
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Kinesiology MA

5 Goals     4 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     5 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: Constituency Satisfaction

Objective Comprehensive MA Kinesiology Exam
MA Kinesiology students will be prepared adequately to pass the graduate comprehensive exam, required of all students who earn the MA in Kinesiology.
Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction

Indicator Comprehensive Exam
MA Kinesiology students will be prepared to successfully pass the comprehensive exam at the conclusion of the MED Kinesiology program.
Criteria Exam Results
100% of MA Kinesiology graduate students will pass the comprehensive exam.
Finding Exam Mastery
100% of MA Kinesiology students passed the comprehensive exam during the 2007-2008 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Comprehensive Exam
Kinesiology graduate students will take and pass a written comprehensive exam, prepared by graduate Kinesiology faculty prior to graduating with MA kinesiology degree.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective Scholarly Inquiry/ Research
MA Kinesiology students will demonstrate competence in applying research methodologies; qualitative and quantitative analysis; literature review; and use of traditional and digital resources.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator Research Presentations
MA Kinesiology students will develop their skills in research, analysis, writing, and communication in research presentations.
Criteria Student Research Projects
Description of all MA Kinesiology students will achieve a grade on a research project based on a problem related to the field of kinesiology.
Finding Graduate Research
All students enrolled in the graduate research course made a "B" or better on the assigned research project.
Actions for Objective:

Action Scholarly Inquiry/ Research
Graduate faculty will provide opportunities for graduate students to demonstrate competence in applying research methodology; qualitative and quantitative analysis; and literature review; and the use of traditional and digital resources through various graduate course work assignments.

GOAL: Institutional Effectiveness

Objective Graduation Requirement
MA Kinesiology students will fulfill the stated University, College of Education, and Department of Health and Kinesiology requirements for graduation with the MA in Kinesiology.
Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness

Indicator Student Graduation
The Kinesiology Graduate Coordinator will certify that all graduation requirements have been met by each graduate candidate.
Criteria MA Kinesiology Exam Evaluation
A minimum pass rate of 90% of students taking the graduate comprehensive examination. In addition, each candidate must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better in graduate course work.
Finding Comprehensive Exam/GPA
100% pass rate. All students successfully passed the exam and obtained an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.
Actions for Objective:

Action Monitoring Graduation Requirements
The Kinesiology Graduate Coordinator and faculty will continue to monitor and certify that all graduation requirements are met by each graduate candidate.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective Graduate Faculty
The Kinesiology Department will recruit, maintain, and develop a highly-quality graduate teaching faculty.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness, Visibility And Impact

Indicator Faculty Effectiveness
The Department Chair and graduate students will annually evaluate the teaching effectiveness if each faculty member.
Criteria Faculty Teacher Evaluations
One-half of the Kinesiology graduate faculty will score at or above the national average on the IDEA Evaluation Instrument.
Finding Accomplishments
Target was met. Kinesiology graduate faculty teaching scores were at or exceeded the national average. All faculty members had a minimum of one peer reviewed article published or a book chapter. The Kinesiology faculty members had an average of two professional presentations during the 2006-2007 academic year.
Indicator MA Kinesiology Exam Evaluation
Members of the kinesiology graduate faculty will assess the comprehensive examination. The exams are given three times during the year: October, March, and June.
Criteria MA Kinesiology Exam Evaluation
A minimum pass rate of 90% of students taking the graduate comprehensive examination. [Note: A student who fails any section(s) of the comprehensive examination is allowed a single retake of the section(s).
Finding Exam Mastery
100% of MA Kinesiology students passed the comprehensive exam during the 2006-2007 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Support
Kinesiology graduate faculty will continue to build multi-level collaborative partnerships in an effort to increase visibility and the promotion of the Kinesiology graduate program.
Action Quality Program
Continue to support the development and promoting of quality and effectiveness in the MA Kinesiology program.

GOAL: Visibility And Impact

Objective Graduate Faculty
The Kinesiology Department will recruit, maintain, and develop a highly-quality graduate teaching faculty.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness, Visibility And Impact

Indicator Faculty Effectiveness
The Department Chair and graduate students will annually evaluate the teaching effectiveness if each faculty member.
Criteria Faculty Teacher Evaluations
One-half of the Kinesiology graduate faculty will score at or above the national average on the IDEA Evaluation Instrument.
Finding Accomplishments
Target was met. Kinesiology graduate faculty teaching scores were at or exceeded the national average. All faculty members had a minimum of one peer reviewed article published or a book chapter. The Kinesiology faculty members had an average of two professional presentations during the 2006-2007 academic year.
Indicator MA Kinesiology Exam Evaluation
Members of the kinesiology graduate faculty will assess the comprehensive examination. The exams are given three times during the year: October, March, and June.
Criteria MA Kinesiology Exam Evaluation
A minimum pass rate of 90% of students taking the graduate comprehensive examination. [Note: A student who fails any section(s) of the comprehensive examination is allowed a single retake of the section(s).
Finding Exam Mastery
100% of MA Kinesiology students passed the comprehensive exam during the 2006-2007 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Support
Kinesiology graduate faculty will continue to build multi-level collaborative partnerships in an effort to increase visibility and the promotion of the Kinesiology graduate program.
Action Quality Program
Continue to support the development and promoting of quality and effectiveness in the MA Kinesiology program.

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