
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Computing Science BS

3 Goals     9 Objectives     9 Indicators     9 Criteria     6 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: Lifelong Learning

Objective Facility Access
The ideal student will have access to high quality classroom and laboratory facilities
Associated Goals: Lifelong Learning

Actions for Objective:

Action Lab Accessibility
The department is pursuing an aggressive refit of existing classroom spaces to provide adequate, power and network access for each classroom. Currently two of the four primary rooms have been refitted with the remaining ones scheduled for 21008/9

GOAL: Lifelong Learning

Objective Graduate School Preparation
The ideal student will be properly prepared for graduate school admission
Associated Goals: Lifelong Learning, Specialized Competencies, Technical Foundation

Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Actions for Objective:

Action ICCP Exam Results
No Action Required. ICCP exam results exceed criterion for success.

GOAL: Lifelong Learning

Objective University Contact
The ideal student will maintain contact with the university beyond graduation and participate in university life through alumni and other activities.
Associated Goals: Lifelong Learning

Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Specialized Competencies

Objective Graduate School Preparation
The ideal student will be properly prepared for graduate school admission
Associated Goals: Lifelong Learning, Specialized Competencies, Technical Foundation

Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Actions for Objective:

Action ICCP Exam Results
No Action Required. ICCP exam results exceed criterion for success.

GOAL: Specialized Competencies

Objective Knowledge of math, science, computer and network systems
The ideal student will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and computer and network systems, together with both an understanding of, and skill in, computer programming.
Associated Goals: Specialized Competencies, Technical Foundation

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work.
Criteria Alumni-technical preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Indicator Availaility of Computer Laboratories
Available of Computer labs provided by both Computer Services and Computer Science to service the requirements of the students.
Criteria Computer Lab Availability
100% of classes are provided with appropriate computer and network access.
Finding Lab Accessibility
Exiting seniors expressed concern over the lack of access to computer facilities within the class and in particular to wireless network access.
Indicator Computer Facilities Budget
University and department budget allocated to the development and maintenance of campus computer facilities
Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Indicator Graduating Senior Transcripts
Transcript of all coursework taken by graduating seniors
Criteria Computer Science
100% of graduating seniors will have 26 hours of core computer science classes as specified in the undergraduate catalog together with an 18-hour concentration in Computer Science, Information Systems or Information Assurance and Security
Finding Computer Science
Not all students are graduating with 44 hours of computer science during the transition from the old curriculum to the new curriculum.
Criteria Mathematics
100% of students graduating will have at least fifteen hours of mathematics on their transcript including MTH 295 and six hours of upper division credit
Finding Mathematics Requirements
Not all graduating seniors are conforming to the Accredited degree program structure as they are still under the old catalog. Primarily MTH 295 is not appearing on the transcript.
Criteria Science
100% of graduating seniors will have at least sixteen hours of natural sciences with at least 8 hours in each of two science.
Finding Science
100% of graduating seniors have at least 16 hours of lab based science on their transcript with a minimum grade of C for each course.
Indicator Senior Exit Survey
Perception survey of graduating seniors. conducted three times a year in December, April and July.
Criteria Communication
Criteria Lab Accessibility
70% of seniors responding to survey indicate that access to laboratory resources was acceptable or higher.
Criteria Senior Exit - Technical preparation
70% of seniors completing the exit survey indicate that they feel their technical preparation is adequate for their professional area.
Finding Graduating senior Technical Preparation
100% of graduating seniors expressed satisfaction with the technical preparation received
Indicator Student evaluations
Semester student course evaluations including evaluation of the course objectives against actual learning.
Actions for Objective:

Action Computer science course load
Continuous monitoring of graduating senior transcripts will take place.
Action Curriculum Quality
Continuous review of the curriculum through the undergraduate curriculum committee.
Action Mathematics
THe status of mathematics needs to be continuously monitored as we transition from the old curriculum to the new.
Action Science
No action necessary

