ethics and problem solving (CJ561; CJ537; CJ 694)
Criteria 3(a) 70+% score "B" or higher
At least 70% of students will achieve a grade of "B" or higher.
Finding 3(a) Expectation exceeded
a) 100% obtained B or higher
Indicator 3(b) Course Evaluation
Course evaluation
Criteria 3(b) IDEA rating
IDEA - average rating of 3.0 or greater will be achieved for all courses pertinent to professional values, concepts, ethics and problem solving (DJ561, CJ537, CJ694)
Finding 3(b) Average rating exceeded expectations
Average rating was 4.2
Indicator 3(c) Program Goals Achieved
Program Exit Survey will be conducted prior to graduation and analyzed annually to measure student's confidence in obtaining substantive material competence.
Criteria 3(c) 70+% feel competent
At least 70% of students report being confident of substantive material competence.
Finding 3(c) Exit Survey
95% of the students responding to the exit survey scored the relevance of the core courses as satisfactory.
Actions for Objective:

Action 3(a) Expectation exceeded
No further action needed
Action 3(b) Expectations exceeded
No further action needed
Action 3(c) Expectations Exceeded
No further action needed

GOAL: 2. Develop Specific Knowledge Base

Objective 1. Detailed Competence Of Material
Students will command detailed competence of core course material and specialized areas of forensic science.
Associated Goals: 2. Develop Specific Knowledge Base

Indicator 1(a) Essay, Oral/Case Presentation Or Written Project
Students will complete required core courses, final examinations, assignments and case presentations pertinent to the discipline (Core Courses: CJ560, CHM440, CHM585, CJ694, DJ561, CJ531, BIO595)
Criteria 1(a) 70+% score
At least 70% of students will achieve a grade of "B" or higher.
Finding 1(a) 100%
a) 100% scored satisfactory
Indicator 1(b) Successful Defense Of Thesis/Completion Of Capstone Course
Students will successfully complete a research-based Capstone Course.
Criteria 1(b) 80+% Pass Thesis oral defense/Capstone Course
At least 80% of students will submit a Thesis and pass the oral defense, or obtain a grade of "B" or higher in a research-based Capstone Course.
Finding 1(b) 100%
b) 100% scored satisfactory
Indicator 1(c) Program Goals Achieved
Course evaluations
Criteria 1(c)
IDEA-average rating of 3.0 or greater will be achieved for all core courses
Finding 1(c)Expectation exceeded
The average rating for all core courses was 4.0
Indicator 1(d) Program Exit Survey
Program Exit Survey will be conducted prior to graduation and analyzed annually to measure student's confidence in obtaining substantive material competence.
Criteria 1(d) 70+% feel competent
At least 70% of students report being confident of substantive material competence.
Finding 1(d) Expectation met
Yes, 70% or more expressed competence
Actions for Objective:

Action 1(a) Expectation exceeded
a) No action necesary
Action 1(b) Expectation exceeded
b) No action necessary
Action 1(c) Expectation exceeded
c) no further action needed
Action 1(d) Expectations met
No further action needed

GOAL: 2. Develop Specific Knowledge Base

Objective 3. Oriented In Professional Qualities
Students will be oriented in professional values, concepts, ethics and problem solving.
Associated Goals: 1. Quality Education, Scholarship And Service, 2. Develop Specific Knowledge Base

Indicator 3(a) Essay, Oral/Case Presentation Or Written Project
Students will demonstrate competence and understanding in courses pertinent to professional values, concepts, ethics and problem solving (CJ561; CJ537; CJ 694)
Criteria 3(a) 70+% score "B" or higher
At least 70% of students will achieve a grade of "B" or higher.
Finding 3(a) Expectation exceeded
a) 100% obtained B or higher
Indicator 3(b) Course Evaluation
Course evaluation
Criteria 3(b) IDEA rating
IDEA - average rating of 3.0 or greater will be achieved for all courses pertinent to professional values, concepts, ethics and problem solving (DJ561, CJ537, CJ694)
Finding 3(b) Average rating exceeded expectations
Average rating was 4.2
Indicator 3(c) Program Goals Achieved
Program Exit Survey will be conducted prior to graduation and analyzed annually to measure student's confidence in obtaining substantive material competence.
Criteria 3(c) 70+% feel competent
At least 70% of students report being confident of substantive material competence.
Finding 3(c) Exit Survey
95% of the students responding to the exit survey scored the relevance of the core courses as satisfactory.
Actions for Objective:

Action 3(a) Expectation exceeded
No further action needed
Action 3(b) Expectations exceeded
No further action needed
Action 3(c) Expectations Exceeded
No further action needed

GOAL: 3. Promote Advancement Within The Field

Objective 2. Acquire And Apply Practical Skills
Students will acquire practical skills in forensic science and apply this knowledge.
Associated Goals: 3. Promote Advancement Within The Field

Indicator 2(a) Practical Experiments, Demonstrations And Case Presentations
Students will complete practical experiments, demonstrations and student case presentations in required courses (CHM585, BIO591, BIO595, CJ560, CJ531 & CJ694) at the conclusion of each semester.
Criteria 2(a) 80+% score "B" or higher
At least 80% of students will achieve a grade of "B" or higher.
Finding 2(a) 99%
a) 99% obtained B or higher
Indicator 2(b) Successful Defense Of Thesis/Completion Of Capstone Course
As a final requirement of the degree program and prior to graduation, students will successfully write and orally defend a Thesis (BIO/CHM or CJ698, CJ699), or complete a research-based Capstone Course for which findings are gathered and analyzed at the end of each semester.
Criteria 2(b) 80+% Pass Thesis oral defense/Capstone Course
At least 80% of students will submit a Thesis and pass the oral defense/ complete a research-based Capstone Course.
Finding 2(b) 100%
b) 100% scored satisfactory or higher
Actions for Objective:

Action 2(a) Expectation exceeded
a) No action necessary
Action 2(b) Expectation exceeded
b) No action necessary

GOAL: 3. Promote Advancement Within The Field

Objective 4. Demonstrate Integration Of Knowledge And Skills
Students will demonstrate integration of knowledge and skills necessary for future success in the field of forensic science.
Associated Goals: 3. Promote Advancement Within The Field

Indicator 4(a) Internship Success
Students will successfully complete a ten(10) week internship in a forensic laboratory, law enforcement agency, research facility, or related agency (CJ670)for which findings are gathered and analyzed at the end of each semester.
Criteria 4(a) 70+% score "B" or higher
At least 70% of students will obtain a grade of "B" or higher.
Finding 4(a) Expectation met
4(a) yes, 70+% score "B" or higher
Indicator 4(b) Program Goals Achieved
Program Exit Survey will be conducted prior to graduation and analyzed annually to measure student's confidence in obtaining substantive material competence.
Criteria 4(b) 70+% feel competent
At least 70% of students report being confident of substantive material competence.
Finding 4(b) Expectation met
yes, at least 70% of students report being confident of substantive material competence.
Indicator 4(c) Alumni Survey
Atleast 70% of students obtain employment in forensic science or a related discipline within 2 years of graduation.
Criteria 4(c) Expectation exceeded
100% reported successful emplyment
Finding 4(c) Expectation met
yes, 100% of students obtain employment in forensic science or a related discipline within 2 years of graduation.
Indicator 4(d) Employer Survey
At least 70% of employers surveyed will report being satisfied or very satisfied with graduates in terms of technical skills and knowledge needed for the job.
Criteria 4(d) 100% satisfied
100% of employers were satisfied or very satisfied.
Finding 4(d) Expectation exceeded
Yes, 100% of employers were satisfied or very satisfied.
Actions for Objective:

Action 4(a) Expectation met
No action necesary
Action 4(b) Expection met
No action necesary
Action 4(c) Expectation met
No action necesary
Action 4(d) Expectation met
No action necesary

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111