
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Statistics MS

1 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Professional Preparation

Objective Preparation For Doctoral Studies
Structure the academic foundation and graduate experience to provide the academic foundation needed to pursue the study of statistics at the doctoral level.
Associated Goals: Professional Preparation

Indicator Entry Into Graduate Programs
Students who receive the MS by following a departmental MS curriculum that is in agreement with recommendations from the American Statistical Association and who also meet requirements for entry into a doctoral program.
Criteria Pursuit of a Doctorate
Graduates with the MS in Statistics who seek a doctoral degree are successful in doing so with an overall graduate pool success rate of 100%.
Finding Students Seeking the Doctoral Degress
Of the students completing the MS in Statistics, 12 sought the doctorate degree at other institutions. Of these, 4 have completed the Ph.D., 6 are actively pursuing the Ph.D., and 2 withdrew and took jobs in industry.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase Faculty Support Base
Increased statistics faculty workloads due to increases in graduate students seeking the MS in statistics dictates the need for additional statistics faculty; the action to meet this demand is in progress.

GOAL: Professional Preparation

Objective Preparation For Graduate Minor
Structure the academic foundation and graduate experience to provide opportunity for the study of statistics at the graduate level by students whose primary area of specialization is a field in which applications of statistics are appropriate.
Associated Goals: Professional Preparation

Indicator Students In Minor
Students who complete the departmental requirements for a graduate minor in statistics based on curriculum recommendations for the minor from the American Statistical Association.
Criteria ASA Criteria
SHSU will meet stated ASA criteria for those students choosing statistics as a minor in their master''s program
Finding ASA criteria
The department meets the ASA criteria for those students choosing statistics as a minor in their master''s program.
Actions for Objective:

Action ASA criteria
Monitor ASA guidelines to ensure continued compliance.

GOAL: Professional Preparation

Objective Preparation For Industy
Structure the academic foundation and graduate experience to provide professionally competent statisticians equipped to accept responsibilities in business, industry, and public service positions.
Associated Goals: Professional Preparation

Indicator Employment In Industry
Students who receive the MS by following a departmental MS curriculum that is in agreement with recommendations from the American Statistical Association and who are pursued by industrial firms.
Criteria Industrial Employment
Graduates with the MS in Statistics who seek employment in industry are employed and are successful with an overall graduate pool success rate of 100%.
Finding Findings Based on Employment in Industry
For the 53 graduates who have completed the MS in statistics, 41 sought employment in industry and the employment success rate for these 41 was 100%.
Actions for Objective:

Action Seek Support to Increase TA Support
The need for TA positions to support the MS Program in Statistics exceeds those available; means and methods for obtaining additional TA positions are being sought.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111