GOAL: Specialized Competencies

Objective Professional Functionality
The ideal student will be able to function professionally and effectively in a variety of network, hardware, operating system and application development environments.
Associated Goals: Specialized Competencies, Technical Foundation

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work.
Criteria Alumni-technical preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Specialized Competencies

Objective Specialized Skills
The ideal student will develop specialized skills that prepare the student for entry into a self selected domain within computer science.
Associated Goals: Specialized Competencies

Indicator Computer Facilities Budget
University and department budget allocated to the development and maintenance of campus computer facilities
Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Indicator Graduating Senior Transcripts
Transcript of all coursework taken by graduating seniors
Criteria Computer Science
100% of graduating seniors will have 26 hours of core computer science classes as specified in the undergraduate catalog together with an 18-hour concentration in Computer Science, Information Systems or Information Assurance and Security
Finding Computer Science
Not all students are graduating with 44 hours of computer science during the transition from the old curriculum to the new curriculum.
Criteria Mathematics
100% of students graduating will have at least fifteen hours of mathematics on their transcript including MTH 295 and six hours of upper division credit
Finding Mathematics Requirements
Not all graduating seniors are conforming to the Accredited degree program structure as they are still under the old catalog. Primarily MTH 295 is not appearing on the transcript.
Criteria Science
100% of graduating seniors will have at least sixteen hours of natural sciences with at least 8 hours in each of two science.
Finding Science
100% of graduating seniors have at least 16 hours of lab based science on their transcript with a minimum grade of C for each course.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Specialized Competencies

Objective Teamwork and Projects
The ideal student will gain experience and skill in team-oriented projects designed to solve real-world problems
Associated Goals: Specialized Competencies

Indicator Computer Facilities Budget
University and department budget allocated to the development and maintenance of campus computer facilities
Indicator Team Presentation Documentation
Team Presentation Dcomentation
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Technical Foundation

Objective Abstraction
The ideal student will be able to construct and employ abstractions and algorithms in pursuit of solutions to computational problems and represent such abstractions in computer languages
Associated Goals: Technical Foundation

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work.
Criteria Alumni-technical preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Indicator Availaility of Computer Laboratories
Available of Computer labs provided by both Computer Services and Computer Science to service the requirements of the students.
Criteria Computer Lab Availability
100% of classes are provided with appropriate computer and network access.
Finding Lab Accessibility
Exiting seniors expressed concern over the lack of access to computer facilities within the class and in particular to wireless network access.
Indicator Computer Facilities Budget
University and department budget allocated to the development and maintenance of campus computer facilities
Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Technical Foundation

Objective Graduate School Preparation
The ideal student will be properly prepared for graduate school admission
Associated Goals: Lifelong Learning, Specialized Competencies, Technical Foundation

Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Actions for Objective:

Action ICCP Exam Results
No Action Required. ICCP exam results exceed criterion for success.

GOAL: Technical Foundation

Objective Knowledge of math, science, computer and network systems
The ideal student will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and computer and network systems, together with both an understanding of, and skill in, computer programming.
Associated Goals: Specialized Competencies, Technical Foundation

