
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Geography BA

3 Goals     7 Objectives     7 Indicators     7 Criteria     7 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Objective G1 O1
The program will consistently strive to improve the quality of its program by making adjustments to its curriculum as needed.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Indicator G1 O1 I1
The department will, as needed, seek input from a variety of sources, including Professional Advisory Councils and Student Advisory Councils, and will use that input as the basis for modifying the curriculum.
Criteria G1 O1 I1 C1
Curriculum will be modified in response to input
Finding G1 O1 I1 C1 F1
Our advisory councils made several recommendations for changes that have been implemented: a) Councils suggested that we incorporate more student projects into courses that require group interaction and presentations b) Councils suggested that we use Census Bureau data in our GIS courses c) Councils suggested that we enhance the applied focus of our curriculum d) Councils suggested that we add a natural hazards course to increase enrollment
Actions for Objective:

Action Course Content
Advice of Advisory council followed: More presentations and group work; Census Bureau data incorporated in GIS courses; Hazards course offered via Geology.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Objective G1 O2
The Department will seek to ensure that the quality of our instruction is rated as satisfactory or better by our students
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Indicator G1 O2 I1
The Department uses the IDEA evaluation system as well as peer-evaluation.
Criteria G1 O2 I1 C1
The scores on the IDEA form (summary score) must be rated consistently as "average" or above, and the peer evaluations must be deemed acceptable by departmental peers.
Finding G1 O2 I1 C1 F1
With very few exceptions, this criterion has been met.
Actions for Objective:

Action G1 O2 I1 C1 F1 A1
The department Chair meets with each faculty member to review his or her teaching performance and provides suggestions and recommendations in those few instances in which the faculty member receives less than satisfactory ratings. Failure to improve teaching can lead to dismissal for tenure-track faculty or adversely impact merit for tenured faculty.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Objective G1 O3
The department will strive to enhance the quality of instruction through the use of appropriate technology in the classroom and during lab activities.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Indicator G1 O3 I1
The Department will add and/or maintain teaching equipment, such as dedicated computers, overhead LCD projectors, DVD players, and audio equipment. We added a new remote sensing lab to compliment the GIS lab that was built 5 years ago.
Criteria Classroom Technology
All classrooms and offices should be full equipped with appropriate IT equipment.
Finding Classroom Technology
All labs, teaching classroom and offices fully equipped.
Actions for Objective:

Action G1 O3 I1 C1 F1 A1
We will continue to maintain the equipment and consider adding/purchasing new technologies and equipment as they become available and funds permit.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Objective G1 O4
The department will strive to enhance the quality of instruction through the use of field trips
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Indicator G1 O4 I1
The Department will seek to increase the number of field trips offered to our students
Criteria G1 O4 I1 C1
Four years ago, the department purchased a 15-passenger van and has since made an effort to increase the number of field trips. Also, in 2006, the department offered its first International trip (Geo 475-special topics) to China and Thailand. This trip constituted 3-hours of advanced credit. A second trip to Thailand is planned for 2008. We also developed a 1-hour credt trip during Spring Break Louisiana and Mississippi.
Finding G1 O4 I1 C1 F1
Based on anecdotal evidence, in conjunction with overall trends in the use of technology in the classroom, the results have been positive. Students now expect this level of technology and seem to prefer it. Conversations with the students indicated that that they enjoyed this first-hand, learning experience regarding different cultures and environments in both the overseas course and in the Louisiana and Mississippi trips.
Actions for Objective:

Action G1 O4 I1 C1 F1 A1
We will continue to maintain the equipment and consider adding new technologies as they become available. We will continue to offer these fieldtrip courses.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Objective G1 O5
The department will increase the availability of its courses and its visibility by offering web courses.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Quality of Program

Indicator G1 O5 I1
The Department will add to and/or maintain the number of its web-based courses.
Criteria G1 O5 I1 C1
In the past 5 years, the department has added web-versions of Geo 265, Geo 369, Geo 471 to its curriculum offerings in addition to those already offered (Geo 131/111 and Geo 161).
Finding G1 O5 I1 C1 F1
: In terms of enrollments, these courses have been very successful, averaging well more than 40 students per class. The upper division offerings are especially attractive to non-traditional students that would otherwise have to commute to campus and/or hold off on taking these courses because of lack of availability.
Actions for Objective:

Action G1 O5 I1 C1 F1 A1
We will continue to offer these courses.

GOAL: Goal 2 - Understanding of Discipline

Objective G2 O1
Geography students will successfully complete courses that encompass the breadth of the discipline, ranging from cultural geography, to physical and environmental geography, as well as technical courses.
Associated Goals: Goal 2 - Understanding of Discipline

Indicator G2 O1 I1
Successful completion of major requirements and major electives
Criteria G2 O1 I1 C1
Majors must maintain a major GPA of 2.0
Finding G2 O1 I1 C1 F1
Student academic performance is monitored by the Registrar's Office and the Departmental Advisor
Actions for Objective:

Action G2 O1 I2 C1 F1 A1
Students that do not maintain the minimum GPA requirement of 2.0 must repeat the appropriate coursework.

GOAL: Goal 3 - Professional and Technical Skills

Objective G3 O1
The Department will seek modify its curriculum as needed in order to meet this goal. Based on input from our advisory councils and other sources, the department determined that it needed to add the following courses to its curriculum: a) Added Remote Sensing - added 2005 b) Added Computer Cartography - added 2006 c) Hired a new faculty line for purposes of teaching remote sensing and computer cartography d) Proposed a Tourism Geography course in 2007 e) Proposed a Population Geography course in 2007 f) Proposed an Urban Geography course in 2007 g) Proposed a Geospatial Technology course in 2007
Associated Goals: Goal 3 - Professional and Technical Skills

Indicator G3 O1 I1   
The success of our program, as defined in terms of the success of our graduates, is measured using an Alumni Survey that is given periodically.
Criteria P& T Skills
New upper-level GEO BA courses Added
Finding P & T Skills
Alumni surveys provide only very limited data. We will switch to better targeted survey methods. Meanwhile new BA course are approved.
Actions for Objective:

Action P & T Skills
Broad curriculum review underway which uses limited alumni data from prior surveys. Remains active.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111