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work.
Criteria Alumni-technical preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Indicator Availaility of Computer Laboratories
Available of Computer labs provided by both Computer Services and Computer Science to service the requirements of the students.
Criteria Computer Lab Availability
100% of classes are provided with appropriate computer and network access.
Finding Lab Accessibility
Exiting seniors expressed concern over the lack of access to computer facilities within the class and in particular to wireless network access.
Indicator Computer Facilities Budget
University and department budget allocated to the development and maintenance of campus computer facilities
Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Indicator Graduating Senior Transcripts
Transcript of all coursework taken by graduating seniors
Criteria Computer Science
100% of graduating seniors will have 26 hours of core computer science classes as specified in the undergraduate catalog together with an 18-hour concentration in Computer Science, Information Systems or Information Assurance and Security
Finding Computer Science
Not all students are graduating with 44 hours of computer science during the transition from the old curriculum to the new curriculum.
Criteria Mathematics
100% of students graduating will have at least fifteen hours of mathematics on their transcript including MTH 295 and six hours of upper division credit
Finding Mathematics Requirements
Not all graduating seniors are conforming to the Accredited degree program structure as they are still under the old catalog. Primarily MTH 295 is not appearing on the transcript.
Criteria Science
100% of graduating seniors will have at least sixteen hours of natural sciences with at least 8 hours in each of two science.
Finding Science
100% of graduating seniors have at least 16 hours of lab based science on their transcript with a minimum grade of C for each course.
Indicator Senior Exit Survey
Perception survey of graduating seniors. conducted three times a year in December, April and July.
Criteria Communication
Criteria Lab Accessibility
70% of seniors responding to survey indicate that access to laboratory resources was acceptable or higher.
Criteria Senior Exit - Technical preparation
70% of seniors completing the exit survey indicate that they feel their technical preparation is adequate for their professional area.
Finding Graduating senior Technical Preparation
100% of graduating seniors expressed satisfaction with the technical preparation received
Indicator Student evaluations
Semester student course evaluations including evaluation of the course objectives against actual learning.
Actions for Objective:

Action Computer science course load
Continuous monitoring of graduating senior transcripts will take place.
Action Curriculum Quality
Continuous review of the curriculum through the undergraduate curriculum committee.
Action Mathematics
THe status of mathematics needs to be continuously monitored as we transition from the old curriculum to the new.
Action Science
No action necessary

GOAL: Technical Foundation

Objective Professional Functionality
The ideal student will be able to function professionally and effectively in a variety of network, hardware, operating system and application development environments.
Associated Goals: Specialized Competencies, Technical Foundation

Indicator Alumni Survey
Alumni survey inquiring about technical preparation for work.
Criteria Alumni-technical preparation
70% of alumni responding identify their technical preparation for work was acceptable or higher.
Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Technical Foundation

Objective Software Engineering
The ideal student will be able to plan, structure, implement and demonstrate solutions to computational problems through accepted software engineering methodologies.
Associated Goals: Technical Foundation

Indicator Availaility of Computer Laboratories
Available of Computer labs provided by both Computer Services and Computer Science to service the requirements of the students.
Criteria Computer Lab Availability
100% of classes are provided with appropriate computer and network access.
Finding Lab Accessibility
Exiting seniors expressed concern over the lack of access to computer facilities within the class and in particular to wireless network access.
Indicator Computer Facilities Budget
University and department budget allocated to the development and maintenance of campus computer facilities
Indicator GRE Subject Test
Criteria GRE
50% of students taking the GRE subject test will achieve a score above 720
Finding GRE Score
Graduating seniors in 2007 took the Computer science GRE subject test identifying SHSU as a target recipient. As none of the group applied to SHSU for graduate school however, the scores were not reported back to the department, nor do they appear to be available to the department at this time.
Indicator Graduating Senior Transcripts
Transcript of all coursework taken by graduating seniors
Criteria Computer Science
100% of graduating seniors will have 26 hours of core computer science classes as specified in the undergraduate catalog together with an 18-hour concentration in Computer Science, Information Systems or Information Assurance and Security
Finding Computer Science
Not all students are graduating with 44 hours of computer science during the transition from the old curriculum to the new curriculum.
Criteria Mathematics
100% of students graduating will have at least fifteen hours of mathematics on their transcript including MTH 295 and six hours of upper division credit
Finding Mathematics Requirements
Not all graduating seniors are conforming to the Accredited degree program structure as they are still under the old catalog. Primarily MTH 295 is not appearing on the transcript.
Criteria Science
100% of graduating seniors will have at least sixteen hours of natural sciences with at least 8 hours in each of two science.
Finding Science
100% of graduating seniors have at least 16 hours of lab based science on their transcript with a minimum grade of C for each course.
Indicator Team Presentation Documentation
Team Presentation Dcomentation
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111